
【寒假预习】苏教译林版初中英语 八年级下册Unit 6

初中之友 2023-02-11



8B Unit 6 Birdwatching.

018B Unit6单词及音频


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the Olympic Games(=the Olympics)n. 奥林匹克运动会
homelessadj. 无家可归的
adultn. 成年人
intellectualadj. 智力的
meaningfuladj. 有意义的
blindadj. 瞎的
deafadj. 聋的
disabledadj. 残疾的
chancen. 机会
eventn. (运动)比赛项目;大事
give up放弃
necessaryadj. 必须的,必要的
trainingn. 培训,训练
taskn. 任务,工作
athleten. 运动员
coachn. 教练
silvern. 银,银牌
confidentadj. 自信的
backgroundn. 背景
prizen. 奖赏,奖品
donatevt. 捐献
one-to-oneadv.一对一地 =<美>one-on-one
bloodn. 血
diseasen. 疾病
operationn. 手术
survivorn. 幸存者
give someone a helping hand帮助,伸出援助之手

8B Unit6 电子课本

028B Unit6 知识梳理


1. nature n. →natural (adj.)

2.easy adj. →easily(adv.)

3. fisherman n. →fishermen(复数)渔民

4.speak v. →speaker(n.) 说话人;演讲者

5.tour n. tourist(n.) 旅行者;游客

6.clear adj. →clearly (adv.)


1. go to the market to watch the birds/ go birdwatching in the market


    hit the market 冲击市场 

    at the market 在市场

2. the birds at the market在市场的鸟

3. email sb. at +(email address)


    email me at…给我发邮件……

4. have long legs and a long thin neck


5.become a member of the Birdwatching Society 


6. rare birds珍稀鸟类

7. brown and grey feathers棕灰色的羽毛

8. broad wings宽大的翅膀

9. a nature reserve 一个自然保护区   

    in North-east China在中国的东北

    in the north of… 在…里以北

    to the north of…在…旁边以北不挨着

   on the north of… 在…挨着以北相邻

10. one of the world’s most important wetlands


11. provide food and cover for wildlife= provide wildlife with food and cover


    (provide sth. for sb.= provide sb. with sth.为某人提供某物)

12.speak—speaker 演讲者

    win—winner 获胜者 

    paint—painter 画家 

    act—actor 演员

    visit—visitor 游客  

    invent—inventor 发明家




    art—artist 艺术家

13. all year round一年到头 

    be busy all year round 一年到头忙

14. go there only for a short stay


15. be active in the daytime


16.be interested in (doing)  对(做)……感兴趣  

     enjoy the natural world享受自然界(adj)

17. 40 per cent of them他们中百分之四十

18. make the wetlands smaller缩小湿地

19. in order to have more space/food for farms and buildings


20. lead to less and less space for wildlife


    (make space/room for为…腾出空间)

    lead to doing sth 导致做某事(lead—led)

22. don’t have enough food to eat


23. the Chinese government中国政府

23. have made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong


24.prevent sb. (from) doing sth.= stop sb (from) doing

    =keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事

25. the members of our Birdwatching Society 


26. record their types记录它们的种类

27. changes in their numbers它们数量上的变化

28. a lot of tourists go to Zhalong to watch the birds


29. invite them to help us邀请他们帮助我们

count and describe birds 清点和描述鸟类

30. need more people to count and describe the birds


31. understand the importance of the wetlands


the importance of protecting wildlife

the importance of=important

32. stop / keep / prevent sth. from happening


33.in other parts of the world 


34.take part in activities 参加活动

35. take a notebook with you to (= in order to )write down what you see    随身带笔记本为了写下你所看到的

36. take a camera to take photos of …


37. ask people not to catch birds for any reason


38. agree to let me join同意让我加入

39. see a baby panda drink her mother’smilk


    (看见某人做了或常做某事see sb. dosth.、看见某人在做某事see sb. doing sth.)

40. hear someone sing 听见某人唱歌

    (hear用法与see/ watch/notice相同)

41. encourage sb.(not)to do sth. 


    encouraging 鼓励的  encouraged 受鼓舞的  encouragement

    encourage /discourage sb. from doing

42. advise us not to shout in the wetlands


43. different kinds of plants各种各样的植物

44.sp. covers an area of…(=sp. be … in area.)


45. square kilometres平方公里

46. the second largest home to red-crowned cranes


    be important to the health of people all over the world 


47. not only…but also…


    take a pair of binoculars 带一副望远镜

    see the birds more clearly 更清晰地看见鸟

50. make beautiful sounds  发出优美的声音

    make different bird sounds 发出不同的鸟声

51.at bird shows 在鸟展上  on show 展出

52.birds in the pictures    画里的鸟

53.include birds in their poems 把鸟写进他们的诗里(v)--including 介词“包括”

54.part of our lives    我们生活的一部分

55.application form 申请表 

56. call sb. on + (phone number)拨打(电话号码)找某人

57.in order to/soas to 为了

58.introduce sb./sth to sb. 把某人或某物介绍给某人  

    introduction 介绍、说明

    Let me introduce myself. 让我来自我介绍。


1. What do cranes look like? = How do cranes look like ? 


2. How many types of cranes are there in the world? 


3. It is a perfect place for some rare birds.


4. There are not many cranes left. 


5. Moreover, fishermen keep fishing there. 


6.Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife.


7.The cold weather made some birds fly south for the winter.


    fly to sp. to spend the winter 飞到某地过冬

8. You may get thirsty. 你可能会口渴。

9. What /Anything else? 还有什么?

10. I think it is important for me to do something to protect them.

    It is + adj. + for sb. to dosth.  表示对某人来说做某事怎么样

    e.g. 对我来说, 解决这道数学题很容易。

    It’s easy for me to work out the math problem.


    It is dangerous for children to swim in that river.

11.What should we take with us when we go birdwatching?


12.I will be very happy if I can become a member of the Birdwatching Society.





a.目的状语: 放在go, come, use, live, in order等词后面.如:

    I come to see you.

    He runs fast in order to get there in time.

    They brought in photos of their families for me to look at.

b. 原因状语: 放在sorry, glad, surprised, disappointed,

    excited等词后面。(有些资料上把这类称为不定式在表示心理、情感、评价等的形容词后,对其进行补充说明, 作形容词补足语)如:

    I am glad to see you here.

    I am sorry to trouble you.

c. 作结果状语。如:

    Some of the apples are hard to reach.

    The room is large enough to hold 1000 people.



tell, ask, want, order, teach, invite, warn, wish, help, get, wish, allow,encourage,advise等词后面常接不定式作宾补。

例: I asked a friend to read it to me.

    I tell him not to go there by bus.

    Edison‘s mother taught him to read and write.

(2) 在表示感觉、致使等意义的动词(see, watch, hear, feel, make, let, have, observe,  notice, help等)后不带to 的不定式作宾补。如:

    The boss makes them work 16 hours a day.

    I heard her sing in the next room.

提示板: 若变成被动语态, 在上述结构中, 不定式符号to要加上。


    They are made to work 16 hours a day by the boss.

    She was heard to sing in the next room.


     不定式前可带what,who,which,where, when, how, whose, 等疑问词, 这种不定式短语在句中作宾语、宾语补足语、


例: He didn’t  tell me where to go. (直宾)

    I don’t  know what to say now.(宾语)

    I don t know what to do next.(宾语)

    He taught us how to use the computer.(宾语补足语)    

    It s still a question how to get there.(主语)

在初中阶段还涉及到“不定式被动语态一般式(to be+过去分词)”

例: There are twenty more trees to be planted.



