
Hangzhou Gypsy Jazz Reunion

MORE Team MOREmagazine 2020-10-11

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Gypsy Jazz Reunion

Guitar: Etienne Jeanne

Violin: Liu Xing

Guitar: Johnny Fei

Double Bass: Joseph Han


Starts at 9:30pm, July 20th & 21st, 2018



JZ Club / 爵士黄楼

0571 87028298


Free Entrance

Violin player Liu Xing meets guitar player Etienne Jeanne for two special gypsy nights in Hangzhou.


Discover the fascinating world of gypsy jazz created by the legendary Django REINHARDT on both July 20th & 21st: smiles, furious improvisations and good mood guaranteed, only in JZ Club Hangzhou !!!

With Johnny Fei on rhythm guitar and Joseph Han on the double bass. Show starts at 9:30pm.


  Etienne Jeanne  

Etienne started playing the guitar at the age of 10, in France, and quickly got linked to the gypsy community, whom he learned to play jazz with. He then decided to move to Paris, aged 17, to get a living as a professional musician, playing in Russian "cabarets" all nights (Jaguaroff, Raspoutine, Nikita) and doing gigs as a jazz guitar player as well (Caveau de la Huchette, Duc des Lombards, 3 Mailletzs, Montana..). Etienne has developed skills for playing any kinds of folk repertoire (Russian, gypsy, Spanish, Brazilian, French..) as any kind of jazz music, from be-bop to fusion, performing on both electric an acoustic guitar. He's now aged 33, living in Shanghai, and performed in every major places for live music (JZ Club, House of Blues and JAZZ, Cotton Club, the Waldorf-Astoria's Long Bar), playing with artists such as Laura Fygi, 赵可, 李泉, 彭飞, Ludovic Beier, Anne Evenou, and formed his own trio composed of strings only : "Wayne's basement". Etienne also played a important role in the entertainment part of the 2010 Shanghai World expo, organizing concerts for the French pavilion, for Belgium and the European Community, as for the U.S.A. pavilion. He also regularly tours in Europe every summer for Jazz Festivals.

一天,法国人,10岁就开始弹吉他,并很快从当地的吉普赛人那里学到了超凡的爵士吉他技能。当他17岁时,他决定去巴黎开始他真正的音乐之旅。于是他开始和一群俄罗斯的歌舞表演艺术家一起在巴黎许多著名的俱乐部演出。一天通过弹奏各个国家不同风格的音乐(俄罗斯,吉普赛,西班牙,巴西,法国)从而使得他的技术愈发的炉火纯青了,他可以弹奏任何风格的爵士乐,从be-bop爵士到中西结合的爵士,从电吉他到木吉他。作为一个自由音乐人,他和许多著名的音乐人合作过,比如赵可、Laura Fygi,李泉,彭飞、李悦君、Ludovic Beier,Swing Dynasty,Anne Evenou,并组建了他的弦乐三重奏“韦恩的地下室”。他还在2010上海世博会的音乐演出中扮演了重要角色,并为法国馆、比利时、为美国馆和欧共体组织音乐会。一天每年夏天也会定期去欧洲参加各种爵士音乐节的演出。


  Liu Xing  

Xing Liu is a classic and jazz violinist. From 2005 to 2007, he acted as the chief violinist in the Youth Orchestra of Shanghai Conservatory of Music which made a performance tour to Europe. He gave performances in Brussels Jazz Festival and local bars, frequently cooperating with European jazz musicians. He also has a cooperative relationship with many mandarin pop singers like Qixian Wu, Shujun Huang, Yunling Huang, and Yanbin Hu.


Rhythm Guitar

  Johnny Fei  

Born 1981 and music lover since his earliest age, Johnny has been active for already 20 years in studying, playing and arranging music. He was also part of the 2008 Olympics Opening ceremony, where he played one of his original songs. 

费嘉,他出生在1981年,在积极学习/演奏/编曲的道路上已经奋斗了20年,2008年为北京残奥会开幕式创作了原创作品《We Will Be Together》。

Double Bass

  Joseph Han  

Joseph Han, bass player. Han was born in Seoul, Korea. Graduated from Humber college in 2012, Toronto, Canada. He studied with well-known Canadian bassist Don Thompson, Neil Swainson, Mike Downes. In year 2015, he received his Master degree at Queens college, New York. Han has been performed in many jazz venues and music festivals in Seoul, Toronto, New York. Now he is currently living in Shanghai, China.

来自韩国的贝司手Joseph Han 2012年毕业于加拿大汉伯学院,一起学习的同学包括著名的加拿大贝司手Don Thompson、Neil Swainson、Mike Downes。2015年获得纽约皇后学院的硕士学位。Han已经是首尔、多伦多、纽约各大爵士现场及音乐节的常客,目前居住在上海。


 JZ Club / 黄楼 

6 Liuying Road (Nanshan Road) 

柳营路6号 (靠南山路)

0571 8702 8298

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