
【大学频道】北京大学高能物理研究中心呈献 | Peter Petreczky

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



图 | Peter Petreczky

题   目:QCD at finite temperature and density

报告人:Peter Petreczky

单   位:Brookhaven National Laboratory


地   点:北京大学



QCD at finite temperature and density is becoming increasingly important for various experimental programmes, ranging from heavy ion physics to astro-particle physics. The non-perturbative nature of non-abelian quantum field theories at finite temperature leaves lattice QCD as the only tool by which we may hope to come to reliable predictions from first principles. This requires careful extrapolations to the thermodynamic, chiral and continuum limits in order to eliminate systematic effects introduced by the discretization procedure. After an introduction to lattice QCD at finite temperature and density, its possibilities and current systematic limitations, a review of present numerical results is given. In particular, plasma properties such as the equation of state, screening masses, static quark free energies and spectral functions are discussed, as well as the critical temperature and the QCD phase structure at zero and finite density.


Péter Petreczky received his Ph.D. in 1999 from Eötvös University in Budapest. From 1999 to 2002 he was a postdoc at the University of Bielefeld in Germany. He joined Brookhaven National Laboratory in 2002 as a Distinguished Goldhaber Fellow. He became a tenured scientist at BNL in 2010. Between 2003 and 2005 he was also a RIKEN-BNL Fellow. His research interests include thermal field theory, lattice QCD, and heavy ion phenomenology.


A three-week summer school on “Frontiers in Lattice QCD” was held from June 24 - July 12 at Peking University, Beijing. The school contains the major topics of lattice QCD fundamentals, particle- and nuclear-physics frontiers and computational technologies.  The purpose of the school is to educate our future generation for lattice quantum field theory as well as to survey new, powerful computational methods. We invite the world-leading experts to give lectures in our school, and hope to bring a new generation of young theorists into contact with leading experts in these fields and to increase the communication and collaboration among domestic and international research universities and institutes.

Organizer: Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University

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