
Seeking The Perfect Oasis in Hangzhou?

Loren Michael MOREmagazine 2020-10-11

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Ascott Raffles City Hangzhou have a lot going for them. It’s in a sublime location, with the fantastic Piano Restaurant and Bar just downstairs (on the 18th floor) and the the Mix C Mall and gorgeous Park 48 cocktail bar just down the street, I tended to give this area low marks for unwalkability, but my experience here has completely changed how I feel about this place. There are an endless number of places to eat and drink and shop nearby, and the less crowded, more quiet Qiantang River is likewise a short hike away if you enjoy long walks by long bodies of water. In a city full of gorgeous and functional downtown areas, this is one that will be taking up my attention; if you don’t want to take my word for it, the endless parade of KOL (Key Opinion Leader) taking selfies around the curated cityscape are nothing if not good judges of picturesque environments.

To get to the apartments, it’s a quick direct elevator ride to the 18th floor lobby, and when I say direct I mean it; they don’t waste your time by letting intervening lower floors and their denizens impede your ride to or from your apartment: you go directly from floor 1 to 18. Opposite the lobby is the spa, and just behind the check-in area is the aforementioned Piano Restaurant and Bar, one of Hangzhou’s premier Italian eateries. (For more info on the spa, the pool and even the cute delivery robots that Piano uses to ship things around the hotel, check out our earlier look at Ascott.)

Ascott Raffles City Hangzhou: Your Home Away From Home

Two of the most important things that luxury affords beyond simply high quality and status is speed and convenience. Everything on offer here was a short walk or button push away, and in a growing city with crowds of people and hellish traffic, the relief that simple speed and convenience translate to are like an oasis.

“Oasis” is the unifying principle I picked up from their new themed executive apartments - Cyan · Tranquil 27. They almost overwhelm a person with the sheer and pure and fresh blueish-greenness of everything, and if they didn’t tell you directly that their theme was “green” (with quite a bit of cyan), a simple glance at the room would indicate as such immediately.

This has been and continues to be an unusually stressful year for an unimaginable number of people and the concept that Ascott is trying for and succeeding at is providing tranquility and relief from that stress. They give you a gentle color palette with the dial turned all the way up to “quietude”; the apartments themselves are fully furnished as you would expect an executive apartment to be, they include dining areas and living rooms, and are equipped with washers, dryers, and kitchens packed with all the ways you’d want to cook food. All that, and it comes with the joyous convenience of the services that a hotel offers.

Ascott delivers an inner sanctum of peace, quiet, and panoramic views of urban beauty surrounded by simplicity and convenience. It makes me wish my writing job paid a little better.


  Ascott Raffles City Hangzhou / 杭州雅诗阁来福士中心服务公寓 

18/F, T1, CBD, 228 Xinye Road

钱江新城新业路228号T1, 18层

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