

应用化学编辑部 蔻享学术 2023-08-02



办刊宗旨: 着重报道化学及交叉学科有应用前景的创新性基础科学研究和创造性科研技术成果,介绍该领域中的新发现、新理论、新方法、新技术、新产品及相关科技信息,为推动应用化学学科的发展、加强国内国际间的学术交流、人才培养和现代化建设服务。

期刊栏目( 全部采用网上投稿方式 ) :

综合评述 : 结合应用前景和本人工作, 评述当前化学学科的研究热点和前沿课题。

研究论文 : 报道创新性的研究成果。

研究简报 : 报道阶段性的创新研究成果。



胡国文, 乔玉玲

摘要: 具有癌细胞靶向性的荧光纳米探针在生物分析、生物医学和临床诊断等领域有着重要的应用前景。本文基于碳量子点的低毒性、低成本、环境友好、制备方法简单及高发光特性等优点,采用水热法合成了表面富含氨基的荧光碳量子点(CDs),进一步通过1-(3-二甲氨基丙基)-3-乙基碳二亚胺盐酸盐(EDC)缩合的方法,将叶酸(FA)分子中的羧基与其共价连接,从而得到叶酸共价修饰的碳量子点复合材料(FA-CDs)。通过将该复合材料分别与海拉(Hela)和小鼠胚胎成纤维(NIH-3T3)细胞共培养,发现该复合材料能够特异性识别并标记癌细胞,且制备的该复合材料具有低毒性和高发光性等优点。该工作对癌细胞的早期诊断具有重要意义。

关键词: 碳量子点,  叶酸,  纳米生物探针,  靶向,  癌细胞 


胡国文,博士,兰州大学功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室工程师。2006,2009和2019年分别获得兰州大学学士、硕士和博士学位。2009年至今,从事功能纳米材料的设计及其在生物和催化中的应用研究,近五年在ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng.,   J. Catal., Nanoscale, Chem. Commun.等国内外学术刊物发表论文10余篇。并担任首届“甘青宁三省联合电子显微学会”理事。


张思佳, 徐彩娜, 陈杰, 田华雨, 陈学思

摘要: 肿瘤免疫治疗是一种新型的癌症治疗方法。然而,现阶段肿瘤免疫疗法的临床响应率低等问题严重制约了其进一步应用。其根本原因在于肿瘤组织免疫抑制微环境限制了T细胞的抗肿瘤活性,而肿瘤组织代谢改变在肿瘤免疫抑制微环境形成过程中起关键作用。本文重点总结了通过调控肿瘤的有氧糖酵解、氨基酸代谢和脂肪酸代谢增强T细胞的抗肿瘤活性。最后,提出当前肿瘤代谢调控研究方面仍然存在的问题,并对纳米载体在肿瘤代谢领域的发展前景进行了展望。

关键词: 肿瘤代谢,  T细胞抗肿瘤活性,  有氧糖酵解,  氨基酸代谢,  脂肪酸代谢 

唐东升, 崔建勋, 梁刚豪, 喻盈捷, 周惠玲, 魏登帅, 肖海华

摘要: 生物安全问题已经成为全世界面临的重大生存和发展威胁之一。在当前我国常态化抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情的背景下,生物安全的战略地位不断提升,它不仅是对国家安全体系组成元素的不断丰富,而且也将增强我国应对突发公共卫生事件的能力,更是保障国家生物安全的必然选择。然而,骤然爆发的COVID-19疫情,揭示了世界各国生物安全还存在漏洞。我国疫情初期,抗疫一线防护装备严重缺乏,检测、监控手段薄弱等,其部分原因是我国生物安全相关的材料研发有所欠缺。利用新材料来防范生物安全威胁和应对生物安全风险因子,发展生物安全材料学,加强生物安全材料学科建设及人才培养,促进生物安全材料学的发展,具有重大意义。生物安全材料学的发展,必将满足人民健康、国家战略和国防需求,为我国国家安全提供保障。

关键词: 材料学,  生物安全,  生物安全材料学,  学科建设,  人才培养 



李英俊, 杨鸿境, 曹欣, 高立信, 靳焜, 盛丽, 刘季红, 刘雪洁, 李佳

摘要: 合成出了一系列含苯并咪唑/芳氧甲基骨架的3,6-二取代三唑并噻二唑衍生物3a~3l,其结构经傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FT-IR)、核磁共振波谱仪(NMR)和元素分析得以确认。评价了它们对细胞分裂周期25B磷酸酶(Cdc25B)/蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶1B(PTP1B)的抑制活性,讨论了构效关系。生物活性测试结果显示,化合物3a对Cdc25B和PTP1B的抑制活性最高,其半数抑制浓度(IC50)值分别为(0.46±0.02) μg/mL和(1.77±0.40) μg/mL。所得研究结果为开发新型Cdc25B/PTP1B抑制剂提供了参考依据。

