第一场 3月13日(周六) 直播二维码 |
德国11:00,中国18:00, 日本19:00 |
主持人 陈明皓(德国转化医学协会) |
报告1:王庆迪(墨尔本大学)计算流体力学在主动脉夹层中的应用 |
报告2:马园园(关西医科大学)Fibroblast growth factor-2 stimulates proliferation of human adipose-derived stem cells via Src activation |
第二场 3月27日(周六) 直播二维码 |
德国11:00,中国18:00, 日本19:00 |
主持人 戴伟鹏(南安市欧美同学会) |
报告1:刘柏岐(京都大学) The gene regulatory network in the anterior neural plate border of ascidian embryos |
报告2:樊睿 (德国马克斯普朗克生物医学研究所) 小鼠胚胎早期的体外组装和嵌合体胚胎的发育 |
第三场 4月10日(周六) 直播二维码 |
德国10:00,中国16:00, 日本17:00 |
主持人 马彪(留日中国人生命科学协会) |
报告1:王浙鑫 (德国马克斯普朗克分子生理学研究所) 肌肉组织的冷冻电镜断层扫描结构解析 |
报告2:HONG YU CHEN (云南大学) 以肠道微生物探讨洞穴鱼类食性及适应性 |
报告人:王庆迪 (墨尔本大学)
Aortic dissection is one of the lethal cardiovascular diseases that has high mortality. During my PhD, I used a non-invasive method, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the studies of patient's aorta. Medical images were used to provide data for patient-specific simulations. Detailed information could provide quantitative indexes for optimal treatment planning.
题目:Fibroblast growth factor-2 stimulates proliferation of human adipose-derived stem cells via Src activation
Human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) are a subset of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs); it has been regarded as one of the most promising stem cells. We previously found that fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) enhanced the proliferation and differentiation of hASC. However, the mechanisms involved in the growth of hASCs by FGF-2 have not been investigated.
报告人:刘柏岐 (京都大学)
题目:The gene regulatory network in the anterior neural plate border of ascidian embryos
The cranial placodes are thickenings of embryonic ectoderm and give rise to multiple cranial sensory organs and ganglia in vertebrate head. It has been proposed that the emergency of cranial placodes is one of key characteristics to distinguish vertebrates and other chordates. However, recent studies have shown that the anterior neural plate border (ANB) in ascidians, closest relatives of vertebrates, has similarities with vertebrate placodes. The study of gene regulatory network (GRN) in ANB cells is required for further understanding the evolutionary origin of cranial placodes. In present study, we found that Foxg, a conserved transcription factor, began to be expressed in ANB cells at the early neurula stage under the control of Foxc and MAPK signaling pathway. Ephrina.d negatively regulated the MAPK signaling pathway to restrict Foxg expression domain. Knockdown of Foxg affected the formation of the derivatives of ANB cells. Because Foxg is important for specification of cranial placodes in vertebrate embryos, our results provide additional evidence suggesting that the ascidian ANB cells and vertebrate cranial placodes share an evolutionary origin
报告人:樊睿 (德国马克斯普朗克生物医学研究所)题目:小鼠胚胎早期的体外组装和嵌合体胚胎的发育 哺乳动物的发育是从单个受精卵开始的,受精卵经过多次细胞分裂形成囊胚。同时母体子宫也为胚胎的着床做好了准备。在囊胚阶段,胚胎包括三种不同的细胞种类,上胚层,原始胚层和滋养层。这些细胞都具有多功能性,可以在接下来的胚胎发育过程中分化成为特定的组织器官。当胚胎成功附着在子宫后,滋养层细胞开始侵入子宫,进一步形成胎盘从而与母体进行营养交换支持胚胎的进一步发育。在有充足营养供给的基础上,上胚层会发育成整个胎儿。最近的研究发现,囊胚中这些不同的细胞种类在特定培养条件下可以形成同体内生长条件下类似的结构。根据细胞所具有的这种自我调整结构状态的能力,如果把不同的细胞种类放到一起,这些细胞是否会识别自己相应的位置,自我组装成囊胚,从而进一步发育成胚胎?如果同一种动物的不同细胞种类可以自发的组装到一起,那么来自于不同种类动物的细胞是否也可以进行组装?如果来自不同动物的细胞在胚胎发育早期可以彼此嵌合,那么他们是否能够发育成具有功能性的器官呢?这方面的研究是否在医学上有应用的前景,人类细胞是否也可以和动物细胞进行嵌合,我们离在动物体上产生人类的器官还有多远?我会结合当前的科学进展和自己所在实验室的研究和大家一起探讨以上的问题。
报告人:王浙鑫 (德国马克斯普朗克分子生理学研究所)题目:肌肉组织的冷冻电镜断层扫描结构解析利用冷冻电镜断层扫描技术决定高分辨率的小鼠肌肉组织结构。本研究成果于本月被cell杂志接收。Sarcomeres are the force-generating and load-bearing devices of muscles. A precise molecular understanding of how the entire sarcomere is built is required to understand its role in health, disease and ageing. Here, we determine the in situ molecular architecture of vertebrate skeletal sarcomeres through electron cryo-tomography of cryo-focused ion beam-milled native myofibrils. The reconstructions reveal the three-dimensional organisation and interaction of actin and myosin filaments in the A-band, I-band and Z-disc and demonstrate how α-actinin cross-links antiparallel actin filaments to form a mesh-like structure in the Z-disc at an unprecedented level of molecular detail. A prominent feature is a so-far undescribed doublet of α-actinin cross-links with ~ 6 nm spacing. Sub-volume averaging shows the interaction between myosin, tropomyosin and actin in molecular detail at ~ 10 Å resolution and reveals two coexisting conformations of actin-bound heads. The flexible orientation of the lever arm and the essential and regulatory light chains allow the two heads of the “double-headed” myosin not only to interact with the same actin filament but also to split between two actin filaments. Our results provide new insights into the conformational plasticity and fundamental organisation of vertebrate skeletal muscle and serve as a strong foundation for future in situ investigations of muscle diseases. 报告人:HONG YU CHEN (云南大学)题目:以肠道微生物探讨洞穴鱼类食性及适应性 师从云南大学生命科学学院院长、国家级鱼类专家肖蘅教授、云南大学生命科学学院副院长、动物学专家陈善元教授。目前主要依托于我国特有珍稀保护鱼类(金线鲃属鱼类)资源,通过分子生物学、分子生态学手段,以 DNA、RNA 测序分析、肠道微生物宏基因组、宏条形码等技术,进行动物遗传与演化、动物适应性进化等相关方面研究。
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