
Wellington Festival of Education in Hangzhou brings new insights

MORE Team MOREmagazine 2020-10-12

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During 14-15 April, Wellington College International Hangzhou launched the very first full-scale Festival of Education in Hangzhou, brining inspiring insights and innovative education ideas to this vibrant city.

The event brought together 13 speakers to deliver 29 presentations, talks, and workshops across the two days, inspiring over 500 participants from Hangzhou and the surrounding regions to explore, celebrate, learn, debate and connect.


The festival brings many interesting and insightful opinions and views to participants and below are some of our favorite pick-up:

During the event, Founder and CEO of London Gift & Talented, Ian Warwick shared about how to cultivate smart students and how can teachers and parents support them in the most effective ways.


Ian Warwick began his speech by questioning the participants: “How do we see the process of learning happening?" and introduced three big major metaphors for teaching and learning: Transmission, Facilitation and Catalyst. They each refer to one of the roles parents and teachers should take. For Transmission, teachers directly transmit knowledge and values to the students; for Facilitation, teachers are like tour guide, giving out direction and information to students; and for Catalyst, teachers inspire students and let them grow on their own.

Ian also reminded participants to beware that sometimes students have what is called the “illusion of knowledge”. They believe they understand more than they do and teachers’ job is to expose our students to how little they know.

Another topics that discussed during the festival is the Third Culture Kids. In fact, the term has been around since the 1950s. It was coined by a pair of American researchers who were looking at the effects that happen when children were living in places with their parents.

The three speakers, Patricia, Derek and Steve, who grew in a background of third culture kids shared their experience, benefits and challenges during the discussion session.

For the benefit of third culture kids, they concluded that might include worldview view, a more grounded view of problems and how to solve them. So, if they're used to seeing problem approach from different culture perspective, then they're more likely to approach any problems from another different perspective. It also brings greater degree of interpersonal sensitivity is another benefit. Greater cross-cultural confidence or cultural intelligence.


In another side, there are challenges in fused loyalty for instance. And also, painful awareness of reality. Life is not always stable. They will have to move and leave friends behind. Sometimes that makes something parents can struggle with is the ignorance of culture and understanding that as well as encounter problems in the development of identity.

The Festival has brought great experience and new perspective for educators and parents. As Paul Rogers, Executive Master of Wellington College Hangzhou, said, “We hope that participating educators in Hangzhou, whether they be teachers or parents, learnt something new or affirmed something they already thought they needed to know during the two-day event.”

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Wellington College International Hangzhou 


2399 Xuezhi Road, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou 


8am – 5pm (Monday – Friday)

0571 8239 6366

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