
A naked Wedding

MORE Team MOREmagazine 2020-10-12

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At naked Castle's wedding show

we explored love at age 20, 30 and 40.

And now we know fairytales do exist.

In the mountains near Shanghai.

Amidst a century of history and stories.

On a winding mountaintop path.

With a white horse.

The special things that make a special day.

We travelled back in time.

To elegant gardens and fragrant roses.

To a wonderland above the clouds.

- Part 1 -

20 years old

We started with love at age 20.

In the bright Castle Atrium.

At the bottom of the steps.

A magical proposal.

A European-style Castle dating back to 1910.

Perched atop Pao Tai Mountain.

Blue skies, white flowers, green vistas.

The perfect place for a perfect proposal.

- Part 2 -

Thirty years old

The grand Castle Ballroom.

With all its twinkling lights.

A beautiful stage for a first dance.

Here we saw love at 30 years old.

Bursting into light.

Onto the Castle Terrace.

A dance of celebration.

A celebration of love.

- Part 3 -

Forty years old

And finally, at the new Rock Theatre

A fitting finale for a couple of 40.

In China's first natural amphitheatre.

A day filled with love.

At 20, 30 and 40.

This is naked Castle.

This is love at your speed.

*naked reserves right to final explanation

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 naked Castle 


12 Sanjiuwu, Laoling Village, Moganshan Town, Deqing


0572 8881 111

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