
Alipay, WeChat: You Can't Pay for More Than 500RMB?

MOREmagazine 2020-10-11

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In the end of 2017, The Central Bank's official website issued the notice "People's Bank of China on Issuing the barcode payment (Trial Implementation), supporting the issuance of relevant technical specifications, and managing it from multiple angles, such as quota and risk prevention.

The new rule of barcode payment, making sure the payment institution who provides the barcode payment service must be licensed to operate. In addition, the barcode payment amount will be classified and managed. The new regulation will be implemented from April 1, 2018.



Static bar code is now considered to be one of the most risky areas of payment


The people in charge of the Central Bank said they encouraged the use of safer and more dynamic barcodes to provide payment services. 


There is no impact on small consumption after the quota


The barcode payment specification will be implemented since April 1, 2018. After the implementation of the new requirements, the consumer will not be affected for paying small payment by scanning the QR code, nor does it affect the cash receipts. If you eat a 600RMB meal in a restaurant, it will be a little difficult to scan the QR code to do the payment, but you can make the restaurant scan your QR code that generated on your phone, which is actually more secure.



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