
【9月26日上午8:00】The 2020 Pacific Causal Inference Conference

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-26





The 2020 Pacific Causal Inference Conference



The goal of causal inference is to combine external knowledge and study design to draw a causal conclusion between variables. It has gained popularity in fields including statistics, biostatistics, biomedical science, computer science, economics, epidemiology, and various social sciences. This conference will focus on the latest development in the statistic on causal inference in biostatistics. 

The program of the conference will target university-based statisticians and industry-based statisticians. The conference follows last year’s successful causal inference conference in Beijing. Due to the COVID-19,the 2020 Pacific Causal Inference Conference will go virtual this year, which will take place between Sept 26th and Sept 27th.


  • Department of Biostatistics ,Peking University
  • Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research ,Peking University
  • Center for Statistical Science ,Peking University
  • School of Mathematical Sciences,Peking University
  • International Biometric Society - Chinese Region
  • Chinese Association for Applied Statistics – Biomedical Statistics

Organizing Committee:
  • Peng Ding (University of California,Berkeley)

  • Jinzhu Jia (Peking University)

  • Theis Lange (University of Copenhagen)

  • Thomas S. Richardson  (University of Washington)

  • Donald B. Rubin(Tsinghua University)

  • Linbo Wang (University of Toronto)

  • Lu Wang (University of Michigan)

  • Ingeborg Wernbaum (Sweden)

  • Kun Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University)

  • Xiao-Hua Zhou  (Chair, Peking University)

List of Speakers:
  • Peng Cui (Tsinghua University) 

  • Peng Ding (University of California,Berkeley) 

  • Walter Dempsey  (University of Michigan) 

  • Richard Guo (University of Washington,Seattle) 

  • Zhichao Jiang (University of Massachusetts Amherst) 

  • Theis Lange (University of Copenhagen) 

  • Lihua Lei (Stanford University) 

  • Lexin Li ( University of California,Berkeley) 

  • Zhenhua Lin (National University of Singapore) 

  • Lin Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) 

  • Lu Mao (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 

  • Torben Martinussen (University of Copenhagen) 

  • Elizabeth L. Ogburn (Betsy) (Johns Hopkins University) 

  • Ema Perković (University of Washington,Seattle) 

  • Thomas S. Richardson  (University of Washington)

  • James M. Robins (Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health) 

  • Donald B. Rubin (Tsinghua University) 

  • Bernhard Schölkopf  (MPI for Intelligent System) 

  • Shohei Shimizu  (LiNGAM) 

  • Ilya Shpitser (Johns Hopkins University) 

  • Peter Spirtes (Carnegie Mellon University) 

  • Zhiqiang Tan ( Rutgers University) 

  • Linbo Wang (University of Toronto) 

  • Lu Wang (University of Michigan) 

  • Ingeborg Wernbaum (Umeå University, Sweden) 

  • Fei Wu (Zhejiang University) 

  • Shu Yang (North Carolina State University ) 

  • Donglin Zeng  ( University of North Carolina at Chapel Hills) 

  • Kun Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University) 

  • Anqi Zhao (National University of Singapore) 

  • Qingyuan Zhao (University of Cambridge) 

  • Xiao-Hua Zhou  (Peking University)

Website: http://conference.bicmr.pku.edu.cn/meeting/index?id=84

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