
Midnight in Paris - A Gypsy Jazz Night @ HHB

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  T I M E  

Starts at 8:30pm, Friday, March 22nd

  V E N U E  

HHB Music House / 平头哥 

1/F, B2 Building, Xixi Shouzuo, 624 West Wenyi Road


  E N T R Y 


Django Reinhardt was a Gypsy-French guitarist who invented the famous Gypsy Jazz along with Stephane Grappelli. He is regarded as one of the greatest musicians of the twentieth century, his legacy can be heard all around the world.

Interested in hearing gypsy jazz music in one of the busiest bars in Hangzhou? Brace yourself for an evening of gypsy jazz concert by Chinese and French artists at HHB Music House. Let's swing with the rhythm, dance with the melody!



This amazing ensemble will be led by multi-talented Etienne Jeanne on guitar, Hong Jingjing on vocal, Liu Xing on violin, and Marc de Viviés on guitar. This four-piece band will bring forth a swinging form of jazz which finds its origin in the style of Django Reinhardt; gypsy jazz combined with pop and funk elements.

Midnight in Paris Quartet has a catchy sound and an energetic vibe, with an outspoken personality. The sound is very different from what you might expect of traditional jazz, and one is to expect an evening of gypsy music along with early jazz and Django classics. 


时而暗沉的音色和调式的色彩,与节奏轻快和活泼的演奏风格,加上20世纪黄金年代的爵士经典曲目,融合中国原创,极富弹性的节奏和异国色彩的和声技巧,现场火花四溅的即兴表演,Swing, Samba, Waltz节奏,再加上东欧民谣,拉丁爵士和吉普赛旋律,创造出了一种非常新颖和令人兴奋的音乐形式,他们将带给观众一个最具法国风情的夜晚。

Vocal 歌手

Hong Jingjing 洪菁菁


In 1999, Hong Jingjing embarked on her musical career, joining the famous, Shanghai rock band, The Honey's, with whom she spent considerable time touring. Her song, "Sleep," was included on The Honey's debut album, On the Street. In 2010, she was invited to perform on the nationally-televised variety show, Happy Miles, on CCTV3. Her strength of performance got her invited back on several occasions to perform on both CCTV1 and CCTV3. Later on, she took her lesson from American jazz singer Alice Day. She still performs live in some of Shanghai and Hangzhou's hottest clubs and live-music venues including JZ Club, Traveler Bar, Shangri-La hotel, JW Marriott, Wooden Box, Heyday Jazz Club... Last year, she performed on the "Bloom Music Festival" and the close party of Meng Jinghui's  "Black Cat Drama Festival". Her widely styles range includes jazz, blues, R&B, funk, soul...

洪菁菁1999年加入上海著名摇滚乐队“甜蜜的孩子”,跟随乐队在全国各地参加过许多演出及音乐节,从此开始音乐生涯。所写歌曲《睡觉》被收录在“甜蜜的孩子”第一张专辑《在街上》。后师从美国著名爵士名伶Alice Day…… 2010年初被邀请参加中央电视台一套及三套的“开心辞典”的录制。她的声线低沉迷人,演唱风格广泛,爵士、R&B、布鲁斯和灵魂乐都非常擅长。在上海杭州诸多音乐场所演出,JZ Club、木盒子、Heyday,现为JZ黄楼驻唱歌手。2017年,参加了“花朵音乐季”的演出,并在孟京辉的黑猫年会“黑猫戏剧节”闭幕晚会献唱。

Guitar 吉他

Etienne Jeanne


Etienne started playing the guitar at the age of 10, in France. He then decided to move to Paris, aged 17, he played in Russian "cabarets" all nights (Jaguaroff, Raspoutine, Nikita) and doing gigs as a jazz guitar player as well (Caveau de la Huchette, Duc des Lombards, 3Mailletzs, Montana..). Etienne has developed skills for playing any kinds of folk repertoire (Russian, gypsy, Spanish, Brazilian, French...) as any kind of jazz music, from be-bop to fusion, performing on both electric an acoustic guitar. He's has performed in every major place for live music (JZ Club, House of Blues and JAZZ, Cotton Club, the Waldorf-Astoria's Long Bar), playing with artists such as Laura Fygi, Coco Zhao, Li Quan, Peng Fei, Ludovic Beier, Anne Evenou. He was the guitarist in "Chinese Idol 2016". He also regularly tours in Europe every summer for Jazz Festivals.

