
【下午四点】Xavier Waintal:What does quantum supremacy really mean?

KouShare 蔻享学术 2022-07-02


此次讲座由鹏城实验室主办,于2020年6月16日 16:00开始,授权蔻享学术进行网络直播。

主题:What does quantum supremacy really mean?

主讲人:Xavier Waintal

单位:Grenoble Alpes University

时间:2020年6月16日 16:00


This seminar will have two parts. The first one will essentially be a journal club of the recent « quantum supremacy » experiment conducted by google. I will review the experiment both from a physics and from a computational science point of view. In the second part, I will question the supremacy aspect and show that while simulating 53 qubits exactly is indeed exponentially difficult, simulating them with a finite fidelity is a much less challenging task. I will discuss how wavefunction ansatz that span the low to moderate entanglement sector of the Hilbert space (based on Matrix Product States) can reach fidelities comparable to what is achieved experimentally.


Xavier Waintal is a condensed matter theoretical physicist with research interests in quantum nanoelectronics, spintronics and strongly correlated systems.He work at CEA Grenoble, France.He graduated from Polytechnique school, Paris area, in 1995 (X92), did a master of theoretical physics at Ecole Normale Superieure Paris, and moved on to the group of J-L Pichard in Saclay for my PhD (1999). He spent two years as a postdoc in P. Brouwer's group in Cornell University, USA and was hired as a permanent researcher in CEA Saclay in 2002. 

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