关键词: 三唑并噻二唑,  苯并咪唑,  芳氧乙酸,  细胞分裂周期25B磷酸酶抑制剂,  蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶1B抑制剂 

胡国文, 乔玉玲

摘要: 具有癌细胞靶向性的荧光纳米探针在生物分析、生物医学和临床诊断等领域有着重要的应用前景。本文基于碳量子点的低毒性、低成本、环境友好、制备方法简单及高发光特性等优点,采用水热法合成了表面富含氨基的荧光碳量子点(CDs),进一步通过1-(3-二甲氨基丙基)-3-乙基碳二亚胺盐酸盐(EDC)缩合的方法,将叶酸(FA)分子中的羧基与其共价连接,从而得到叶酸共价修饰的碳量子点复合材料(FA-CDs)。通过将该复合材料分别与海拉(Hela)和小鼠胚胎成纤维(NIH-3T3)细胞共培养,发现该复合材料能够特异性识别并标记癌细胞,且制备的该复合材料具有低毒性和高发光性等优点。该工作对癌细胞的早期诊断具有重要意义。

关键词: 碳量子点,  叶酸,  纳米生物探针,  靶向,  癌细胞 

高明, 赵开东, 刘祥永, 金元哲

摘要: 目前,心血管疾病是世界上导致死亡的主要病因,而氧化应激损伤是心血管疾病的重要发病机制之一。本研究旨在探讨二硫化钼(MoS2)纳米材料在心肌细胞受到氧化应激损伤时的抗氧化保护作用。我们通过一步水热法合成了具备类抗氧化酶活性的MoS2纳米材料。通过MTT比色法、细胞内凋亡、细胞内活性氧(ROS)检测及Western Blot等实验证实MoS2纳米材料(100 μg/mL)可以很好地保护H9c2心肌细胞免受双氧水(H2O2)诱导的氧化应激损伤。同时,还促进了H9c2心肌细胞的增殖。本研究显示了MoS2纳米材料可用于构建针对氧化应激损伤引起的心血管疾病的抗氧化剂防御,为纳米药物在抗心肌氧化损伤研发提供实验数据及理论依据。

关键词: 二硫化钼纳米材料,  类抗氧化酶活性,  氧化应激,  活性氧,  心肌保护 

陈松华, 陈欣, 刘永琦, 何美云, 付珊珊, 彭丽, 杨纪恩

摘要: 设计合成了两种以咔唑为给体单元,苯并噻二唑为受体单元的分子内电荷转移化合物((E)-4-((4-(4-(9H-咔唑-9-基)苯乙烯基)苯基)乙炔基)-7-溴苯[c][1,2,5]噻二唑(CzPB-Br)和4,7-双((4-((E)-4-(9H-咔唑-9-基)苯乙烯基)苯基)乙炔基)苯[c][1,2,5]噻二唑(CzPBPCz))。研究了紫外、荧光等光物理性质,发现CzPB-Br和CzPBPCz的溶液态在可见区域404和442 nm有明显特征紫外可见吸收峰,同时在557和588 nm处有明显的荧光发射。结合理论计算考察了共轭长度对两种化合物性能的影响。两个化合物利用给-受分子间的偶极-偶极、π-π等相互作用,通过良溶剂向不良溶剂扩散和热饱和溶液析出的自组装方法,分别获得了一维微米线、多边形微米片等聚集态结构。其中,一维的微米线宽度为1~2 μm,长度可达100 μm以上。一维微米线和多边形微米片分别在515和568 nm处显示出了较强的发光,同时还显示出了光波导的特征,为获得高性能低维有机光电纳米材料提供了新思路。

关键词: 咔唑,  苯并噻二唑,  聚集态,  自组装,  固态发光 

黄婕颖, 刘建军, 左胜利, 韩文静, 于迎春

摘要: 以热氧化剥离法得到的超薄石墨相氮化碳(g-C3N4)纳米片为载体,首次在室温条件下,制备了系列Ag3PO4量子点/g-C3N4纳米片复合光催化剂;通过透射电子显微镜(TEM)、高分辨透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)、紫外-可见漫反射光谱(UV-Vis DRS)、荧光光谱(PL),对复合光催化剂的形貌、结构和光学性质进行了表征,考察了系列光催化剂对苯甲醇的光催化选择性氧化性能。结果表明,粒径为3~5 nm Ag3PO4颗粒均匀分散g-C3N4纳米片上,结晶度良好。以乙腈为溶剂时,当m(Ag3PO4)/m(g-C3N4)=0.6时,苯甲醇具有32.1%的最大转化率,对产物苯甲醛具有90%的最高选择性;活性物种捕捉实验结果表明,该催化氧化反应的主要活性物是光生空穴的氧化作用,能带计算结果表明,该复合催化剂结构具有合适的苯甲醇的氧化电位而选择性生成苯甲醛。

