【直播】【ICQD学术报告】解宏毅博士:Topological Andreev bands in ...
We study the Josephson effect in the multiterminal junction of topological superconductors. We use the symmetry-constrained scattering matrix approach to derive band dispersions of emergent subgap Andreev bound states in the parameter space of superconducting phase differences. We find distinct topologically protected band crossings that serve as monopoles of finite Berry curvature. Particularly, in a four-terminal junction the admixture of 2π and 4π periodic levels leads to the appearance of finite-energy Majorana-Weyl nodes. This topological regime in the junction can be characterized by a quantized nonlocal conductance that measures the Chern number of the corresponding bands. In six-terminal junctions, crossings of Andreev bands may support the non-Abelian SU(2) monopoles with a topological charge characterized by the second class Chern number. We propose that these topological defects can be detected via nonlinear response measurement of the current autocorrelations. In addition, multiterminal Josephson junction devices can be tested as a hardware platform for realizing holonomic quantum computation. In addition, we calculate current-phase relations, variance, and cross correlations of topological supercurrents in multiterminal contacts and discuss the universality of these transport characteristics. At the technical level these results are obtained by integrating over the group of a circular ensemble that describes the scattering matrix of the junction.
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