【预告】Quantum 2020
此次会议由IOP Publishing、中国物理学会、中国科学技术大学联合主办,于2020年10月19日上午8:05开始,共计4天。授权蔻享学术进行网络直播。
The Institute of Physics and IOP Publishing, in partnership with the Chinese Physical Society (CPS) and the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) are proud to bring together the international quantum science community online for this inaugural conference.
Early career and leading researchers from universities, industry and government worldwide will come together to share, learn and collaborate on the latest research and emerging areas of highinterest across quantum science and technology. The broad themes covered by Quantum 2020 will include:
Quantum communication;
Quantum computing and quantum simulation;
Quantum sensing, metrology and imaging;
Quantum information theory, software andalgorithms;
Quantum foundations;
Quantum technology in industry.
The four-day event will feature talks fromworld-renowned scientists, interactive poster sessions and two exciting panel discussions on the themes of Quantum Technology in Industry and QuantumTechnology Programmes Around the World.
Through the generous support of oursponsors, there will be no registration fees for attendees of Quantum 2020.
● 直播回放:“海读沙龙”高新技术系列论坛 | 第三代半导体研讨会● 直播回放:华为开发者大赛@量子计算软件创新大赛● 中-美物理学会“物理教育专题研讨会”会议通知(第一轮)● 关于举办“拓扑材料、物理与器件”和“物理教育”两个联合专题会议的通知● 直播回放:院士论坛、高端论坛等 | 西安交通大学物理科学与技术研究院“科创月”系列活动● 直播回放:电介质物理与材料分会场 | 江苏省物理学会2020年学术年会
● 直播回放:中国科大2020年科技活动周(10场直播与演示)● 直播回放:The 7th Conference of China iGEMer Community
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联系人:李盼 18005575053(微信同号) 戳这里,观看精彩直播哟!