
外研版七年级英语上册 Module2 动画、音频、知识点及模块测试汇总

初中之友 2023-02-11



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外研版初中英语7-9年级上下册电子教材合集01Module  2单词


1、aunt [ɑ:nt] n. 阿姨;姑妈;伯母;舅妈

2、brother [ brʌðə] n. 兄弟

3、cousin [ kʌzən] n. 堂兄弟姊妹;表兄弟姊妹

4、daughter [ dɔ:tə] n. 女儿

5、family [ fæmili] n. 家庭;家族

6、father [ fɑ:ðə] n. 父亲,爸爸

7、grandfather [ ɡrænd,fɑ:ðə] n. (外)祖父

8、grandmother [ ɡrænd,mʌðə] n. (外)祖母

9、grandparent [ ɡrænd,pεərənt] n. (外)祖父母

10、mother [ mʌðə] n. 母亲,妈妈

11、parent [ pεərənt] n. 父亲(或母亲);父母亲

12、sister [ sistə] n. 姐妹;修女;护士

13、son [sʌn] n. 儿子;孩子

14、uncle [ ʌŋkl] n. 叔叔;伯父;伯伯;舅父;姨丈;姑父

15、photo[ fəutəu] n. 照片,相片

16、photograph [ fəutəɡrɑ:f] n. 照片,相片

17、these [ði:z] pron. 这些

18、they [ðei]  pron. 他们;它们;她们

19、mum [mʌm] n. 妈妈(口语);

20、left [left] n. 左边;左侧。adj. 左边的;左侧的

21、on  the  left 在左边,在左侧

22、dad [dæd] n. 爸爸;爹爹

23、right [rait] n. 正确;右边;右侧。adj. 正确的;右边的;右方的

24、on  the  right  在右边,在右侧

25、who [hu:]  pron. 谁

26、woman [ wumən] n. 妇女;女性;成年女子

27、women [ wimin] n. 女人(woman的复数)

28、next [nekst] adj. 紧挨着,紧靠着;adv.紧接下来地,下一步

29、next  to  在……旁边,紧挨着

30、husband [ hʌzbənd]  n. 丈夫

31、front [frʌnt] n. 前面;正面

32、in front of 在•••的前面

33、those [ðəuz] pron. 那些(that的复数)

34、bus [bʌs] n. 公共汽车

35、station [ steiʃən] n. 站;车站

36、hospital [ hɔspitəl] n. 医院

37、hotel [həu tel] n. 旅馆,饭店

38、police [pə li:s] n. 警察,警方

39、theatre(Am E theater) [ θiətə] n. 电影院,剧院;

40、actor [ æktə] n. 男演员

41、driver [draivə] n. 驾驶员;司机

42、manager [ mænidʒə] n. 经理

43、nurse [nə:s] n. 护士

44、policeman [pə li:smən]  n. 男警察

45、policemen [pə li:smən] n. 男警察(policeman的复数形式)

46、we [wi:] pron. 我们(主格);

47、an [æn, ən ]  art. 一(个,件•••)(在元音字母前)

48、job [dʒɔb] n. 工作;职业

49、at [æt, ət]  prep. 在……,在……里。

50、same [seim]  adj. 相同的;同一的;

51、doctor [dɔktə] n. 医生;博士

52、farm [fɑ:m] n. 农场;农家

53、worker [ wə:kə]  n. 工人;劳动者

54、man [mæn] n. 人;男人

55、men [ men] n. 男人,人类(man的复数)

56、shop [ʃɔp]  n. 商店;店铺

57、its [its] pron. 它的 

58、their [ðεə]  pron. 他们的,她们的;它们的


Module 2 Unit 1 

Module 2 Unit 2 



1.a photo of Tony’s family 一张Tony 的家庭的照片

2.on the left of… 在......的左边

3.next to... 紧挨着.....; 紧靠......

4.in front of... 在......前面(外面)

in/atthe front of... 在......前部(内部)

5.Tony’s parents Tony的父母

6.in the photo 照片上, 在照片中

7.at the bus station 在公共车站

8.at a police station 在警察局

9.a manager of atheater 一位剧院负责人

=a theater manager

10. a manager of ahotel 一位宾馆经理

=a hotel manager

11.at/in the samehospital 在同一家医院

12.a bus driver 一位公共汽车司机

13.a farm worker 一位农场工人

14.a shop worker 一名店员

15.an English teacher 一位英语教师

16. a man/woman driver 一位男/女司机

复数:men/women drivers


1.This is a photo of Tony’s family. 这是Tony的一张全家福。

2.What a big family! 多大的一个家庭啊!