关键词: 热剥离,  Ag3PO4量子点,  光催化,  苯甲醇氧化,  光生空穴 

刘宁, 王丹凤, 伍素云, 刘水林, 付琳, 刘跃进

摘要: 通过化学键接的方式,将酸性离子液体(ILs)分别负载于两种不同的硅基载体上,成功制备了SBA-15-ILs(SILs)与Zr-Ce-SBA-15-ILs(ZCSILs)等两种固载化酸性离子液体。通过傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FT-IR)、热重分析仪(TG-DTG)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、N2吸附-脱附比表面仪(BET)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)与有机元素分析仪(OEA)等对所制备催化剂的物化性能进行了表征,并进一步研究了其在甲醛-苯酚合成二羟基二苯基甲烷(双酚F,BPF)中的催化活性。结果表明:短孔道的ZCSILs具有较高比表面积、较多的离子液体负载量和相对优异的催化活性。当m(催化剂)/m(甲醛)=0.36,n(苯酚)/n(甲醛)=30,反应时间90 min、反应温度90 ℃时,BPF收率可达95.6%,对4,4′-BPF的选择性达到44.8%,且所制备的ZCSILs重复使用5次后,依然显示优异的催化活性。

关键词: 短孔道,  酸性离子液体,  Zr-Ce-SBA-15,  双酚F,  选择性 

毕一飘, 宫雪, 杨发, 阮明波, 宋平, 徐维林

摘要: 氨在人类的生产生活中起着重要的作用,但目前工业上合成氨广泛采用的Haber-Bosch法耗能大,且污染严重。而N2电还原反应(ENRR)被认为是一种有效的替代方法,由于N2的键能较高,目前仍然缺乏高活性的催化剂。在这里,通过简单的浸渍法和氧化还原法制备了多价态的MnOx/C催化剂,该催化剂具有较高的氮还原反应活性(氨产率达到7.8 μgNH3/(h·mgcat),法拉第效率高达9.2%) 。进一步研究表明,多价态MnOx/C催化剂具有高氮还原反应活性的主要原因是不同价态的Mn离子(Mn2+、Mn3+、Mn4+)之间存在协同效应。

关键词: 合成氨,  电催化,  过渡金属氧化物,  协同效应 

陶承业, 杨占旭, 李玥

摘要: 研究了一种先通过机械球磨和水热法制得的亚微米红磷,再通过球磨亚微米红磷与石墨得到的块状亚微米红磷/石墨复合材料(smRP/G),并利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱分析(XPS)、循环伏安法(CV)等手段其进行了表征。相对比普通红磷,亚微米红磷更容易通过球磨与石墨复合,能有效提升石墨材料的储锂容量。为红磷在锂离子电池负极材料上的应用提供了一种思路。在少量添加红磷的条件下,当红磷质量分数为3%时smRP/G表现最佳(3%smRP/G)。在100 mA/g电流密度下展示出了1417 mA·h/g的首次放电容量,首次库伦效率67.4%。并在循环200圈后依然保持着700 mA·h/g的可逆循环容量。

关键词: 红磷,  石墨,  球磨,  锂离子电池 

邢雅艳, 史宇哲, 邓世贤, 赵柏涵, 刘志国

摘要: 探索了以植物活性成分儿茶素作为还原剂和保护剂一步水热法合成儿茶素-银纳米复合材料,并进一步测试了纳米复合材料的抑菌活性。紫外可见吸收光谱(UV-Vis)和红外光谱(FTIR)测定证明制备得到了儿茶素包裹的银纳米粒子。透射电子显微镜(TEM)和X射线衍射(XRD)结果显示银纳米粒子的平均粒径为22.7 nm,并具有面心立方晶体结构。抑菌活性实验结果表明,儿茶素-银纳米复合粒子对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌以及白色念球菌都有很强抑制作用,尤其对白色念球菌的抑制作用最强,其最低抑制浓度(MIC)和最低杀菌浓度(MBC)分别为19.63和39.26 μg/mL。儿茶素-银纳米粒子强抑菌活性可归因于其表面银离子的持续释放,有望应用于长效抑菌制剂产品。

关键词: 儿茶素,  银纳米复合材料,  抑菌活性 

张申, 郭玉玉

摘要: 作为检测槲皮素的有效途径,在荧光法中如何通过简单的方法合成性能优良的荧光探针具有重要的意义。本文以聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)为保护剂,抗坏血酸为还原剂,化学还原法合成PVP保护的分散性好、稳定性高、强荧光的铜纳米团簇(PVP-Cu NCs)。样品表现出良好的水溶性,光稳定性和强离子稳定性。通过紫外可见光谱(UV-Vis)、分子荧光光谱、透射电子显微镜(TEM)和X射线光电子能谱分析(XPS)对铜纳米团簇的光学性质和结构进行了分析。结果表明:该铜纳米团簇的最大激发和发射波长分别为366和429 nm,平均粒径大小为2 nm。基于槲皮素对该铜纳米团簇的猝灭作用,构建了一种可用于检测槲皮素的荧光传感器。该传感体系检测槲皮素的线性范围为0.1~0.9 μmol/L和15~60 μmol/L,检测限为0.053 μmol/L(S/N=3)。该传感器对槲皮素的检测具有很高的灵敏度和良好的选择性,可用于实际样品中槲皮素的检测。

