【学术视频】墨子量子奖获得者 | 奥地利因斯布鲁克大学Rainer Blatt教授
单 位:University of Innsbruck
时 间:2019-09-16
地 点:合肥扫码观看精彩报告视频
Trapped Ca⁺ for quantum information processing Quantum computation: toolbox operations Benchmarking the gate operations Quantum simulations with spin chairs Digital quantum simulation of a lattice gauge theory Variational quantum simulations
Rainer Blatt is a German-Austrian experimental physicist, John Bell Prize Winner. His research focuses on trapped ions as a means to address fundamental questions in quantum optics, spectroscopy, and quantum information science. In the laboratory, individual ions are confined in electromagnetic traps under ultrahigh vacuum, and their electronic states are manipulated and probed using laser beams. Experiments in his group, including the demonstration of quantum gates and highly entangled ion strings, have established that ions are outstanding candidates for quantum bits in a quantum computer. Current research themes include the investigation of light-matter quantum interfaces, the scalability of ion traps for quantum information processing, and the use of trapped ions to simulate quantum processes.2018年,Rainer Blatt教授因实验实现独立离子之间的量子逻辑门、多粒子纠缠、量子模拟和基于囚禁离子的量子计算等方面的开创性工作而获得墨子量子奖。
量子信息技术是当今世界前沿科技,也是各国竞相角逐的未来技术制高点,欧盟、美国、英国、德国等纷纷启动该领域的国家级战略计划。在此背景下,为了解国际上该领域的最新发展动态,推动国内外高层次学术交流,提升我国在该领域的地位和影响力,中国科学院量子信息与量子科技创新研究院于2019年9月15日至20日在合肥举办 “新兴量子技术国际会议( International Conference on Emerging Quantum Technology, ICEQT 2019 )”。本次会议包括诺贝尔物理学奖获得者及沃尔夫物理学奖获得者在内的多位国际知名学者专家参会,并于9月20日举行墨子量子奖颁奖典礼。
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