3.My mum’s parents are on the right. 我母亲的父母在右边

4.The woman next to me ismy dad’s sister.


5.Is this your family ? 这是你的家庭吗?

6.Are these your grandparents ? 这(些)是你的祖父母吗?

7.My mother is the manager of a theater.我的母亲是剧院负责人。

8.My father’s job is at a police station. 我父亲在警察局工作。

9.His parents are shop workers. 他的父母是商店工作人员。


Ⅱ. 单项选择

1. My father is __________ actor, and my mother is __________ hotel manager.

A. an; a    B. an; an    C. a; an    D. a; a

2. Hello! __________ my sister.

A. This is    B. You are    C. It’s a    D. She is

3. __________ are his brothers.

A. It     B. This     C. That     D. These

4. Those are my __________.

A. grandparent   B. grandfather   C. grandmother  D. grandparents

5. __________your brother?

A. That’s    B. That is    C. Is that    D. Is that’s

6. My father’s mother is my __________.

A. aunt     B. sister    C. brother    D. grandmother

7. Tony’s __________are all in England.

A. mother    B. father    C. home    D. family

8. __________ father is a manager in a hotel.

A. Betty and Lily’s       B. Betty’s and Lily

C. Betty’s and Lily’s       D. Betty and Lily

9. —Where are they from?

—The children are from America but __________ grandparents are from England and Japan.

A. they     B. them    C. their     D. its

10. —What’s your job?


A. I’m a teacher        B. I’m twelve

C. I’m fine, thank you       D. I’m from England

Ⅲ. 完形填空

There are three people in my family, my parents and I.

My name is Li Yan. I’m a middle school    1   . I am thirteen years old. I’m   2    China, so I can speak    3    . I can speak a little English, too.

My father is a teacher in a    4   . He can speak Chinese, English   5    Japanese. He teaches Japanese. He likes    6   . He can swim and play table tennis.

My    7    is a secretary.    8    works in a factory. She    9    only speak Chinese. She likes music and she can sing and play the    10   .

1. A. teacher    B. doctor    C. student    D. worker

2. A. from     B. for     C. of     D. at

3. A. Chinese    B. Japanese   C. English    D. China

4. A. factory    B. hotel    C. hospital    D. university

5. A. and     B. but     C. with     D. or

6. A. food     B. sports    C. songs    D. colours

7. A. father     B. mother    C. brother    D. sister

8. A. She     B. He     C. It     D. They

9. A. is      B. can     C. do     D. does

10. A. tennis    B. football    C. basketball   D. piano

Ⅳ. 阅读理解

My family is not very big. There are only three cats. I’m a white cat. My name is Snow White. My husband (丈夫) is a black cat. His name is Captain Black Cat. We have a pretty (漂亮的) daughter. Her name is Lily. She is black and white. She’s two years old. We live a happy life.

Every day we work hard to catch the mice (捉老鼠).  We help people live a happy life in this house.

1. In the cat’s family there are __________ cats.

A. one    B. two    C. three      D. four

2. Mother cat is __________.

A. white   B. black   C. black and white    D. snow

3. Mother cat and father cat have a __________.

A. son    B. sister   C. teacher      D. daughter

4. Lily is __________ years old.

A. one    B. a     C. two       D. three

5. The black cat is Lily’s __________.

A. mother   B. friend   C. husband     D. father


Ⅴ. 词汇运用


1. This is a __________ ( ) photo.

2. —Who are they?

—They are my __________(  ), and they are both seventy years old.

3. My father is a factory __________ (  ).

4. —Is your father a __________ (  )?

—Yes, he is.

5. Welcome to the __________ (  ), I’m a manager here.


6. Zhao Yazhi has three __________ (son).

7. My __________ (grandparent) are from America.

8. —Is this your __________ (dad) friend?

—Yes, it is.

