
Oishi Station

Atelier I-N-D-J AtelierINDJ 2021-08-11
As part of the latest Oishi campaign - launching a new range of healthy snacks for nutrition-savvy (and often time-poor) consumers - we have designed the ‘Oishi station’, located at Xintiandi Plaza, Shanghai.  The Station is envisioned as a filling station, a place to quickly recharge and refuel.
To signify our busy 24/7 urban lives, we took the infinity loop as a point of design departure, the loop signifying continuity and that refueling could help one keep going.
Inspired by 70’s and 80’s filling stations our Oishi station finds form in a lozenge shaped plinth and roof held aloft with two columns - each column surrounded by illuminated shelving for their new products and scrolling brand messaging.
受70 / 80年代加油站的启发,我们的上好佳装置采用了菱形的底座,屋顶用两根柱子支撑。每根圆柱都被照亮的层板和走字屏包围,展示新产品以及品牌信息。

A central bar counter serves as storage for the new health-snacks that will be given to the public each day, as well as product and campaign video display.中央吧台有足够的储存空间,以及播放产品和宣传视频的屏幕。

The infinite loop is represented by a continually moving wall, that traces a figure of eight loop around the station bisecting the center.  Each side of the moving wall is clad with stainless steel panels, one side matte-brushed stainless steel that diffuses reflected light giving it a solid appearance, whilst the other is clad with mirror polished stainless steel that reflects the changing surroundings as the station stands from day to night colors; surroundings and light change and shift with resulting changes in the station’s appearance.  It is in constant change - like the city itself – always moving.
持续移动的墙沿着8字形的轨道无限地循环。移动墙的每一面都由不锈钢面板覆盖,一面是磨砂拉丝不锈钢可漫反射光,使表面看起来很坚固,而另一面则采用镜面抛光不锈钢,可以反射装置周围从早到晚呈现出的不同颜色,装置也会随环境和光线一同改变。如此的变幻无常 - 就像上海这个城市一样总是在发展变化。

Although simple in appearance its design required development, from its structure that could be assembled on site in 2 days, and supporting wall tracks aligned to allow for smooth movement.  Together with T-Culture event production we tested several methods to allow the wall to move, from friction wheel motors, chain led device, ultimately settling on 25 motors with large sprockets powering the wall along.   Once the panels meet the intersection, clever system of laser sensors and servo actuators rotate a central track to allow for a smooth transition across the central intersection.
尽管它看上去外形简约,并且在 2天内现场组装完成,其实背后投入了大量的时间以保证移动墙的平滑移动。我们与天成文化制作方一起测试了多种方法,从摩擦轮电机,链条牵引设备,最终使用了25个大链轮的电机让墙面移动起来。一旦移动墙超过了轨道的交错点,激光传感器和伺服执行器便会配合把轨道旋转向另一个方向,移动墙可以很顺利地继续滑行。

Oishi Station will be dismantled for reuse in another location at the end of its present showing at Xintiandi Plaza, Huaihai Road.

