【大学频道】中国催化史料馆呈献 | 西交利物浦大学Graham Dawson博士
题 目:Surface Functionalization of Nanotubes Towards Modification of their Properties
报告人:Graham Dawson
单 位:西交利物浦大学
时 间:2019-07-08
地 点:西交利物浦大学
Introduction of XJTLU Synthesis of tritianate nanotubes Surface modification by dopamine: photocatalysis Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Dr. Graham Dawson joined XJTLU in March 2013. Before taking this position he worked at the Suzhou Institute of nanotechnology and Nanobionics (SINANO) as a postdoctoral research assistant then as an associate professor. During this time, Dr. Dawson was principal investigator of several provincial and national level projects. He completed his PhD studies under Professor Wuzong Zhou at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland and has presented his research at several national and international conferences and published papers in peer reviewed international journals.会议简介
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