9. There are many __________ (woman) in the room.

10. What are __________ (they) names?

Ⅵ. 句型转换

1. This is my teacher. (改为复数句)

__________ __________ my teachers.   

2. Is this your picture? (作肯定回答)

Yes, __________ __________.

3. Those are Daming’s grandparents.   (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

—__________ __________ Daming’s grandparents?

—Yes, __________ __________.

4. My brother is a worker. (对画线部分提问)

__________ __________ your brother’s __________?

5. father, Li Ming’s, actor, an, is (. )(连词成句)


Ⅶ. 补全对话


A. She can play the piano and sing.  

B. What’s her job?

C. Can he ride a bike?  

D. Is this your sister?

E. He’s a doctor in a hospital.

F. Where is she from?

G. What’s her name?

A: Hello! Betty, please look at the photo.     1    

B: No, she is my friend.

A:   2   

B: Susan Brown.  She likes music.    3   

A: Who’s the man? Is this her father?

B: Yes.    4    He can speak English.

A: Is the woman her mother?  

B: Yes. She is.

A:   5   

B: She is a hotel manager.

1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________  4. ___________ 5. ___________

Ⅷ. 短文填空


Hello! My name is Betty Smith. This is a photo o   1   my family. There are five p  2   in the photo. Look! The old woman is my g  3  . She is eighty years old. These are my p   4   . My father is a d  5   and my mother is a n  6    ; they are both in a hospital. And this tall man is my u   7   . He is my mother’s brother. He is n   8    to my mother. I’m in yellow.  

We live in the s   9    house. Look here, please! There i   10    a small garden (花园) in front of our house. It’s very nice.  

1. __________ 2. __________  3. __________ 4. __________  5. __________

6. __________ 7. __________  8. __________  9. __________ 10. __________

Ⅸ. 书面表达










Ⅱ.1.【解析】选A。考查冠词用法。actor是以元音音素开头的单词,因此应用an;hotel manager是以辅音音素开头的单词,因此应用a。故选A。

2.【解析】选A。介绍别人用“This is. . . ”句型。


4.【解析】选D。句意:那是我的祖父母。本句中“Those are. . . ”后接复数形式,故选D。





9.【解析】选C。考查形容词性物主代词的用法。they,主格,意为“他们”;them,宾格,意为“他们”;their,形容词性物主代词, 用来修饰名词, 意为“他们的”;its,形容词性物主代词,意为“它的”。句意:——他们来自哪里?——这些孩子们来自美国, 但他们的祖父母来自英国和日本。故选C。


Ⅲ. 1.【解析】选C。由“I am thirteen years old. ”看出李岩是一名学生。故选C。

2.【解析】选A。be from “来自”,固定用法。


4.【解析】选D。考查名词词义辨析。factory “工厂”, hotel “旅馆”, hospital “医院”, university “大学”。由后文“He teaches Japanese. ”“他教日语”可知选D。






10.【解析】选D。play the + 乐器,表示“演奏某种乐器”。

Ⅳ. 1.【解析】选C。从短文第一段“There are only three cats. ”可看出,在这只猫的家里有三只猫。故选C。

2.【解析】选A。从短文第一段“I’m a white cat. ”可看出,猫妈妈是一只白色的猫。故选A。

3.【解析】选D。从短文第一段“We have a pretty daughter. ”可看出,猫妈妈和猫爸爸有一个漂亮的“女儿”。故选D。

4.【解析】选C。从短文第一段“She’s two years old. ”可看出,莉莉只有两岁。故选C。

5.【解析】选D。从短文第一段“My husband is a black cat. ”可看出,猫妈妈的丈夫是一只黑色的猫,也就是说这只黑猫是莉莉的爸爸。故选D。

Ⅴ.答案:1. family 2. grandparents 3. worker   4. doctor   5. hotel  

6. sons  7. grandparents    8. dad’s      9. women      10. their

Ⅵ. 答案:1. These are   2. it is  3. Are those; they are  4. What is; job

5. Li Ming’s father is an actor.

Ⅶ.答案:1~5. DGAEB

Ⅷ.答案:1. of  2. people  3. grandmother  4. parents  5. doctor

6. nurse  7. uncle  8. next   9. same  10. is


Lin Tao is a boy. He is a student. He is thirteen years old. There are grandparents, parents, a brother and Lin Tao in his family. It is a big family. He likes to play basketball and tennis with his friends.




