
When Nature Calls: We Close Our Eyes and Open Our Hearts|回顾自然的召唤

We are seedsofchange 2022-04-13
“If more people looked at the stars each night, I bet they would live their life a lot differently.” (Calvin and Hobbes)

We believe that if more people silently, deeply focused on the sounds of nature, then they would be living their lives in a lot more alignment with nature. Imagine the sound of rain falling on the grass or on the trees, the leaves hustling in the breeze, the sound of the waterfall and the cicadas and the crickets, birds chirping around or the gentle, often soothing sound of the winds – these are all music created in nature, by nature.

On 17 October 2020, over 150 people gathered together at the beautiful On Air Space in Xuhui District of Shanghai, to listen to 4 talented musicians. The voices and music of Bone Lhamo Kyap from Gansu, Song Baihua from Harbin, Kulpenay from Xinjiang and Ank.a (flute player & DJ) from Xinjiang mesmerized the audience.
2020年10月17日,超过150人在上海徐汇区的昂云空间(On Air Space)齐聚一堂,共同聆听感受4位才华横溢的音乐家:拉加木(甘肃),宋佰华(哈尔滨),胡蒲莱依·努尔兰(新疆),Ank.a(新疆)用动人的人声和音乐将观众们领入自然的奇幻秘境。

What’s more, nearly 18,500RMB was raised through ticket sales, donations and food sales, of which, nearly 15,500RMB was donated to Will Foundation, Shanghai and Hope Orphan Preschool, Mombasa, Kenya.
更令人激动的是,本次音乐会的门票、捐款、食物义卖收入达到18,500元,在扣除各种费用后,我们为上海愿景和肯尼亚蒙巴萨的Hope Orphan共捐出了近15,500元人民币。

Have a look below for some of the photographs from the event – thanks to our amazingly talented photographer friend, Suskita.
下面来一起回顾一下活动的精彩瞬间,感谢我们天赋过人的摄影师伙伴——Suskita 素思骑探!

The main goals of Seeds of Change’s Nature + Music = Impact + Experience event series are to reconnect people to nature using sounds and music, and to bring the community together to support organizations that need our help. It is also meant to be a platform to showcase the work of talented musicians based in China.
The event would not have been made possible without the gracious support of On Air Space (Venue), Time After Time (Event Concept, Musician Partnership & Promotion), Mark Samson from Youkuai Group (food sponsorship), Wow Sugar (food sponsorship), and Yeyu App (promotion).
感谢On Air Space为我们提供场地;Time After Time提供的活动主题,也是我们的音乐人合作和推广伙伴;来自优脍株肉的Mark Samson、Wow Sugar给我们的美味食物赞助;还有Yeyu App的大力推广!没有你们的支持我们无法完美呈现这场精彩绝伦的感官体验。

Big thank you also to each and every volunteer – nearly 20 of them – who selflessly volunteered their time to take care of all event arrangements: Kay Xu, Valentina Mango, Katie Tarrant, Ying, Valerie, Fiona Zhao, Marina, Coralie Debras, Andrea, Xi Wang, Sacha Silva, Yingying Chen, Queena, Yanghui, Loic Bastard, Lyla Sulaiman, and Jennifer.
这里还要提到近20位参与我们活动的志愿者们,你们每一个人都无私地献出宝贵的时间,协助我们活动的顺利进行,在此向他们致敬:Kay Xu, Valentina Mango, Katie Tarrant, Ying, Valerie, Fiona Zhao, Marina, Coralie Debras, Andrea, Xi Wang, Sacha Silva, Yingying Chen, Queena, Yanghui, Loic Bastard, Lyla Sulaiman, 和 Jennifer。

About Seeds of Change

Seeds of Change is an integrated, community-driven platform to promote overall wellbeing of body, mind and planet. Our goal is to provide more visibility and access to meaning-driven, social impact focused activities that fall within the umbrella of our 4 pillars: emotional health, social health, physical health and environmental health. Follow Seeds of Change to find events, meet people, support community groups and create a healthier planet, together.

变革之源是一个综合的、由社区驱动的平台,旨在促进身体、心灵以及地球的健康。我们的目标是为有意义并且注重社会影响力的活动提供更多的可见度,让更多人参与其中,这些活动集中在我们的4个部分:情绪健康、社会健康、身体健康和环境健康。关注 "变革种子",发现活动,结识小伙伴,支持社区团体,共同创造一个更健康的地球。

