【学术视频】第二届粒子物理前沿研讨会 | 美国匹兹堡大学韩涛教授
图 | 韩涛
题 目:Make no stone unturned报告人:韩涛单 位:University of Pittsburgh时 间:2019-06-10地 点:四川大学
For new physics, no prediction for next scale: Search everywhere you can! "Blindspots" present a "nightmare scenario" for DM direct/indirect detections. They survive radiative corrections. SI blindspots (h) may be rescued by SD (z) direct detections: x-n more promising then X-p Ice Cube/Superk approaching sensitivities for SD scattering LHC searches lead to significant extension: Disappearing tracks (NLSP); Electroweakino searches (NLSP); Mono-jets (LSP)...
Tao Han received his PhD from the University of Wisconsinin 1990. He was a Research Associate at Fermi lab and a National SSC Fellow until 1993. He joined UC Davis as an Assistant Professor in 1993 and was promoted to Associate Professor II in 1997. In 1998, he returned to UW Madison, was promoted to Full Professor in2001. In 2011, he relocated to the University of Pittsburgh and presently serves as the founding director of the Pittsburgh Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology Center (PITT PACC). He was named Distinguished Professor of High Energy Physics in 2014. He was elected a Fellow of APS in 2003 and a Fermi lab Frontier Fellow in 2004. He is an elected general member of Aspen Center for Physics and CTEQ. He is now the Vice Chair of APSDPF, and the Chair-Elect for the APS April Meeting.
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