【学术视频】Workshop on Out of Equilibrium Soft Matter | J. Tailleur
图 | Julien Tailleur
题 目:From pressure to surface tension: the anomalous thermomechanics of active particles
报告人:Julien Tailleur
单 位:Université paris Diderot, France
时 间:2019-05-21
地 点:中国科学院大学
Pressure: A Baskaran, ME Cates, Y Fily, Y Kafri, M Kardar, AP Solon, A Turner
Surface tension: A Daerr, Y Kafri, M Knezevic, F van Wijland, R Zakine, Y Zhao
Thermomechanics of active matter is subtle and interesting
Internal dynamics of active force robust to environmrnt→EOS
Rationalized in terms of active pulse fluxes
Bare surface tension is dressed up by currents
It's not a bug, it's a feature!
Julien Tailleur, CNRS Researcher of Université Paris-Diderot. His research interests include: Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics; Complex systems; Biophysics; Bacterial motion; Active matter ; Large Deviations ; Dynamical phase transitions; Field theory; Dynamical systems.
Higher Education:
2014: Habilitation thesis (HDR), Université Paris-Diderot.
2007: Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Université Pierre et Marie Curie.
2004: Master in Theoretical Physics (5th year), Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.
2004: “Agrégation de Mathématiques” (the highest degree a prospective teacher can obtain)
2003: Master in Physics, 4th year degree of Université d’Orsay.
2003: Master in Mathematics, 4th year degree of Université Pierre et Marie Curie
2002: Bachelor in Physics, 3rd year degree of Université d’Orsay.
2002: Bachelor in Mathematics, 3rd year degree of Université Pierre et Marie Curie.
2001-2005: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
1998: scientific Baccalauréat
Out of equilibrium soft matter is a rapidly growing field of multidisciplinary research with problems ranging from active matter, growth processes in biology, self assembly under imposed constraints to fluctuating hydrodynamics, and nonequilibrium effects on Casimir physics. This workshop intends to develop a synergistic approach to tie together various contemporary problems studied at the crossroads of soft matter and statistical physics connected by the fundamental role of fluctuations.
Organizer: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences