
Last Week’s Greatest Recap

MORE Team MOREmagazine 2020-10-11

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ME & THE CITY 城市掠影

Last week was a great week, so much happened. The KOHALA beach party, the launch of Hangzhou International Community, the tapas party at Hola... We've got a great collection of them all. As always, if you weren't there, you can plan for next week. It's much more fun around town when you go out and explore!

Event of Last Week

Kohala Beach Party by Zebra / 玛丽黛佳热波潮音派对

Baoshou Mountain Scenic Area, Xihu District, Hangzhou 杭州市西湖区宝寿山风景区

 Photos by Kohala 


¡Hola! / 年轮公园

Booth 107, Building 2, Powerlong City, Binsheng Rd. Binjiang 滨江滨盛路宝龙城2栋107商铺, 4pm - 1:30am, 0571 8605 5270, 173 4854 8821 

 Photos by ¡Hola!  

95 International Carnival

95 International Carnival / 杭州95国际嘉年华

Grand Metropark Hotel Hangzhou, 2 Pinghai Road 平海路2号杭州维景国际大酒店

 Photos by 95 International Carnival 

Hangzhou Blanco Hostel

Hangzhou Blanco Hostel / 杭州白格艺术酒店

27-1 Yuhuangshan Road 玉皇山路27-1

 Photos by Hangzhou Blanco Hostel  

JZ Club


JZ Club / 黄楼

6 Liuying Road (Nanshan Road) 柳营路6号(靠南山路), 6:30pm - 2:30am, 0571 8702 8298

 Photos by JZ Club 

Socia10 Vineyard

Socia10 Vineyard / 拾社味雅

1/F, Zhongtian Mansion, 173 Yugu Road 玉古路173号中田大厦1楼, 10am - 1am, 8811 7096

 Photos by Socia10 Vineyard 


Wade's Bar & Grill, Wensan Branch / 味德餐厅酒吧, 文三店

Room 105, 1/F, Building H, Dragon Vanke Center, 77 Xueyuan Road 学院路77号黄龙万科中心H座1楼105, 81957668

 Photos by Pacôme 

West Town Intime

West Town Intime / 城西银泰

380 Fengtan Road 丰潭路380号

 Photos by BothBin 

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