
【学术视频】“非厄米系统动力学演化及其拓扑性质”培训班 | 首师大陈宇博士

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



图 | 陈宇

题   目:Non-hermitian linear response theory报告人:陈宇单   位:首都师范大学时   间:2019-12-16地   点:北京计算科学研究中心



Linear response theory lies at the heart of quantum many-body physics because it builds up connections between the dynamical response to an external probe and correlation functions at equilibrium. Here we consider the dynamical response of a Hermitian system to a non-Hermitian probe, and we develop a non-Hermitian linear response theory that can also relate this dynamical response to equilibrium properties. As an application of our theory, we consider the real-time dynamics of momentum distribution induced by onebody and two-body dissipations. We find that, for many cases, the dynamics of momentum occupation and the width of momentum distribution obey the same universal function form, governed by the single-particle spectral function. We find that the dynamics are slow for critical state with no welldefined quasi-particles. We apply our results to analyze recent experiment on the Bose-Hubbard model and find surprising good agreement between theory and experiment. Our theory also provides a model independent way to extract the critical exponent, which has not been measured before and is hard to calculate in theory for two- dimensional Bose-Hubbard model.




The International Workshop on Frontiers in Quantum Physics and Quantum Information is a series workshop for theoretical and experimental quantum information research. This year, we focus on the topic “topology and dynamics in non-Hermitian systems”. Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians were not taken seriously in the past since they were assumed to be unphysical. With the advent of parity-time reversal symmetric systems possessing real eigenvalues and conserved probability, and with numerous experimental demonstrations, such Hamiltonians are now studied routinely as many novel features in non-Hermitian systems may or may not have any analogue in the Hermitian counterparts. Study of topological phases in non-Hermitian systems is one of the fastest growing and hot research topics. Some of the models have no direct analogy with the Hermitian counterparts and predict exotic topological phases which remained elusive in Hermitian systems but can be rather easily obtained in non-Hermitian systems. The scientific objects of the workshop are to gather widely recognized experts in the field to present and discuss groundbreaking work.


—— ——往期精彩回顾—— ——

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【学术视频】“非厄米系统动力学演化及其拓扑性质”培训班 | 香港大学陈钢教授:Quantum dynamics and experimental relevances in Mott insulators

【学术视频】“非厄米系统动力学演化及其拓扑性质”培训班 | 清华大学汪忠研究员:Non-Hermitian skin effect and non-Bloch band theory: Topology and dynamics

【学术视频】“非厄米系统动力学演化及其拓扑性质”培训班 | 南开大学金亮副教:Non-Hermitian topological phase in photonics

【学术视频】“非厄米系统动力学演化及其拓扑性质”培训班 | 中国科大陈帅教授:Explore topology of quantum gases by quench dynamics

【学术视频】“非厄米系统动力学演化及其拓扑性质”培训班 | 中科院物理所方辰教授:Correspondence between Winding numbers and skin-modes in non-Hermitian systems






联系人:李盼 18005575053(微信同号)

