
Used Masks Under the Microscope

MORE Team MOREmagazine 2020-10-12

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COVID-19 新冠肺炎时事

Masks have become our daily necessities now. It feels normal every day, but do you know how it is after wearing them for a while?

However, when you magnify the used mask under the microscope, you will find that the fleece surface of the used mask is full of yellow impurities and wool.

Zoom in, you will see the dense fibers, these are the fibers that blocked bacteria, viruses, particles in the air for us.

The fibers of the used masks obviously had yellow particulate matter attached to them.

Then magnify it to 1000 times to see the particles attached to the mask fibers more clearly.

Magnify to 2000 times, you can see the bacteria moving on the mask.



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