【大学频道】中国科大郭永怀系列讲座 | 北京大学张文彬教授
图 | 张文彬
题 目:Cellular Synthenis of Topological Proteins
单 位:北京大学
时 间:2019-10-25
地 点:合肥
Grand Challenges in Polymer Chemistry
Nontrival Protein Topology in Nature
Protein Topology Engineering
Encoding Chemical Reaction in Sequence
"Click"-like Reactivity
Synthesis of Cyclic Proteins
Synthesis of Protein Catenanes
Wen-bin Zhang is currently an Associate Professor at the College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Peking University. He received his BS from Peking University in 2004 and his PHD in Polymer Science from the University of Akron in 2010. He continued there as a postdoc for one year, before moving to Caltech for a second postdoc. He started his independent career at Peking University in 2013 and was promoted to a tenured associate professor in 2019. His research in the past decade has been the pursuit of precision in macromolecular science at both molecular and supramolecular level. His goal is to integrate the design principles and building blocks of both synthetic and biological polymers for the development of precision macromolecules with unique functions for health-related applications. He received the "1000 Talent Award (Youth) " in 2013 and the Distinguished Lectureship Award"from the Chemical Society of Japan in 2017. He also serves as the editorial board of rising stars for the journal Chinese Journal of chemistry (since 2017), the executive board member for the journal Polymer (since 2019), the editorial board member for the journal Chin. Chem. Lett. (since 2019) and the committee member for the Division of Supramolecular Chemistry, Chinese Chemical Society (since 2018).会议简介
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