
莫兰迪的色彩之美—Giorgio Morandi and the Extraordinary in the Everyday

Spotlight Team Shanghai Spotlight 聚焦上海


From July 9th to October 9th 2022, the famous Italian artist Giorgio Morandi will be exhibited at the Bund Art Group, and will be open to the public at Shanghai Jiushi Art Museum.


This fantastic exhibition is not only the first large scale exhibition of Morandi’s works in Shanghai, but also the significant number of 51 original works is the most to be shown together in Shanghai. 


51 authentic works, 4 painting mediums, let you join Morandi in a marvelous journey of color, experience a pure artistic imagination, feel the beautiful atmosphere of artistic tranquility and ease together in this summer.



Artist Biography


Giorgio Morandi was an influential Italian painter whose activities were mainly based around Bologna. He specialized in still life paintings and his style contains several notable influences including the Italian Classic School, Gericault, Cezanne and Cubism. Considering he lived through two world wars which shook the world to its foundations he retained through it all a singular focus on the images and objects which fascinated him most. He was greatly intrigued with the possibilities presented by simple every day objects including jars, bowls, vases and jugs. 

The warm soft colours he favoured on his palate ideally complimented the simple arrangements of still life, and allowed complete focus and attention on the subject at hand. His skillful use of light and the spatial structure of his objects reflected each other, so that even the ordinary and common objects or landscape embodied a spirituality unique to this essential painter. Well known as a harsh judge of his own work, a number of his early efforts never saw the light of day as he discarded numerous attempts that didn’t meet his exacting standards.


I believe that nothing can be more abstract, more unreal, than what we actually see. We know that all we can see of the objective world, as human beings, never really exists as we see and understand it. Matter exists, of course, but has no intrinsic meaning of its own, such as the meanings that we attach to it. We can know only that a cup is a cup, that a tree is a tree. 


The most popular approach is his ‘Morandi’ colour, which is named after him. Calm and restrained, soft and firm, the low saturation and balance of colours give the canvas a layer of light and hazy beauty, and the natural transition of colour blocks makes the paintings calm and unobtrusive, yet simultaneously entirely unforgettable.


"You have to love the world and the things that are in the world, even the humblest, the light and shadow gladdening or saddening them, and the very dust that chokes them. Morandi reaches the peak of his spirituality as a poet of matter."



Exhibition Overview


This impressive exhibition, co-organized by Shanghai Jiushi Art Museum and Maika Culture, is a historical retrospective of the complete artistic career of this Italian painting master. Skillfully arranged in chronological order, you will be able to closely observe the progress and evolution of this singular artist.

展览分为“从早期实验到光影交互” “成熟阶段:永不过时的风景画与静物画” “莫兰迪的晚年诗意”三个板块,共计展出51件真迹及其创作生涯所用的四种绘画媒介,包含油画、水彩、铅笔/石墨、蚀刻版画,同时涵盖了世人所熟知的静物、花卉以及风景写生等创作题材。

The exhibition is divided into three sections; ‘From early experiments to the interplay of light and form’, ‘Mature period: timeless landscapes and still lifes’ and ‘The poetry of Morandi’s final years’. In total, 51 original works of art and the four major types of media he explored in his career are on display, including oils, watercolour, pencil/graphite and etching, as well as the well known subjects of many of his still life’s, flowers and landscapes.

静物画 布面油画

Still life, 1936

Oil on canvas, cm. 50.8 x 61.9; With frame: cm. 67.8 x 78.8 x 6.8

Augusto and Francesca Giovanardi Collection, Milan


It is a great privilege that the breath of Morandi’s career, spanning five decades, will be on display at Shanghai Jiushi Art Museum. The variety and quality of the works included ensures that his immense craftsmanship can be clearly seen, his masterpieces can be appreciated by the public at large and his talent and be recognized by the entire art community. 



From early experiments to the interplay of light and form


In his early years, Morandi’s artistic style was clearly evolving as he incorporated more influences into his work, and he never hesitated to study and pay homage to his contemporaries and influential schools of art which impressed him. During his formative stages he advanced his skills in painting and printmaking and took several short trips to collect copies of his paintings along the way.

 静物画 布面油画

Still life, 1914

Oil on canvas, cm. 73.8 x65; 

With frame: cm. 88.8x 80.3 x 6

Augusto and Francesca Giovanardi Collection, Milan


In his earliest works it is easy to find hints of the mainstream schools of art active at the time, including Impressionism, Abstraction and Cubism. At this stage, the most defining characteristics of his works are commonly said to be sharp edges, bold and decisive definitions and clear lines.

银盘静物画 布面油画

Still Life,1914

Oil on canvas, cm 76x55

Augusto and Francesca Giovanardi Collection, Milan


His works incorporated portrait silhouettes as well as vessels such as bottles, cups, jars and plates. These familiar objects would become a point of great significance for Morandi, how their depiction could reduce the focus to the essence of an object without the clutter and confusion of every life interfering. Removing the domestic purpose of this objects, they would instead become something greater, worthy of meditation and contemplation. These and other similar objects would become the main focus of much of his most famous and significant work. 




