【期刊】四川大学:化学拔尖人才国际化培养模式探索与改革 | 大学化学
四川大学化学学院,成都 610064
摘要:“化学拔尖学生培养试验计划”自2009年在四川大学开始实施以来(以下简称“拔尖计划”),已初步形成一个全方位的拔尖学生国际化培养体系,取得了良好的成效。在“拔尖计划2.0”的驱动下,我们对现有国际化培养体系进行深入思考,参考国(境)外一流高校的本科生培养模式,吸取优良经验,在进一步深化国际合作、改革探索新的拔尖班国际化培养体系做出一系列尝试。 关键词:拔尖计划2.0;化学拔尖学生;国际化培养;改革;
1 “拔尖计划”十年以来国际化培养模式初见成效
2 基于目前化学拔尖学生国际化培养模式的思考
图1 化学拔尖学生国际交流目的调研
图2 参加过学院统一访学项目拔尖学生对其评价
表1 近三年学院开设“国际课程周”全英文化学课程及简介
年度 | 课程名称 | 课程简述 |
2017 | The Chemistry and Biology of Natural Products | This class will provide students with historical background on the role that natural products have played in the development of new chemical reactions, synthetic strategy, and the development of pharmaceuticals. |
2017 | Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry | The course will discuss the basics of photochemistry in solution and in confined systems. This course will also include a brief introduction to various supramolecular assemblies that are commonly used in photochemistry. |
2017 | Supramolecular Chemistry | Based on General Chem., Organic Chem. and Inorganic Chem., students will learn a broad spectrum about supramolecular chemistry where host-guest interactions of crown ethers, criptands, calixarenes etc with metal ions, anions and biospecimen are covered in this course. |
2017 | Organic Chemistry of Biomolecules | The major objective of this course is to give students an understanding and appreciation of the role of organic chemistry in biology and biochemistry. |
2017 | Green and Sustainable Chemistry: Drivers and Practices | Green chemistry can be considered as the design and application of processes and products that do not harm the environment. Green chemistry principles and tools are available to aid environmentally friendly process and product design. |
2018 | An Introduction into Preclinical and Clinical Research and Drug Development | The main objective of this course is to provide an overview of biomedical research strategies and clinical development programs in the drug/ biotech industry. |
2018 | Transition Metal Complexes and Their Use in Organic Synthesis | This course introduces concepts of ligand-metal bonding and the influence on transition metal properties. |
2018 | Green and Sustainable Chemistry: Drivers and Practices | Green chemistry can be considered as the design and application of processes and products that do not harm the environment. Green chemistry principles and tools are available to aid environmentally friendly process and product design. |
2018 | Powerful Methods for C―C Bond Formation | In this course, students will have the opportunity to expand their basic skill set in organic chemistry, as well as their understanding of organic chemistry terminology in English, through lectures presenting some of the most powerful methods available to generate C-C bonds. |
2018 | Analytical Optical Spectroscopy | Principles and applications of UV-Vis, Fluorescence, IR, Raman, Surface enhanced Raman, Polarized resonanance synchrouns spectroscopic (PRS2) techniques will be presented. |
2019 | Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry | This course will discuss the basics of photochemistry in solution and in confined systems. A comprehensive model that helps understand the behavior of molecules in solution and in supramolecular assemblies will be presented. |
2019 | Green and Sustainable Chemistry: Drivers and Practices | Green chemistry can be considered as the design and application of processes and products that do not harm the environment. Green chemistry principles and tools are available to aid environmentally friendly process and product design. |
2019 | Supramolecular Chemistry | The design and synthesis of molecules to mimic biological events can no longer be considered a new field. Indeed, increasing numbers of chemists and biochemists are studying simple synthetic molecules as models of enzymes. |
2019 | Analytical Optical Spectroscopy | Principles and applications of UV-vis, Fluorescence, IR, Raman, Surface enhanced Raman, Polarized resonance synchrouns spectroscopic (PRS2) techniques will be presented. |
3 化学拔尖人才国际化培养模式的探索实践
参 考 文 献
马晓爽, 郑成斌. 从量变到质变——“拔尖计划2.0”阶段化学拔尖人才国际化培养模式探索与改革[J]. 大学化学, 2020, in press. doi:10.3866/PKU.DXHX202002015
Xiaoshuang Ma, Chengbin Zheng. The Transition from Quantity to Quality: The Exploration and Reform on the International Training Scheme for Top Chemistry Undergraduate Students at the Stage of “Top-notch Undergraduate Training Program 2.0”[J]. Univ. Chem. 2020, in press. doi:10.3866/PKU.DXHX202002015
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