关键词: 铜纳米团簇,  聚乙烯吡咯烷酮,  槲皮素,  荧光猝灭 

肖海梅, 蔡蕾, 张朝晖, 陈珊, 周姝, 符金利

摘要: 本文以磁性氧化石墨烯/MIL-101(Cr)复合材料为载体,以Cu(Ⅱ)和Pb(Ⅱ)模板,多巴胺(DA)为功能单体,采用表面印迹技术成功制备一种对Cu(Ⅱ)和Pb(Ⅱ)具有高选择吸附性能的磁性离子印迹聚合物。采用傅里叶变换红外光谱、扫描电子显微镜和振动样品磁强计等技术对该磁性离子印迹聚合物的形貌、粒径大小和磁性能进行表征。详细探讨了该磁性离子印迹聚合物对Cu(Ⅱ)和Pb(Ⅱ)的吸附动力学、等温吸附性能及吸附选择性,结果表明该磁性离子印迹聚合物对Cu(Ⅱ)和Pb(Ⅱ)最大吸附量分别为144.92和322.58 mg/g。优化了磁固相萃取条件,该磁性离子印迹聚合物成功用于水样中微量Cu(Ⅱ)和Pb(Ⅱ)的分离和检测,Cu(Ⅱ)和Pb(Ⅱ)的回收率分别为81.99%~89.91%和81.24%~95.15%。

关键词: 磁性印迹聚合物,  表面印迹,  重金属离子,  磁性氧化石墨烯,  MIL-101(Cr) 

崔媛, 周靓, 赫春香

摘要: 以中速定量滤纸作为基纸,依次用作为基纸改性剂的十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(质量分数0.5%)和作为显色剂的二甲酚橙(质量分数0.2%)浸泡、晾干,制成亚铈试纸。用1.000×10-5~1.000 mol/L的Ce3+标准溶液分别浸泡该试纸,制成11种颜色的标准比色卡。建立了强酸性Ce4+/Ce3+混合液中Ce3+浓度的半定量试纸测定法。将本法应用于再生电解液和模拟有机合成液中Ce3+ 浓度的测定,表明只需用质量分数20%的六次甲基四胺缓冲溶液将试液调整至pH值5.0~6.0,结果准确度良好,共存的Ce4+、对苯二酚、对羟基苯甲醛、1,10-二羟基蒽醌等组分均不产生干扰。该试纸具有制作方法简单、廉价易得、检测快速、易操作等优点,可应用于生产流程中Ce3+浓度的快速检测。

关键词: 中速定量滤纸,  基纸改性,  二甲酚橙,  Ce(III)试纸 


摘要: 金属空气电池的负极与电解液在停机期间一直接触发生腐蚀反应,这严重影响了金属空气电池的保质期。通过对常规金属空气电池结构简单改进,利用启普发生器原理解决金属空气电池的停机腐蚀问题。以铝箔为负极搭建结构改进前后的金属空气电池单池进行间断性恒流放电来测试电池停机寿命,并通过失重实验、析氢损耗测试实验对电池负极的停机腐蚀情况进行定量研究。结果显示,当负极为0.25 mm厚铝箔时,金属空气电池结构改进前后的停机寿命分别为4和21 d;改进结构后的金属空气电池负极在相同时间内的停机腐蚀量远小于常规金属空气电池负极;对单池而言,产生固液分离所需的氢气只需要消耗约0.0380 g的铝,约为一般商用铝负极的0.038%。

关键词: 金属空气电池,  停机腐蚀,  启普发生器原理,  固液分离 


Cover Picture

Folic Acid-Carbon Dot Conjugates for Cancer Cell Targeting
HU Guowen, QIAO Yuling

Abstract: Fluorescent nanobioprobes with cell-targeting specificity are promising to find important applications in bioanalysis, biomedicine, and clinical diagnosis. In this work, folic acid-carbon dot conjugates (FA-CDs) were prepared via hydrothermal method and 1-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-3-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) chemistry. The as-prepared FA-CDs with low toxicity and high luminescence can specifically target cancer cells. The specificity of this receptor-mediated internalization was confirmed by comparing the uptake by Hela and NIH-3T3 cells. This work is of great significance for the early diagnosis of cancer cells.

