
Neuroscience Bulletin在线学术研讨会带你解析神经系统发育

The following article is from 神经科学通报英文版 Author 神经科学通报

Neuroscience Bulletin协办由中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心举办的系列在线学术研讨会(Online Seminar Series)。该系列每期都将邀请不同的国内外神经科学专家在线为我们带来精彩的学术报告。

1月13日和1月14日在线学术研讨会是该系列2022年的第一期。神经系统的功能是获取信息、处理信息以及输出信息。外界环境信息的获取及处理主要由感觉系统来负责,在生物体获取的所有外界信息中,视觉和听觉信息占有很大比重。因此,即便从最基本的生存层面来看,每一个生物个体都需要感知周围环境并对外界的变化做出相应的反应。从外界获取的信息会传递给大脑皮层。大脑皮层负责接收信息、处理信息和发出指令,是我们产生抽象思维(比如语言交流、逻辑推理、决策制定等)的生物基础。对早期人脑和皮质发育的研究可以使我们更好地理解人类认知的发展。然而,如何对早期人脑发育开展全面研究?以及如何从发育角度深入理解视网膜和听力损伤并为治疗提供策略?本期研讨会的主题是“Mini-Symposium on Neuronal Cell and Circuit Development”,分别邀请到美国加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校医学院(UCSF School of Medicine)的Arnold Kriegstein教授、美国马里兰大学医学院(University of Maryland School of Medicine)的Ronna Hertzano教授以及美国华盛顿大学(University of Washington)的Rachel Wong教授为大家带来精彩的报告!


UCSF School of Medicine

Arnold Kriegstein

题目Genomic Insights into Early Human Brain Development, Evolution, and Disease



University of Maryland School of Medicine

Ronna Hertzano

题目:A Double Pronged Omics-Driven Approach to Advance Discovery for Hearing Health


University of Washington

Rachel Wong

题目:Circuit Assembly and Reassembly in the Vertebrate Retina


ION-CEBSIT Online Seminar采用线上+线下模式。




1月13日--9:00--Zoom 会议号及密码

会议号:982 6638 3608



1月14日--9:30--Zoom 会议号及密码

会议号:945 5478 6688



Dr. Arnold Kriegstein




Genomic Insights into Early Human Brain Development, Evolution, and Disease

The human cerebral cortex is more than three times expanded compared to our closest non-human primate relatives. The cortex emerges from an initially pseudostratified neuroepithelium that gives rise to radial glia, the neural stem cells of the cortex. A number of subtypes of radial glia have been identified, and single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) has contributed to a novel model of primate corticogenesis, highlighted human-specific features of cortical development, suggested a relationship between oRG cells and brain tumors, and provided a benchmark for invitro organoid models of brain development and disease. We have begun to characterize the molecular populations of cellular subtypes that exist at the onset of neurogenesis. Our single-cell transcriptomic and in-situ data suggest that early cortical areal patterning is strongly defined by the mutual exclusion of strong frontal or occipital gene expression signatures, with the specification of areas between these two poles arising from the resulting gradients at later developmental time points. Thus, we find evidence supporting the existence of a cortical protomap at the extremities, but also support for the protocortex hypothesis to refine spatial identity between the poles. Using velocity analysis, we find that major signaling pathways including Notch, Wnt, and mTOR drive the specification and maintenance of neuroepithelial stem cells and radial glia. Comparison of these progenitor populations to organoid systems highlights important differences and suggests that manipulation of these signaling pathways may improve in vitro models of early progenitor populations. Overall, we provide a comprehensive molecular and spatial atlas of early stages of human brain and cortical development at the onset of neurogenesis.

Dr. Ronna Hertzano




A Double Pronged Omics-driven Approach to AdvanceDiscovery for Hearing Health

Debilitatinghearing loss afflicts nearly half a billion people worldwide. To date, treatment of hearing loss is based on the severity of the loss, but not based on the cause.  Furthermore, there are no FDA-approved therapeutics to prevent or treat noise-induced or age-related hearing loss. Our team takes a cell type-specific multi-omic approach to characterize molecular pathways in inner ear development and acquired hearing loss. The results of these studies are used to identify candidate targets to prevent or reverse hearing loss. Finally, to facilitate multi-omic data sharing, visualization and analysis, we developed the gEAR portal, the gene Expression Analysis Resource (umgear.org).

Dr. Rachel Wong




Circuit Assembly and Reassembly in the Vertebrate Retina

Vision relies on complex sensory information relayed by the neural retina to the brain. Neuronal circuits of the vertebrate retina are functionally diverse, comprising stereotypic synaptic connectivity patterns involving specific cell types. Our lab is interested in elucidating the developmental mechanisms that generate the retinal wiring patterns responsible for daylight, night-time and high-acuity vision. Our studies are based on several model systems including mice, zebrafish and primates. Using fluorescence imaging methods, transgenic approaches and serial electron microscopy techniques, we have identified key cell-cell interactions that shape retinal connectivity patterns during development. We are also interested in attaining a better understanding of the regeneration of retinal circuits and as such, are currently investigating the rewiring potential and circuitry of retinal neurons in the adult retina after injury. Our hope is that a deep understanding of circuit development and of circuit reassembly after injury will inform strategies for retinal repair.