一天10岁就开始弹吉他,并很快从当地的吉普赛人那里学到了超凡的爵士吉他技能。当他17岁时,他决定去巴黎开始他真正的音乐之旅。于是他开始和一群俄罗斯的歌舞表演艺术家一起在巴黎许多著名的俱乐部演出。一天通过弹奏各个国家不同风格的音乐(俄罗斯,吉普赛,西班牙,巴西,法国)从而使得他的技术愈发的炉火纯青了,他可以弹奏任何风格的爵士乐,从be-bop爵士到中西结合的爵士,从电吉他到木吉他。作为一个自由音乐人,他和许多著名的音乐人合作过,比如赵可、顺子、王若琳、Laura Fygi、李泉、彭飞、李悦君、Ludovic Beier,Swing Dynasty,Anne Evenou。他还在2010上海世博会的音乐演出中扮演了重要角色,并为法国馆、比利时、为美国馆和欧共体组织音乐会,他还担任了“2016中国梦之声”十强赛中的吉他手。一天每年夏天也会定期去欧洲参加各种爵士音乐节的演出。

Violin 小提琴

Liu Xing 刘星


Liu Xing, a famous classical and jazz violinist. He started playing the classical violin at the age of 3 and later on studied at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. From 2005 to 2007, he was the chief violinist of the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Shanghai Conservatory of Music. He participated in the European Symphony Music Festival twice and toured in Europe. Afterward, he went to the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel to study jazz violin performances and arrangements. He studied with European jazz master John Ruocco, European vocal master David Linx, Belgian pianist, composer Diederik Wissels, European drum master Stéphane Galland, French bassist Christophe Wallemme and others.

In recent years he has frequently performed with European jazz musicians at the Jazz Marathon in Brussels and the famous jazz bars such as Sounds Jazz Club, Jazz Station, Music Village.

In September 2016, he participated in Conch International Jazz Festival. Same year October, he played at the Shanghai Jazz Festival. In October 2017, he performed with the Grammy winner Jeff Lorber at the Shanghai Jazz Festival.

刘星,著名⻘年古典、爵⼠小提琴演奏家。3岁开始学习古典小提琴,曾就读于上海⾳乐学院附中、上海音乐学院,师承中国著名小提琴家、教育家俞丽拿教授。05至07年担任上海音乐学院⻘年交响乐团⾸席,两次随团参加欧洲⻘年交响音乐节赴欧洲各国巡演。随后前往⽐利时布鲁塞尔皇家音乐学院学习爵士小提琴演奏和编曲,师从欧洲爵⼠泰斗John Ruocco, 欧洲人声⼤大师David Linx,⽐利时钢琴、作曲家Diederik Wissels,欧洲鼓神 Stéphane Galland,法籍⻉斯手Christophe Wallemme等。

近年来他频繁与欧洲爵士⾳乐家们在布鲁塞尔爵士音乐节 Jazz Marathon和当地著名爵士酒吧,如Sounds Jazz Club,Jazz Station,Music Village等地演出。2016年年9⽉参加海螺国际爵⼠音乐节演出。 2016同年10⽉参加爵士上海音乐节演出。 2017年10月与格莱美获奖者Jeff Lorber在爵⼠上海音乐节同台献演。

与此同时在⾳乐⻛格上涉猎广泛的他,也热衷于国内各种流行音乐的演出和弦乐编曲,曾在巫启贤、黄舒骏、黄韵玲、胡彦斌、杨坤、平安等歌⼿手的演唱会上伴奏。也曾作为特别嘉宾参与《全能星战》、《2016中国新歌声》、《2017我想和你唱》、 《2017歌手》的演出。并且组建了⾃自⼰的弦乐团——刘星弦乐团,该乐团担任了《中国达⼈秀》、《中国梦之声》、《2016天籁之战》、《最爱⾦曲榜音乐盛典》、 《2017天籁之战》、《腾讯⾳乐人·原⼒计划》Studio Concert 等节⽬的伴奏演出。

Guitar 吉他

Marc de Viviés


Marc started to play the guitar aged 15, evolving among Pop/Blues/Jazz rhythms until he arrived in Shanghai in 2006, where he chose to focus on Gypsy Jazz. He played next to guitarists Lulo Reinhardt from Germany and Doug Martin from the USA.

Since 2010 he has been an active member of several projects including the following band: Doug Martin Trio, A6/9, Cigance, Huangpu Divers, Duncan Carribean Jazz Quartet, A3, Montmartre Trio, RendezVous, Swing Boss, etc. Apart from guitar Marc also approached Cuban traditional tres and mandolin.

马克出生于西班牙,在欧洲许多国家都居住过。他从15岁开始演奏吉他,风格包括流行、布鲁斯和爵士。2006年他来到中国上海,开始钻研吉普赛爵士,和吉普赛爵士吉他大师Lulo Reinhardt和Doug Martin都一起同台演出过。2010年之后,他在这些上海著名乐队Doug Martin三重奏、A6/9、Cigance、Huangpu Divers、邓肯加勒比爵士四重奏、A3、蒙马特三重奏、 RendezVous、Swing Boss等都合作过。除了吉他,马克还擅长古巴传统音乐和曼陀林。


HHB Music House / 平头哥 

1/F, B2 Building, Xixi Shouzuo, 624 West Wenyi Road 

0571 8853 9550 

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