Key words: carbon dots,  folic acid,  nanobioprobe,  targeting,  cancer cell 


Enhancing T Cell Antitumor Activity by Regulating Tumor Metabolism
ZHANG Sijia, XU Caina, CHEN Jie, TIAN Huayu, CHEN Xuesi

Abstract: Tumor immunotherapy is a new technique for cancer treatment. However, the low clinical response rate of tumor immunotherapy at this stage seriously restricts its further application. The fundamental reason is that the immunosuppressive microenvironment of tumor tissue limits the antitumor activity of T cells, and the metabolic changes of tumor tissue play a key role in the formation of tumor immunosuppressive microenvironment. In this paper, we focus on enhancing the antitumor activity of T cells by regulating the aerobic glycolysis, amino acid metabolism and fatty acid metabolism of tumors. Finally, the current problems in the research of tumor metabolism regulation are proposed, and the development prospects of nanocarriers in the field of tumor metabolism are prospected.

Key words: tumor metabolism,  T cell antitumor activity,  aerobic glycolysis,  amino acid metabolism,  fatty acid metabolism 

Developing Biosafety Materials Science and Building the National Security Wall of China
TANG Dongsheng, CUI Jianxun, LIANG Ganghao, YU Yingjie, ZHOU Huiling, WEI Dengshuai, XIAO Haihua

Abstract: Biosafety has become one of the major threats to the survival of people and development of the whole world. After the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19), the strategic role of biosafety becomes more important, especially under the situation of national normalization of anti-epidemic. Upgrading biosafety not only enriches the elements of the national security system, but also promotes the national security. Many problems were exposed in the outbreak of COVID-19. In the early stage of the outbreak in China, there was a serious lack of first-line personal protective equipment (PPE) and detection kits, which was partially due to the lack of development of biosafety related materials in China. It is of great significance to develop new materials to deal with biosafety risk factors, strengthen the construction of biosafety materials discipline and personnel training, and promote the development of biosafety materials. Ultimately, the development of biosafety materials science will provide a solid guarantee for the health and well-being of society, economic prosperity, and national security

Key words: materials science,  biosafety,  biosafety materials,  discipline construction,  talent cultivation 

Full Papers

Synthesis of 3,6-Disubstituted Triazolothiadiazole Derivatives and Their Inhibitory Activities Against Cell Division Cycle 25B Phosphatase and Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B
LI Yingjun, YANG Hongjing,CAO Xin, GAO Lixin, JIN Kun, SHENG Li, LIU Jihong, LIU Xuejie, LI Jia

Abstract: A series of 3,6-disubstituted triazolothiadiazole derivatives 3a-3l containing benzimidazole/aryloxymethyl scaffolds was synthesized. Their structures were confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and elemental analysis. The inhibitory activity of all synthesized target compounds against cell division cycle 25B phosphatase (Cdc25B)/protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) was evaluated, and the structure-activity relationship was discussed. The bioassay results show that target compound 3a has the highest inhibitory activity against Cdc25B and PTP1B with the half inhibitory concentration (IC50) values of (0.46±0.02) μg/mL and (1.77±0.40) μg/mL, respectively. The obtained research results provide a reference for the development of novel Cdc25B/PTP1B inhibitors.

Key words: triazolothiadiazole,  benzimidazole,  aryloxyacetic acid,  cell division cycle 25B phosphatase inhibitor,  protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitor 

Folic Acid-Carbon Dot Conjugates for Cancer Cell Targeting
HU Guowen, QIAO Yuling

Abstract: Fluorescent nanobioprobes with cell-targeting specificity are promising to find important applications in bioanalysis, biomedicine, and clinical diagnosis. In this work, folic acid-carbon dot conjugates (FA-CDs) were prepared via hydrothermal method and 1-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-3-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) chemistry. The as-prepared FA-CDs with low toxicity and high luminescence can specifically target cancer cells. The specificity of this receptor-mediated internalization was confirmed by comparing the uptake by Hela and NIH-3T3 cells. This work is of great significance for the early diagnosis of cancer cells.

Key words: carbon dots,  folic acid,  nanobioprobe, targeting,  cancer cell 

Preparation of Molybdenum Disulfide Nanoparticles and the Cytoprotection on Cardiac Myocytes

GAO Ming, ZHAO Kaidong, LIU Xiangyong, JIN Yuanzhe

Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases currently dominate the cause of death worldwide. Oxidative stress injury is one of the important pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. The purpose of this study is to investigate the antioxidative protection effect of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanoparticles on cardiomyocytes under oxidative stress injury. We synthesized MoS2nanoparticles with antioxidant-like enzyme activity by a one-step hydrothermal method. MTT, intracellular apoptosis, intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) detection, and Western Blot experiments confirm that MoS2nanoparticles (100 μg/mL) can protect H9c2 cardiomyocytes from oxidative stress injury induced by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). At the same time, it also promotes the proliferation of H9c2 cardiomyocytes. This study shows that MoS2 nanoparticles can be used to construct antioxidant defense against cardiovascular diseases caused by oxidative stress injury, and provide experimental data and theoretical basis for the development of nanomedicine in the resistance to myocardial oxidative damage.

