
Post-90s in the fight against COVID-19 | Ye Liwen (Part 5)

We Are In China CombatCOVID19 CNStories 2021-11-16

Post-90s in the fight against COVID-19 | Ye Liwen (Part 1)

Post-90s in the fight against COVID-19 | Ye Liwen (Part 2)

Post-90s in the fight against COVID-19 | Ye Liwen (Part 3)

Post-90s in the fight against COVID-19 | Ye Liwen (Part 4)

Being one of the second generation of doctors, she learns from role models like Zhong Nanshan and her father.

Ye Liwen is a beautiful girl. Taking off the doctor's overall, she is also very fashionable.

Ye Liwen's father is a doctor and her mother a nurse. As one of the second generation of doctors, she grew up accustomed to her father working 365 days a year. "My role models are Zhong Nanshan and my father."

"Zhong Nanshan is the role model of everyone in our respiratory department." Ye Liwen's tone was full of admiration and reverence. She said, "Doctor Zhong was ordered to fight the epidemic for more than 60 days, not only showing his hard work, but also showing a sense of responsibility. Behind such a heavy job at 84 years old, he must be super self-disciplined, and have a good body self-management. "My father is also a self-disciplined man. He goes to exercise at five o 'clock every morning and pays great attention to balanced diet. He often says, 'The body is the capital of revolution' and 'Life lies in exercise'."

Since January 4, Ye Liwen has been fighting for more than two months continuously. As a close contact and a doctor on duty in the fever clinic, Ye Liwen has been healthy all the time. She said she owed it to her father who took her to exercise since childhood and laid a good foundation for her body. This experience also gave her a deeper understanding of her father's strict education. "Papa always told me that to be a doctor, I have to be bold but cautious !" Under the epidemic, Ye Liwen treated patients independently and was not infected. Behind the legend of "Strong Ye" is the educational practice of "being bold but cautious".

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