【学术视频】ICFSI-17 | 中科院物理研究所杜世萱研究员
图 | 杜世萱
题 目:Electronic-Structure Engineering of Graphene by Semiconductor Intercalation
单 位:中科院物理研究所
时 间:2019-06-24
地 点:上海
One or two layers of 2D traditional semiconductors can effectively decouple the strong interaction between graphene and Ni (111).
The doping level of graphene (ED) is nearly proportional to the work function difference between graphene and 2D materials - on - Ni.
We can tune the doping of graphene by intercalating different layers of 2D materials at graphene/Ni interface.
杜世萱,2002年加入中科院物理所纳米物理与器件实验室工作,其间(2003年-2004年),曾赴美国橡树岭国家实验室访问研究。现任中科院物理所研究员,博士生导师。主要从事计算凝聚态物理方面的研究。通过计算和模拟等手段,利用自行搭建的计算机群以及大规模并行计算机,开展功能分子在金属、半导体等表面的组装结构、生长机制、分子-基底相互作用,以及单分子物性等方面的研究,探索低维纳米体系的物理规律,预测材料的结构和物理性质,以及结构与物性之间的关联,为新型低维纳米材料的开发和应用、结构与物性的调控等提供科学的依据。杜世萱博士共发表SCI学术论文60余篇,其中Phys. Rev. Lett. 5篇, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 4篇, Adv. Mater. 4篇,Appl. Phys. Lett.6篇,在Small上发表Review article1篇。
The 17th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-17) will be held in Shanghai. This 17th conference of the ICFSI series, started in 1985 by G. Le Lay, has the intention, as all previous meetings, to give a broadband overview over the latest developments of modern phenomena at surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures based on semiconductors or insulators ranging from the characterization at the atomic scale to prospects of electronic, spintronic, photonic and photovoltaic applications. The aim for this conference is to bring together leading experts from various fields and disciplines in order to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and promote the capabilities of this interdisciplinary research topic.
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