

KouShare 蔻享学术 2022-07-03


本次论坛由南京大学物理学院 苏州大学物理科学与技术学院 江苏省光学学会承办,于2021年10月30日9:00开始,授权蔻享学术进行网络直播。




围绕“新型光电材料基础物理与前沿科技”这一主题,将开展但不限于以下讨论专题: 🔶 新微纳光学结构与新物理 🔶 新型光电材料中的量子调控与量子信息技术 🔶 低维材料的光电效应与应用技术 🔶 新型半导体光电材料的基础物理与应用技术 🔶 新型能源材料的光电效应与应用技术 🔶 新型生物与化学分子材料的光电效应与应用技术 🔶 柔性光电子材料与器件 🔶 碳基光电子材料与器件 🔶 钙钛矿光电子材料与器件 🔶 硅基光子学与集成光子技术 🔶 新型光电探测与光学成像技术 🔶 微纳光电材料的新型制备技术 🔶 光纤传感与光纤通信网络技术 🔶 新型激光器技术与应用 🔶 新型光计算技术与应用 🔶 红外光与太赫兹应用技术 🔶 微波光子学与应用技术


承办单位:南京大学物理学院 苏州大学物理科学与技术学院 江苏省光学学会


1.主要围绕本次活动的主题,已邀请英国帝国理工学院John Pendry爵士、澳大利亚国立大学Yuri Kivshar教授、香港科技大学陈子亭教授、美国德州农工大学Girish Agarwal院士、香港城市大学蔡定平教授等国际国内知名专家进行大会报告。并组织了超构材料&超构表面,新型能源光电材料等多个分会场,并邀请20余位专家做分会报告。

2. 分会报告也会有分会专家对学生的分会报告进行点评和评选。

3. 学术报告形式:大会报告 40分钟;分会学术报告 30分钟;学生分会报告 20分钟
4. 日程安排(注:会议日程以当日直播间发布为准



A new mechanism for gain in time dependent media

Sir John Pendry

Imperial College

Abstract: Energy can be added to electromagnetic waves in several different fashions. We identify a mechanism, distinct from conventional ones, in which compression of lines of force is the active ingredient. There are instances of this in other contexts: a superconductor repels magnets because the magnetic lines of forces are compressed as they are rejected by the superconductor. We show that in some circumstances the number of lines of force, electric and magnetic, in a time dependent system is conserved and amplification occurs when these lines of force are squeezed closer together.

Biography: John Pendry is a condensed matter theorist and has worked at Imperial since 1981. He began his career in the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, followed by six years at the Daresbury Laboratory where he headed the theoretical group. He has worked extensively on electronic and structural properties of surfaces developing the theory of low energy diffraction and of electronic surface states. More recently he turned his attention to photonic materials this interest led to his present research into the remarkable electromagnetic properties of materials where the normal response to electromagnetic fields is reversed, leading to negative values for the refractive index. In collaboration with scientists at Marconi he designed a series of metamaterials, completely novel materials with properties not found in nature. These designs were subsequently the basis for new concepts with radical consequences, such as the first material with a negative refractive index and a prototype cloaking device, which have both caught the imagination of the world’s media.

The rise of Mie-tronics

Prof. Yuri Kivshar


Abstract: For many years, plasmonics was considered as the only suitable platform for subwavelength optics, but the recently emerged field of Mie resonant all-dielectric metaphotonics provides practical alternatives for nanoscale optics by employing resonances in high-index dielectric nanoparticles and metasurfaces. In this talk I aim to introduce this recently emerged field and discuss the physics of dielectric Mieresonant metamaterials for efficient spatial and temporal control of light by employing multipolar resonances and bound states in the continuum to achieve high values of the Q factor, with applications of these concepts to nonlinear optics, topological photonics, and sensing.

Biography: Yuri Kivshar received PhD degree in 1984 in Kharkov (Ukraine). From 1989 to 1993 he worked at several research centers in USA and Europe, and in 1993 he moved to Australia where he established Nonlinear Physics Center. His research interests include nonlinear physics, metamaterials, and nanophotonics. He is Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, OSA, APS, SPIE, and IOP. He received many national and international awards including Pnevmatikos Prize in Nonlinear Science (Greece), Lyle Medal (Australia), Lebedev Medal (Russia), The State Prize in Science and Technology (Ukraine), Harrie Massey Medal (UK), Humboldt Research Award (Germany), and SPIE Mozi Award (USA).

Complementarity, Wave Particle Duality and Quantum Entanglement-Theory and Experiments

Prof. Girish Agarwal


Abstract: We present an investigation of wave-particle duality for a photon that is generated from genuine point sources, i.e., a pair of nonlocally entangled two-level atoms. The point source nature justifies a free-space exact spherical wave treatment. More importantly, it allows a systematic quantitative analysis of the source effects on a quantum particle’s duality property. Surprisingly, duality is found to be a conditional phenomenon depending on the photon’s atomic source state. It can be tuned maximum, medium, and even minimum (completely absent) by the atomic state purity 𝜇s through an exact Pythagorean relation 𝜇s = 𝑉2 + 𝐷2 with visibility V and distinguishability D representing the photon’s wave and particle properties respectively. The visibility V also equals to the entanglement in the source state which translates into the path entanglement for the photon state. The results can be tested in various practical physical systems. We discuss a recent experimental work by Yoon and Cho that confirms our source-controlled duality relation. The experimental setup us based on the original work of Mandel and collaborators on inducing coherence by using single photons from two SPDC’s and by a clever use of the photon added coherent states.

