
【学术视频】第九届量子多体系计算研讨会 | 中科院物理所孟子杨研究员

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



图 | 孟子杨

题   目:What we talk about when we talk about fermion criticality


单   位:Institute of  Physics CAS

时   间:2019-04-19

地   点:中国人民大学



  • Quantum Monte Carlo methods

  • Hubbard model

  • Spin-fermion model and itinerant quantum critical points

  • Self-learning methods


Partially lured by the richness and complexity of the fermionic quantum criticality and partially awaked by the possibility of solving these problems in numerical approaches, the recent developments in the large-scale numerical simulations, exemplified with quantum Monte Carlo techniques, are fast and profound. The critical advances of the numerical methodologies developing under the guidance of the field theoretical insights, manifest beneficial consequences both to the numerical and the theoretical communities in condensed matter and to some extend high-energy physics alike. In short, the time is ripe for a pedagogical lecture encompassing the aforementioned activities. The question of fermionic quantum criticality is deep and complicated, but the recent developments in the model design and algorithm improvements have pave the way of achieving controlled conclusions from both theoretical and numerical perspectives, and hopefully could eventually connect to the experimental findings in the heavy fermion, Cu-based and Fe-based superconductivity, Iridates, cold fermionic gas and even the most recent twisted angle graphene layers that all exhibit features of fermionic quantum criticality.


孟子杨,中国科学院物理研究所研究员、香港大学副教授、博士生导师。中国科学技术大学本科毕业,德国斯图加特大学博士毕业,先后在美国路易斯安那州立大学,加拿大多伦多大学从事博士后研究。主要从事凝聚态物理理论和强关联电子系统的量子蒙特卡洛模拟研究,发展、运用大规模数值方法,探索、解释和预言这些系统中涌现出的新奇量子相变和量子态。近年来已发表多篇高水平成果,包括Nature第一作者文章1篇,Physical Review X文章4篇,Physical Review Letter文章16篇,Physical Review B Editors' suggestion文章5篇,Physical Review B Rapid communication文章5篇,其他论文60余篇。


This workshop will focus on recent advances in the field of quantum many-body computation, including Monte Carlo methods, renormalization group and tensor network methods, machine learning, etc. It aims to provide young researchers and graduate students with introductory and updated research information, promote exchange of ideas and in-depth discussions, and enhance the interactions of researchers working in relevant areas.

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