Mature period: timeless landscapes and still lifes


While examining the works included in the Mature Period section, it is fascinating to witness how Morandi’s unique style of still life painting gradually emerged. From careful viewing of his works we can perceive how he interprets the arrangement of everyday household items, which seem to be familiar and relatable yet in his hands seem able to contain an infinite depth of meaning. 

静物画 布面油画

Still life, 1946

Oil on canvas, cm. 33 x44.2; 

With frame: cm.50.3 x 62.5 x 5.5

Augusto and Francesca Giovanardi Collection, Milan


He carefully used a form of low saturation colour in his paintings, and his calm and restrained colours cast a layer of haze on the paintings in a way clearly representative of Morandi. Yet in the simplicity of arrangement and focus bursts out a powerful vitality that warrants a reconsideration of such common everyday scenes. 

白色的路 布面油画 

The White Road (Landscape), 1941 

Oil on canvas, cm. 24 x 29.5; 

With frame: cm. 40.5 x 45.4 x 5.5

Augusto and Francesca Giovanardi Collection, Milan


Under his brush, the variation of colour tones, the use of light and the placement of shapes draw out fantastic possibilities. The objects of his focus are perfectly blended with the background, incorporating an often tranquil and relaxed mood into the deceptive simplicity and subtlety of his arrangements. 

景观 布面油画

Landscape, 1943

Oil on canvas, cm. 42.4 x52.7;

 With frame: cm.58.5 x 68.5 x 5.5

Augusto and Francesca Giovanardi Collection, Milan


At this stage, in addition to creating considerable works in his studio, Morandi further extended his experience to the pastoral beauty of the quiet countryside available to him, and through this expansion a quiet blossoming of new opportunities provided ample inspiration for a new direction in his work.



The poetry of Morandi’s final years


Commentators agree that one of the most recognizable features of Morandi’s later works is the new approach to arrangement of objects in his work; they are brought closer together in the center of the canvas, with a considerably higher density of elements and shapes.


In later years, Morandi remained faithful to two reoccurring themes in his work; in some he continued to explore his representations of inanimate objects, in others he glanced out of the window of his village house in Grizzana or his apartment on Via Fondazza in Bologna.

景观 布面油画


Oil on canvas, cm. 36 x41

 With frame: cm 58.4x 63.3 x 6

Augusto and Francesca Giovanardi Collection, Milan


The unknown courtyard that Morandi glimpsed in the middle of town, wedged between the high walls of the surrounding houses, is a quiet place in the midst of chaos. His frequent brushstrokes of this scene touch the heart with their simplicity and warmth.

In Morandi’s paintings, the real world and emotional transformation are clearly reflected, and the universal value of objects is invoked and revived. Even the most seemingly familiar and understandable objects can burst into life, suggesting the possibility of an essence remaining eternal in a dynamic and changing world.


In Morandi’s paintings, the real world and emotional transformation are clearly reflected, and the universal value of objects is invoked and revived. Even the most seemingly familiar and understandable objects can burst into life, suggesting the possibility of an essence remaining eternal in a dynamic and changing world.

静物画 布面油画

Still life,1960

Oil on canvas, cm. 30.4 x40.5; 

With frame: cm.46.5 x 56.4 x 5.5

Augusto and Francesca Giovanardi Collection, Milan


The exhibition is named after the artist  ‘Giorgio Morandi’, which is the best expression of Morandi's unique artistry and artistic achievements, and the most perfect interpretation of his artistic career.



Cultural and 

creative product


Upon finishing your tour of the main exhibition you can then proceed to the interactive area to enjoy further entertainment. There is not only an interactive ‘colouring game’ activity waiting for you, but also a drawing room area where you can take pictures and experience the unique feeling of creating with the artist in a novel and communicative way. 


Such an important exhibition wouldn’t be complete without a suitable selection of souvenirs and quality representations of this Italian master’s work and as many as ninety eight kinds of Morandi themed cultural and creative products ensure you can retain the perfect keepsake of your experience, or share the joy of Morandi with a lucky person in your life!


There are not only fridge magnets, sticky notes, cell phone cases and canvas bags of the original painting series, but also masks, socks, aromatherapy, mugs and other appealing items waiting for you to discover them.


The nine kinds of ‘Morandi family’ image dolls are truly unmissable, while the ancient style charm of the decorative fan is another bright spot of the selection. 


Art, it has often been said, is the mirror of life. The tranquil and enveloping atmosphere of Giorgio Morandi’s paintings is unmistakable and never fails to engage the audience and impress the charm of our everyday life upon them.


This summer, what better way to refresh your mind and reinvigorate your spirit than meet at Shanghai Jiushi Art Museum and delve into the vital journey of Morandi together. 

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全通票 158元

优惠票 128元















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