Key words: molybdenum disulfide nanoparticles,  antioxidant enzyme-like activity,  oxidative stress,  reactive oxygen species,  myocardial protection 

Self-assembly and Luminescence Properties of Intramolecular Charge Transfer Compound of Carbazole Derivatives

CHEN Songhua, CHEN Xin, LIU Yongqi, HE Meiyun, FU Shanshan, PENG Li, YANG Jien

Abstract: In order to study the optical properties of intramolecular charge transfer compounds of small organic molecular systems with donor-acceptor structure, two kinds of π-conjugated intramolecular charge transfer(ICT)derivatives ((E)-4-((4-(4-(9H-carbazol-9-yl)styryl)phenyl)ethynyl)-7-bromobenzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazole (CzPB-Br) and 4,7-bis((4-((E)-4-(9H-carbazol-9-yl)styryl)phenyl)ethynyl)benzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazole (CzPBPCz)) were synthesized, where the donor part consists of carbazole unit, while benzothiadiazole works as the acceptor. The influence of different conjugated groups on the structure and photophysical properties were studided by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectra, fluorescence spectra and theoretical calculations. CzPB-Br and CzPBPCz have characteristic UV-Vis absorption peaks at 404 and 442 nm in CH2Cl2, respectively, with the maximum fluorescence wavelengths at 557 and 588 nm, respectively. The well-defined one-dimensional microrods and polygonal micron plates in large quantities and with high morphological purity are successfully fabricated adopting a phase transfer methodology and precipitation of hot saturated solution, exhibiting green and yellow emission respectively (emission maximum centered at 515 and 568 nm). The length of one-dimensional microrod is more than 100 μm with the width of 1~2 μm. Meanwhile, these assembles show a typical characteristics of waveguiding behavior, endowing potential applications in the field of optical devices.

Key words: carbazole,  benzothiadiazole,  aggregated structure,  self-assemble,  luminescence properties 

Preparation of Ag3PO4 Quantum Dots/g-C3N4 Nanosheet Composite Photocatalysts and Its Activity for Selective Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol
HUANG Jieying, LIU Jianjun, ZUO Shengli, HAN Wenjing, YU Yingchun

Abstract: In this paper, a series of Ag3PO4 quantum dots/g-C3N4 nanosheet composite photocatalysts was prepared at room temperature for the first time with the ultrathin g-C3N4 nanosheet exfoliated by thermal oxidation as the support. The morphology, structure and optical properties of the photocatalysts were characterized by transmission electron microscopy(TEM), high resolution TEM(HRTEM), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis (FT-IR), ultraviolet-visible diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (UV-Vis DRS), photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL) techniques. The photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol was investigated. The results show that quantum dots of well-crystallized Ag3PO4with the particle size of 3~5 nm are homogeneously dispersed on the g-C3N4nanosheet. For the photocatalysts with the mass ratio of 0.6 Ag3PO4 to g-C3N4in acetonitrile, the maximum conversion of benzyl alcohol is 32.1%, and the highest selectivity of benzaldehyde is 90%. The results of active species capture experiment show that the main active species of photogenerated hole are responsible for the selective oxidation. The results of energy band calculation show that the composite catalyst has a suitable oxidation potential for benzyl alcohol into benzaldehyde.

Key words: thermal oxidation,  Ag3PO4 quantum dots,  photocatalysis,  benzyl alcohol oxidation,  photogenerated hole 

Catalytic Synthesis of Bisphenol F over Short-Channeled Mesoporous Molecular Sieve Zr-Ce-SBA-15 Supported Acidic Ionic Liquids
LIU Ning, WANG Danfeng, WU Suyun, LIU Shuilin, FU Lin, LIU Yuejin

Abstract: Two supported acidic ionic liquids (ILs) consisting of SBA-15-ILs (SILs) and Zr-Ce-SBA-15-ILs(ZCSILs) were prepared by combining acidic ionic liquids with the silica-based support. The physio-chemical properties of the obtained catalysts were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, thermalgravimetry-differential thermal gravimetry (TG-DTG), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET), transimition electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and organic elemental analysis (OEA) measurements. The catalytic activity of the prepared catalysts was evaluated in the hydroxyalkylation of phenol and aqueous formaldehyde to bisphenol F. The effects of operating variables, such as type of catalysts, molar ratio of phenol to formaldehyde, reaction temperature, reaction time and addition of catalysts on the yield of BPF and selectivity were investigated. Under the optimum conditions (catalyst/formaldehyde mass ratio 0.36, phenol/formaldehyde molar ratio 30∶1, reaction temperature 80 ℃ and reaction time 60 min), a high bisphenol F yield of 95.6% with 44.8% selectivity to 4,4′-BPF can be achieved over the short-channeled ZCSILs catalyst with large specific surface area and high loading amount of ionic liquids and its catalytic activity is still good after being reused for 5 times.