Biography: Girish S Agarwal, University Distinguished Professor at Texas A&M University; specializes in quantum optics and is the author of “Quantum Optics” published by the Cambridge University Press. His work is widely followed with an h index of 95 on Google scholar. He has been recognized by a large number of awards, including the Max-Born Prize from the Optical Society of America in 1988, the physics prize of the World Academy of Sciences, the Humboldt Research Award (1997) of Germany. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society UK and many other academies and societies.

Unconventional topological materials and phenomena

Prof. C. T. Chan


Abstract: Recently, topological phases in condensed matter and photonic/phononic systems have captured the attention of scientists and engineers. These topological phases are usually classified by global topological invariants are usually integers, such as Chern numbers or winding numbers. We will use two examples to illustrate that we can have topological materials and topological phenomena that are not characterized by integers.

In the first example, we will see how non-Abelian topological charges (that behave like matrices) can be realized in some electromagnetic and acoustic systems, and the physical consequences that will arise. In fact, using non-Abelian quantities such as quaternions for the topological classification of material, such as disclination defects in liquid crystals, have preceded the current trend of using integers to classify topological materials. 

In the second example, we will see that some simple photonic/phononic crystals which do not have bulk integer topological invariants behave like a "valley-Hall" topological crystal when certain boundary conditions are applied. Although the transport phenomena are almost indistinguishable from the valley-locked transport in valley-Hall crystals, the underlying principle is based on a boundary-condition induced bulk chiral anomaly, which cannot be classified using the usual topological invariants.

Biography: C.T. Chan received his PhD degree from the University of California at Berkeley in 1985. He is currently serving as the Associate Vice-President for Research & Development at HKUST. He is also concurrently the Daniel C K Yu Professor of Science, Chair Professor of Physics and the Director of Research Office of HKUST. He has been elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society and Hong Kong Physical Society.

High Dimensional Meta-devices: Classical to Quantum

Prof. DP Tsai

CityU HK

Abstract: Meta-surfaces are composed of an array of artificial nanostructures. The electromagnetic wave can be manipulated with its phase, polarization, and amplitude at will. Nowadays, the demand for photonics is extended from classical to quantum optics. With the advent of the post-Moore era, the fabrication technology of the semiconductor industry has faced the problem of the physical limitation approach. They have urgently needed to find out new methods and new physics to break through this dilemma. Quantum optics technology is the most suitable solution for this situation. Here, the design, fabrication, and application of the novel optical metadevices are reported from classical to quantum optics in this talk. The meta-lens array with achromatism is used to demonstrate a light field system for imaging and sensing. The integrated meta-lens array is used to demonstrate a high dimensional quantum light source chip with excellent performance of quantum fidelity.

Biography: Professor Din-Ping Tsai is currently Chair Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. He is an elected Fellow AAAS, APS, EMA, IEEE, JSAP, NAI, OSA, and SPIE, respectively. He is an elected Member of the International Academy of Engineering (IAE), and Academician of the AsiaPacific Academy of Materials (APAM). He is the author and co-author of 332 SCI papers, 65 book chapters and conference papers, and 39 technical reports and articles. He was granted 68 patents for 45 innovations. Twenty of his patents were licensed to 5 industrial companies. He was invited as an invited speaker for international conferences or symposiums more than 309 times (18 Plenary Talks, 55 Keynote Talks). He received many prestigious recognitions and awards, including “Global Highly Cited Researchers,” Web of Science Group (Clarivate Analytics) in 2020 and 2019, respectively; China’s Top 10 Optical Breakthroughs in 2020 and 2018, respectively; “Mozi Award” from International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE) (2018); etc. He currently serves as an Editor of Light: Advanced Manufacturing, and Associate Editor of Journal of Lightwave Technology (IEEE & OSA).


1. 会议网站: http://noe.nju.edu.cn
2. 我们将在论坛网站开设"获奖报告人介绍"栏目, 对于所有获奖的研究生, 也将收集相关的个人资料(简历, 专业特长, 成果获奖等), 制作成获奖名册, 在会议网站上宣传, 并向国内的高校、科研院所、地方政府与光电企业, 猎头公司推荐。3. 我们将在论坛网站开设"课题组介绍"栏目, 鼓励投稿学生的课题组, 将自己课题组的信息发给我们(在投稿网页上也可以选择添加课题组信息), 我们将在网站上进行宣传, 促进光电领域的课题组之间的相互了解和交流, 如果需要还可进行招生与招聘的宣传.


杭志宏  zhhang@suda.edu.cn

徐   四  xusi@nju.edu.cn

郑胜钧  zhengshengjun@nju.edu.cn




联系人:李盼 18005575053(微信同号)


