【学术视频】超导新前沿国际研讨会 | Katsuya Shimizu of Osaka University
图 | Katsuya Shimizu
题 目:High-pressure synthesis and measurements of superconductive hydrides报告人:Katsuya Shimizu
单 位:Osaka University
时 间:2019-11-12地 点:中国科学技术大学
Tc of the binary hydrogen compounds
Experiments with Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC)
Simultaneous experiments with Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC)
Variety of Experiments with Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC)
Key development of R-measurement in DAC
Katsuya Shimizu is Professor at the Center for Quantum Science and Technology under Extreme Conditions, Osaka University, Japan. He received his PhD from Osaka University, Japan. His current research interests concern condensed matter physics at extreme conditions, with reference to metallic hydrogen.
The Physical Review Workshops focus on topics that straddle traditional subject boundaries and new ones that are starting to “emerge from the noise”. The present workshop the first to be held far away from Long Island.Collectively, the goal of these workshops is to provide a setting to promote open and informal discussions and the exchange of information needed to help assess the promise and challenges of an emerging field. With this in mind, the workshops comprise only a limited number of presentations and leave considerable room for informal conversations, round-table discussions, and social activities.
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