
【预告】“半语-益言”系列讲座第十三期 | Programmable Integrated Photonics

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-26




主    题:Programmable Integrated Photonics

主讲人: Prof. Dr. José Capmany

单    位:Universitat Politècnica de València
主持人: 李明 研究员时    间:2020年9月2日 19:30-20:30


Prof. Dr. José Capmany is a Professor of Photonics at the iTEAM Research Institute of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain and entrepreneur. He has over 30 years experience in photonic devices and systems research and technology transfer. With over 500 Scientific publications he is a Fellow of IEEE and OSA. In 2011 he co-founded VLC Photonics, currently one of the most prestigious integrated optics design houses. More recently he has founded iPronics (www.ipronics.com), the first spinoff worldwide devoted to the design and production of programmable integrated photonic chips and field programmable photonic gate arrays. In 2012 he received the King James I Award in Novel Technologies (the highest Scientific Distinction in Spain) for pioneering contributions in RF- Photonics. In 2016 he received a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant to develop programmable integrated photonic systems for RFPhotonic applications and in 2019 an ERC Proof of Concept Grant to bring the concept of programmable integrated photonics close to market. He is the current Editor in Chief of IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics and is a member of the steering Committee of the European Conference on Optical Communications. 


Programmable Integrated Photonics aims at designing common integrated optical hardware resource configurations, capable of implementing an unconstrained variety of functionalities by suitable programming following a parallel but not identical path to that of integrated electronics. It is raising a considerable interest, driven by the surge of a large number of new applications in the fields of telecommunications, quantum information processing, sensing and neurophotonics, which call for flexible, reconfigurable, low-cost, compact and low-power-consuming devices that can cooperate with integrated electronic devices to overcome the limitation expected by the demise of Moore’s Law. Integrated photonic devices exploiting full programmability are expected to scale from application specific photonic chips (featuring a relatively low number of functionalities) up to very complex application-agnostic complex subsystems much in the same way as Field Programmable Gate Arrays and microprocessors operate in electronics. Two main differences need to be considered. First, as opposed to integrated electronics, programmable integrated photonics will carry analog operations over the signals to be processed. In second place, the scale of integration density will be several orders of magnitude smaller due to the physical limitations imposed by the wavelength ratio of electrons and lightwave photons.  In this talk I will review the basic foundations and principles behind  programmable integrated photonics,  some practical aspects that limit the programming and scalability of programmable circuits and give an overview of some of the most salient applications demonstrated so far.


《半导体学报》是中国科学院主管、中国电子学会和中国科学院半导体研究所主办的学术刊物,1980年创刊,首任主编是王守武院士,黄昆先生撰写了创刊号首篇论文,现任主编是中科院副院长、国科大校长李树深院士。2009年改为全英文月刊Journal of Semiconductors(简称JOS),同年开始与IOP英国物理学会出版社合作向全球发行。2019年入选科协”中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”。 

近年来,《半导体学报》进行了一系列改革,在创刊四十年之际,2020年启动实施 “中国半导体年度十大研究进展”的推荐和评选工作;创建了JOSarXiv预发布平台,JOSarXiv致力于为国内外半导体领域科研人员提供中英文科技论文免费发布和获取的平台;针对半导体领域热点研究方向,组织多期系列专刊进行系统性、专业性介绍,为半导体领域科研工作者学术研究提供参考。经过一系列改革措施,《半导体学报》论文质量、行业影响力和论文引用率稳步提升,得到了国内外科研人员的大力支持和认可。




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