【中科院频道】中科院量子信息重点实验室呈献 | 电子科技大学李雪松教授
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题 目:Controllable Synthesis of Graphene by Chemical Vapor Deposition
单 位:电子科技大学
时 间:2019-04-10
地 点:中国科学技术大学
To date, synthesis f graphene by chemical vapor deposition of hydrocarbons, particularly on Cu substrate, exhibits great potential as a cost-effective way to produce high-quality and largearea graphene films. Control on graphene crystal size, growth rate, layer number, defects, etc. is the key to develop graphene synthetic techniques. This talk focuses on the following aspects: (1) Other than the wildly investigated processing parameters such as temperature and reaction gases, we identified the carbon and oxygen contamination in the CVD system and revealed how they affect system reliability, which is helpful to further understand graphene growth kinetics. (2) We synthesized large-area single-layergraphene without any adlayers in a simple way by just suspending the Cu foil.The finding is not only of great significance for the industrial production oflarge-area adlayer-free SLG films but also instructive for the synthesis ofhomogeneous few-layer graphene. (3) We synthesized highly aligned graphene domainson almost arbitrary Cu surface, providing a more facile way for the synthesisof large-area graphene single crystal. (4) We proposed a general and simplemethod to evaluate the electrical transport performance of graphene by the vander Pauw – Hall measurement.
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