Key words: short channeled,  acid ionic liquids,  Zr-Ce-SBA-15,  bisphenol F,  selectivity 

Polyvalent MnOx/C Electrocatalyst for Highly Efficient Nitrogen Reduction Reaction
BI Yipiao, GONG Xue, YANG Fa, RUAN Mingbo, SONG Ping, XU Weilin

Abstract: NH3 plays an important role in human production and life, but the main way to produce NH3 is still the high energy consumption and high pollution Haber-Bosch process. Electrocatalytic N2 reduction reaction (ENRR) is considered to be an effective alternative method, however highly efficient catalyst is still a challenging as a result of high bond energy of NN. Here, we report an electrocatalyst of polyvalent MnOx/C which is designed via simple redox reaction for highly efficient production of ammonia (with yield up to 7.8 μgNH3/(h·mgcat) and Faradic efficiency (FE) up to 9.2%) from nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR). The high NRR performance of polyvalent MnOx/C mainly originates from a synergistic effect among different valence states (Mn2+, Mn3+, Mn4+) of Mn for NRR.

Key words: ammonia synthesis,  electrocatalysis,  transition metal oxide,  synergistic effect 

Preparation and Electrochemical Properties of Red Phosphorus/Graphite Composite
TAO Chengye, YANG Zhanxu, LI Yue

Abstract: In this paper, a kind of bulk submicron red phosphorus/graphite composite (smRP/G) was studied, which was prepared by mechanical ball milling submicron red phosphorus and graphite. Its characteristics were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), cyclic voltammogram (CV) and etc. Compared with common red new energystorage materials, new catalytic materials, submicron red phosphorus is easier to form composites with graphite by ball milling, which can effectively improve the lithium storage capacity of graphite materials. It provides an idea for the application of red phosphorus in the negative electrode materials of lithium-ion batteries. In this work, under the condition of adding a mass percent of 3% red phosphorus, smRP/G shows the best performance. At the current density of 100 mA/g, the first discharge capacity of 1417 mA·/g is displayed, and the first coulomb efficiency is 67.4%. The reversible capacity of 700 mA·/g is maintained after 200 cycles.

Key words: red phosphorus,  graphite,  ball milling,  lithium-ion batteries 

Preparation and Application of Catechin-Silver Nanocomposites
XING Yayan, SHI Yuzhe, DENG Shixian, ZHAO Baihan, LIU Zhiguo

Abstract: In this study, we explored a one-step hydrothermal synthesis method to synthesize catechin-silver nanocomposite wherein catechin was acted as the reduction agent and protection agent. The ultrviolet-visible (UV-Vis) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) measurements confirm that the obtained nanomaterials are catechin-capped Ag nanoparticles. Transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD) results indicate that the average diameter of the Ag nanoparticles is 22.7 nm, and the Ag nanoparticles have the face centered cubic crystal structure. We further studied the antibacterial activity of catechin-silver nanoparticles. The results of bacteriostatic experiments reveal that the catechin-silver nanoparticles have a strong inhibitory effect on E.coli, S.aureus and C.albicans. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) for C.albicans is 19.63 and 39.26 μg/mL, respectively. The inhibitory activity of catechin-silver nanoparticles can be attributed to the continuous release of Ag+ from their surface. The catechin-silver nanocomposite is expected to be used in long-acting antibacterial agents.

Key words: catechin,  silver nanocomposite,  antibacterial activity 

One-Pot Synthesis of Fluorescent Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone-Stabilized Cu Nanoclusters for the Determination of Quercetin
ZHANG Shen, GUO Yuyu

Abstract: As an effective way to detect quercetin, it is important to synthesize fluorescent probe with excellent performance by a simple method. In this work, a facile one-pot approach has been developed to prepare blue-emitting Cu nanoclusters (NCs) using ascorbic acid as a reducing agent and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) as a capping agent. The PVP-stabilized PVP-Cu NCs display good dispersion, high stability and strong fluorescence. It exhibits good water solubility, excellent photostability and high stability toward high concentration of sodium chloride. The optical performance and structure of PVP-Cu NCs were characterized by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The characterization results show that PVP-Cu NCs have a strong symmetric emission at 429 nm with a maximum excitation at 366 nm. TEM analysis shows that the average diameter of PVP-Cu NCs is 2.0 nm. We construct a fluorescent sensor for the detection of quercetin on the basis of the quenching effect of quercetin on the fluorescence of PVP-Cu NCs. The experimental results show that the quercetin sensing system has a linear range of 0.1~0.9 μmol/L and 15~60 μmol/L with a low detection limit (S/N=3) of 0.053 μmol/L. The sensor has high sensitivity and good selectivity for the detection of quercetin, and can be applied for quercetin detection in real samples.

