
A Recap of 2018 Christmas Market 今年的圣诞市集比去年更好玩啊

MOREmagazine 2020-10-12

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Last weekend, 2018 Christmas Market was taken place in the Grand Canal Place, though it rained and it was cold, but nothing could stop your step. The fragrance of mulled wine was flowing in the air, Santa was not only tipsy but also made a few kids cried, the swing dancers were as passion as last year, DJ Boris' music was great, his vision on the 30m*10m LED screen were so festive and warm, it made us want to find someone to fall in love with. Our photographer took a bunch of great shots of the market, let's check out a beautiful video first.



With the help of many media partners andfriends, we brought you an unforgettable Christmas experience with food, handcrafts and souvenirs. The enthusiasm was high, the MORE team wanted to say, 

"Thank you, guys!"


谢 谢 你 们 

The YEAH Street in Grand Canal Place was lighted with thousands lights, the Polish designer Peter Kania put a huge bowknot to make the street looks like a big gift box that is waiting to be opened, the elk from the fairy tale, the "starlight" tunnel, our German friend Mark said it looks even ten times fancier than the market in his hometown.

远洋乐堤港的街区早早披上了华丽的外衣,国际YEAH街区被数以万计的灯点亮,波兰设计师Peter Kania的少女心的巨型蝴蝶结、从童话中翩然跃出的梦幻麋鹿、光影斑驳的时“光”隧道,好多国外的朋友们说这里简直比他们自己家乡的圣诞市集还要梦幻和华丽。

DJ Boris from Montenegro, he's got a great taste on music, if the weather wasn't that cold, we would stay there forever and get the party going! 

来自黑山的DJ Boris的一声音乐拉起了圣诞市集的序幕。轻快又不让人头晕,而且还忍不住的抖脚,配上在30*10米的巨大LED屏上的视觉,时而温暖、时而浪漫、时而未来,小编这个单身狗想谈恋爱了,两个人捧一杯热红酒在路灯下喝,一定很浪漫。

You guys said you wanted food, and we gave you food. So much good stuff was eaten in fact that many stands had to replenish their supplies. And then there was the mulled wine which was flowing like the Yangtze River. That was an added bonus!


The craftmen were also very impressive. They sold tons of great stocking stuffers! The range of handcrafted booths was really great, from local produce to handmade accessories, as well as imported candies and chocolates, air purifiers, sailing trips, crafts, greeting cards, and gingerbread.


The media partners also brought their skills, and made hot beer, hot coke cola, mulled  wine, Christmas socks. Lots of things sold out in a hurry.


The live duo band and the ukulele band brought us many popular tunes, the visitor couldn't help to get up stage and jam a couple of tunes.



The swing dance party has pushed the market to the peak! Even the tipsy Santa couldn't help to get out his grotto to join the dance party.



Santa's Grotto that was made by MORE Magazine attracted a lot of children who came in to take photos with Santa Claus too. The clown and the bear were the favorites as well, making the kids laugh, and have tons of fun. Who doesn't love balloons?


The photographers had their work cut out for them with all of the little kids running around.


Our sponsors were so supportive, you can see Wellington's balloons are all over the field, and Marriott Executive Apartments Hangzhou even brought a whole mattress.


Last But Not Least

Thanks again to the Great Team Work

最 后 感 谢

MORE Hangzhou小分队


 YEAH Street / 乐堤港国际YEAH街区 

Grand Canal Place, 58 Lishui Road


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