
Woodstock of Eating x Hangzhou!12/9-12/10

Woodstock MOREmagazine 2020-10-12


Born out of unique consumer climate, Woodstock of Eating is a container for creative products ranging in boutique retail, food & beverage, workshops & exhibitions, live performances, parties & events and more. It is committed to becoming the creative destination and community for China's young consumers.

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December 9 - 10, Woodstock Of Eating's event “Occupying Wonders” on Hangzhou. This event will open in YUANWUSHANQIU, the commercial space with art block-style, and QIAOXIYUANSU, the colorful and wonderful life space. Here, there will be a 2-day city party.

今冬 12月9-10日,伍德吃托克“占领美好”计划将落地杭州,在艺术街区式商业空间——原物山丘,和多彩纷呈生活空间——桥西原宿,将进行一场为期 2 天的城市派对。

Occupying Wonders ·City Party


Time: 10am - 6pm, December 9 - 10, 2017

Address: Wan Rong · YUANWUSHANQIU, Gongshu District, Hangzhou

时间:12月9-10日  周六-周日 

 10:00 - 18:00


 Scan this to purchase the pre-sale ticket

 Price: 25RMB 

 Includes “BIG STOMACH”!Art Cloth


 包含 “大胃挂布”!

There will be 75 groups of artists, who is funny, interesting and creative. They are hermit, or city monster, focusing on art and aesthetics, being the the city's maker. They are independent 

designers, illustrators, vintage lovers, street makers, urban travelers, musical monsters, literary hermits… This enthusiastic city's maker will open the doors of their life,  and show you their souls.

聚合了 75 组好玩、有趣又热爱创造的朋友,他们是独立设计师、插画师、复古飙客、街头分子、城市旅人、音乐怪物、文艺隐者……热情的城市美好制作人将敞开他们的生活大门,向你展示他们的灵魂空间。

 Pan-art Academy 

Brain, eyes, and brushes, this time, they will treat your esthetic fatigue of the city's secular! Plus 11 groups of independent publication, printing, design, and illustration, enjoy the art academy.



包含:夢廠DREAMER FTY/腿书店/FEVER DOG发烧狗/噩梦商店/大力工厂/春人/Chronos huang & 炀炀/sssRoll阿-感/盒子美术馆/smoooon…

 Quality Youth Block 

The"young leader" will bring you a young and interesting cultural experience, they are good at creating the vision of streets, they love cute girl, underground music, self-made locomotive, foreign literature.



包含:蛋挞家OMONT/UNSME/Vaawow/Loopy/桃子派对Peach Party/一个盝儿/普拉斯加星球/有眼市集/联邦走马/CONCRETE-睿刺青/脑洞超市/我拍少女……

 Energy Placed Corridor 

You wanna be a carpenter, a gardener, a wine label designer or a MARBLING artist? Go to different workshops to find the right one for you!



包含:夢廠DREAMER FTY/壹向好生活 eShine/拉姆咖啡/SAME LIFE 色木工坊/Tasteroom/朝暮花房……

 Non-stop Dance floor 

Woodstock Of Eating and Xiami Music co-present the stage. You will find the Rock carnival, industrial-monster DJ and Hip-hop party, 12 groups of musician will enrich your sensual and aesthetic experience!


伍德吃托克和虾米音乐共同呈现的舞台将轮番上演都市末日的摇滚狂欢、工业怪物气息的 DJ律动、诠释真我的说唱派对,12组风格迥异的音乐人将充实你的全感官美学体验!

阵容:Junks、 Shawee、Agogo、L.Jing、DJ Hellvetika、DJ Mohamade、DJ Ellen、DJ Shak、T.B.C、Juan Plus One 

This event will be held during the opening of YUANWUSHANQIU, it is the most live block-style commercial complex in Hangzhou, the only “terraces and hills” design commercial complex, a "super fun" complex with over 30% experiences. There will be more surprises waiting for you.

本次伍德吃托克首入杭州的举办地,是杭州最 live的街区式商业综合体原物山丘,它是杭州目前唯一拥有“梯田+山丘”形态的商业综合体,也将会是拥有超过 30% 体验业态的“超好玩”综合体。恰逢桥西原宿的开盘季,现场还藏着更多的惊喜,等待发现。在这里,你将充分获得参与感和体验感!


Bus: 58, 131, 403, get off at Zongguantang Village

Driving: Set your GPS to “原物山丘 (yuanwushanqiu)” or “万融城桥西原宿 (Qiaoxiyuansu, Wanrongcheng)”


公交:58路、131路、403路  - 总管堂村站下



  Special For MORE Followers


[10 WINNERS 10名]

Each winner will get an entry ticket


How to Get It

Comment on this post, and ten lucky random people will be selected to get it.


Comment Deadline: 1pm, December 7th


Available till December 9th - 10th, 2017


The restaurant has the right of final interpretation 




If we catch you cheating or trying to double up on a prize, you will be banned from entering future contests.


 Woodstock Of Eating  

Wan Rong · YUANWUSHANQIU, Gongshu District


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 如果你喜欢这条微信, 那就转发给你的朋友们吧! 

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