Key words: copper nanoclusters,  polyvinyl pyrrolidone,  quercetin,  fluorescence quenching 

Preparation of Ion-Imprinted Polymers Based on Magnetic Graphene Oxide/MIL-101 (Cr) and Selective Adsorption of Cu(Ⅱ) and Pb(Ⅱ)

XIAO Haimei, CAI Lei, ZHANG Zhaohui, CHEN Shan, ZHOU Shu, FU Jinli

Abstract: A type of magnetic ion-imprinted polymer based on magnetic graphene oxide/MIL-101(Cr) was synthesized with surface imprinting technology using magnetic graphene oxide/MIL-101(Cr) composite as the supporting material, Cu(Ⅱ), Pb(Ⅱ) as the templates, and dopamine as the functional monomer. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and vibrating sample magnetometry were used to characterize the morphology, particle size, and magnetic properties of the magnetic ion-imprinted polymer. The adsorption kinetics, isothermal adsorption performance and adsorption selectivity of the magnetic ion-imprinted polymer toward Cu(Ⅱ) and Pb(Ⅱ) were investigated in details. The results show that the magnetic ion-imprinted polymer has a superior adsorption performance toward Cu(Ⅱ) and Pb(Ⅱ) with the maximum adsorption capacity of 144.92 and 322.58 mg/g, respectively. The magnetic solid-phase extraction conditions were optimized in details. The magnetic ion-imprinted polymer was successfully used for the separation and detection of trace amounts of Cu(Ⅱ) and Pb(Ⅱ) in water samples. The recoveries of Cu(Ⅱ) and Pb(Ⅱ) are 81.99%~89.91% and 81.24%~95.15%, respectively.

Key words: magnetic ion-imprinted polymer,  surface imprinting,  metal ion,  magnetic graphene oxide,  MIL-101(Cr) 

Design and Manufacture of Cerium Test Paper
CUI Yuang, ZHOU Liang, HE Chunxiang

Abstract: Ce(III) test paper was prepared for the detection of Ce3+concentration using medium-speed quantitative filter paper as the base paper, 0.5% mass fraction cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as a modifier for base paper and 0.2% mass fraction xylenol orange as the color reagent adsorbed on base paper sequentially. A standard color chart including 11 colors was made by soaking the test paper in a series of Ce3+ standard solution in the concentration range of 1.000?0-5 to 1.000 mol/L. A semi-quantitative method was established for detection of Ce3+ concentration in the mixed solution of Ce4+/Ce3+. The method was used for detection of Ce3+ in an electrolyte or organic reaction fluid containing Ce4+, hydroquinone, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde and 1,10-dihydroxyanthraquinone in the buffer solution of hexamethylenetetramine at pH 5.0~6.0. The results show that the method has a good accuracy and those coexisting components do not interfere with the determination. The test paper has advantages of simple manufacturing, cheapness, fast detection speed and easy operation. It is applied to the rapid monitoring of Ce3+ concentration in the production process.

Key words: medium-speed quantitative filter paper,  modified base paper,  xylenol orange,  Ce(III) test paper 

Solving the Shutdown Corrosion Problem of Metal-Air Batteries via Kipp′s Apparatus Principle

WANG Jianghui

Abstract: The metal anode of the metal-air battery is in contact with the electrolyte during the shutdown and the corrosion occurs, which seriously affects the shelf life of the metal-air battery. Through the simple improvement of the structure of the conventional metal-air battery, the shutdown corrosion problem of metal-air batteries is solved by using the Kipp′s apparatus principle so that the metal-air battery can last longer. The single cells of metal-air battery before and after the structural improvement were constructed with aluminum foil as the metal anode and the intermittent constant current discharge was carried out to test the shutdown life of the battery. The shutdown corrosion situation of the anode was quantitatively studied by the mass loss experiment and the hydrogen evolution loss experiment. The results show that when 0.25 mm thick aluminum foil is used as the metal anode, the shutdown life of metal-air battery before and after structural improvement is 4 and 21 days, respectively. The anode corrosion rate of the improved metal-air battery is much slower than that of the conventional metal-air battery. For a single battery, only about 0.0380 g of aluminum is needed to generate the hydrogen required for solid-liquid separation, which is about 0.038% of the general commercial aluminum anode.

Key words: metal-air batteries,  shutdown corrosion,  Kipp′s apparatus principle,  solid-liquid separation 

《应用化学》创刊于 1983 年,是经原国家科委(现中华人民共和国科学技术部)批准、中国科学院主管、中国化学会和长春应用化学研究所主办、科学出版社出版、面向国内、国外公开发行的学报类综合性学术期刊。其中包括有机化学、无机化学、高分子化学、物理化学、分析化学,与材料科学、信息科学、能源科学、生命科学互相关联和渗透,涉及的专业面广。《应用化学》主编由中国科学院院士张洪杰先生担任,编委会由98位科学家组成(包括33名中科院院士和工程院院士,4位国外专家),审稿队伍由全国各个重点院校和科研单位的上千名专家、教授、研究员组成。

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