
Recipe of the Month: Homemade Sauerkraut

Wanjing MOREmagazine 2020-10-11

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 Wanjing 婉菁 

我们美厨娘婉菁是一位生活工作在新西兰的80后,她性格开朗、热爱自然、在结束她的Gap Year之后,把家安在了美丽的新西兰。



When the temperature doesn’t seem to be going down, let’s make good use of it. Sauerkraut is finely cut cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria. It has rich source of probiotics which is great for our immune system and gut health. If you’re interested in adding some fermented fare into your diet, learning how to make sauerkraut is the perfect place to start.

Unlike most of the conventional pickled vegetables in the supermarkets, which often contain preservatives and artificial ingredients, this recipe is super simple and natural, doesn’t have any nasty ingredient, only cabbage and salt. Normal green cabbage is fine, but red cabbage is much more beautiful because of the color, and has ten times more vitamin A and twice as much iron as green cabbage. You can also put some grated garlic, sliced apple or chopped chili into the sauerkraut, to add more flavor. It doesn’t take too long to start the fermentation in summer, the whole process lasts only a few days. So, as soon as it reaches your desired flavor, stop the fermentation by moving it in the fridge. The sauerkraut can be kept in the fridge for several months. You can add it into salads, sandwiches, or as a side dish.


2 medium sized red cabbage, 1.5kg

2 tsp sea salt


Peel the outer leaves from the cabbage, rinse it in the water, cut into thin strips.

Prepare a large bowl, mix the cabbage and salt together. Use a thick stick, such as a rolling pin or pestle, to pound the cabbage, until they become softer and their juices are released.

Place cabbage(includes the liquid) into a jar or fermenting vessel. Use your fist to press in the cabbage tightly into the jar. The brine can more or less cover the cabbage.

Close the jar, put a plate under the jar, because the juice can be escaping during the bubbling fermentation. In summer, allow to ferment for 3 days, less if your kitchen is warm, more if cold. It’s better to keep it close in the first 3 days. After that, you can always open and taste, to decide if you want it keep fermenting, or stop fermenting by store it in the refrigerator.

Bon appétit!

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