
From Grasslands to Highlands: SoC Charity Music Concert 慈善音乐会

seedsofchange seedsofchange 2022-04-13

The wild and majestic Scottish Highlands and the vast and timeless Mongolian Grasslands have enhanced our lives with their rich landscapes for generations. From our music, poetry, food, and paintings; we are deeply influenced and inspired by the richness and beauty of these natural environments and they will forever continue to fill our hearts with memorable experiences. 


Join us for Seeds of Change's 6th Charity Music Concert that aspires to bring people together to celebrate music inspired by the grasslands and highlands. Through the event, we hope to introduce their art and music to those who haven’t experienced it before. And for those who have, we hope to recreate another heartwarming experience. 


A major part of the proceeds from the event will be donated to two children-focused charities: Squirrel & Mountain Nurturing Community, and Treasure Home, to provide more opportunities for our next generation to make peace with nature and our society.


Over the 18 months, SoC music concerts have featured over 23 special Chinese and foreign musicians, raised near 72,000 RMB for 8 different charities, and (re)connected people to soulful music, to nature, and to themselves through healing musical performances.

18个月以来,变革之源音乐会吸引了超过23位中外特别的音乐家参加, 为8个不同的慈善机构筹集近72,000元人民币。通过治愈的音乐将人们与具有灵魂的音乐、大自然以及他们自己重新连接起来。

Organized by


Supported by

Read on below for more information about our musicians, supported charities, and partners.


About the Musicians


Talin Tuya

Talin Tuya is a new-age Mongolian singer-songwriter who is the first musician in China to bring the art of jaw harp to the stage. As a new-generation creative female singer from Inner Mongolia, China, she pioneered the combination of traditional Mongolian folk music of throat singing with ancient Mongolian instruments. Talin’s songs are inspired by a tradition that has been handed down for centuries but also reflects modern musical thinking. Her songwriting broke through world music, electronic music, pop, rock music type restrictions, in a freer, more natural way to impart new life to the traditional Mongolian music.


作为一名来自中国内蒙古的新生代创作型女歌手,她开创性的将传统的蒙古民族音乐(包括喉音唱法呼麦 )与古老的口弦琴乐器结合。


A Shanghai-based bluegrass band, with members from China and the US. "Nomads" traverses cultural and temporal barriers to explore multifaceted expressions of Chinese music incorporating American roots. In live performances, the band plays acoustic instruments, staying close to the "back to nature” aesthetic. While paying tribute to tradition, Nomads also explores new ways of performing live music in this era, striving to present the audience with authentic soundscapes. Nomads hopes to promote respect for the cultures of different regions and peoples, pass on friendship and share values through music. 

“游牧者”乐队是一支蓝草风格(Bluegrass Music)的国际音乐组合,几位成员分别来自中国和美国。乐队创造性地将中国本土音乐与美国乡村民谣、蓝草音乐、蒙古民歌、世界音乐以及当代不同的流行音乐元素相结合,让人耳目一新。“游牧者”穿越着文化和时空的藩篱,探索着将蓝草音乐融合呈现的另一种方式,它们希望能通过音乐来链接不同地域和民族的优秀文化,传递友谊,分享价值。在致敬传统的同时,“游牧者”也在努力开拓这个时代的音乐现场的不同途径,力求为观众呈现原汁原味的音响效果。用心聆听,你一定会被他们质朴动人的歌曲所打动。在不同的现场演出中,乐队成员始终坚持使用原声乐器来演奏,这也许是他们对“回归自然”最好的诠释。“游牧”,一个古老而永恒的话题,其本质是不同地域文化的串联与交融,表达了一种对生活的乐观与开放的态度,也是内心对自然的敬畏和感恩。

The Celtys

A collective of musicians playing traditional Celtic music in Shanghai and providing an experience of the Celtic culture through music and dance. Since the band’s creation in 2016, The Celtys have performed on many stages and bars throughout Shanghai. For this very special concert, five members of the collective will join together to provide a taste of FEST NOZ, a traditional gathering from Brittany, France, where people join and dance in rounds all the night.

The Celtys 是在上海演奏传统凯尔特音乐的乐队,通过音乐和舞蹈向观众提供独特的凯尔特文化体验。自2016年成立以来,乐队在上海的多个舞台和酒吧演出。在绿色倡议年会上,7个乐队成员为现场观众带来精彩的表演,演奏来自布列塔尼(法国西海岸)的音乐,观众们围绕乐队,舞蹈整夜。

About the Charity We are Supporting


A Treasure Home:A community service project for urban migrant children initiated by Shanghai United Foundation (SUF) and over 10 other charity partners in the Yangtze River Delta. By building up and operating children’s centers in communities, A Treasure Home provides education, safety protection, social integration and other services for migrant children.


One of the first of its kind in China, a residential community where people with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities live, work, and look after each other. It is everyone's hope within the community that each perfectly formed being and its destiny are recognized for its potential.


About SoC Charity Music Concert


Over the 18 months, SoC music concerts have featured over 23 special Chinese and foreign musicians, raised near 72,000 RMB for 8 different charities, and (re)connected people to soulful music, to nature, and to themselves through healing musical performances.

18个月以来,变革之源音乐会吸引了超过23位中外特别的音乐家参加, 为8个不同的慈善机构筹集近72,000元人民币。通过治愈的音乐将人们与具有灵魂的音乐、大自然以及他们自己重新连接起来。

Early Bird Price: ¥ 130

Regular Price: ¥ 165

Group Ticket (Min. 3): ¥ 150

About Date/Location


Jun 5th, 18:30 - 22:30

6月5日,18:30 - 22:30

On Air Space 

3F, 176 Xietu East Road, Near Xizang South Road, Shanghai121.48849,31.207723


Metro Line 8 LujiaBang Road Exit 2

About Seeds of Change

Seeds of Change is an integrated, community-driven platform to promote overall wellbeing of body, mind and planet. Our goal is to provide more visibility and access to meaning-driven, social impact focused activities that fall within the umbrella of our 4 pillars: emotional health, social health, physical health and environmental health. 

Follow Seeds of Change to find events, meet people, support community groups and create a healthier planet, together.

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