
Activity Recap: Soulful and Mesmerizing Music-Filled Evening

Seeds of Change seedsofchange 2022-04-13

About the Charity Music Concert + Journey into the Life of Gurrumul

On Saturday, August 8th, nearly 150 guests joined the charity film screening and music concert, inspired by the life of Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu.

在8月8日星期六,一百多位来宾在OnAir Space参加了由变革之源举办的慈善电影放映和音乐会。

Guests received a rare insight into the journey of acclaimed Australian indigenous artist Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu through the documentary, an emotional portrait of the musician beyond the stage and the spotlight. 

通过放映纪录片GURRUMUL对音乐家在舞台和聚光灯背后的情感刻画,来宾们对著名的澳大利亚原住民艺术家Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu的旅程有了难得的见解。

The screening was followed by some mesmerizing musical performances by four diverse and talented artists: Ekram, Loic, Jordan, and Inen Vai, accompanied by Jenny Tang on the violin.

接着在 Jenny Tang 的小提琴伴奏下,四位才华横溢的艺术家:Ekram,Loic,Jordan和Inen Vai 为我们展示了精彩的表演。

Throughout the night, guests experienced the transformative power of music.


First, through Gurrumul’s journey as he found purpose and meaning in music inspired by his local community on Elcho Island. And then, through our own musical journey as we listened to a myriad of beautiful live performances by global mix of musicians who all call Shanghai their home.


Together, we were able to raise ¥19,300 through event ticket sales and food vouchers. After deducting the costs, ¥6763.8 each was donated to the Gurrumul Foundation, Australia, and Hope Orphan School, Kenya – both organizations that bring education to children who are far from it.



· On Air Space for the gorgeous venue (Sacha, Yingying, Yanghui, Amy & Queena)

· Time After Time and the Australia China Young Professionals Initiative

· Food partners: PFI Foods (April & Alan), MATTER Design (Lyla), Pizza Street (Vivian), and Mediterranean Bakery (Tzachi Ronen)

· Musicians: Loic, Jordan, Ekram, Inen Vai & Jenny

· Volunteers: Coralie Debras, Katie, John Villar, Andrea, Loic, Nivedita, Gabrielle, Olivia, Kay, Elisa, Ashley, Fiona, Fanny, Sara, Jo Rankine, Wenyu, Lyla, Valeria, Shu, and Han Dong

And finally, big big thank you to every single person who joined us on this lovely evening, for your time, patience and generosity in helping us make this event truly memorable.

About the Organizations We Are Supporting


Hope Orphan Pre-School, Mombasa, Kenya: The organization is working to educate and feed the poorest children in Mombasa, Kenya. So far, they have built a preschool, a junior and a senior primary school for the kids, all with support from individual donors. The organization has its roots in Shanghai, led by Alan Coyne and built entire with funding from individual donors. Green Initiatives has been early supporter of the organization, supporting various fundraising activities. 

肯尼亚蒙巴萨的Hope Orphan学前班:该组织正在努力教育和喂养肯尼亚蒙巴萨的最贫困儿童。到目前为止,他们已经为孩子们建立了一所幼儿园,一所初中和一所高级小学,所有这些都得到了个人捐助者的支持。

Gurrumul Foundation: Gurrumul’s Foundation was established in April 2013 with a clear purpose to engage and support young Indigenous Australians – particularly in remote communities – through long term programs and activities that build on their strengths and give them hope for the future.


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If you would like to add your events to Seeds of Change contact us at 如果你想把活动也加入到变革之源: grow@seedsofchange.me 

