【直播】【复旦理论物理报告会】上海交大吴建达研究员 学术报告
A tale from the transverse-field Ising chain to quantum E8 integrable model
2021年11月5日 9:30
Exotic thermodynamics and excitations can emerge in the vicinity of a quantum phase transition. In the talk, I will first detailedly discuss the very unique quantum criticality for the Grüneisen ratio in the transverse field Ising chain (TFIC). The unique quantum criticality of the Grüneisen ratio then serves as a smoking gun to identify the underlying TFIC universality observed in quasi-1D antiferromagnetic materials BaCo2V2O8 with transverse field applied along direction . From systematic quantum critical analysis for the effective model of the material , we confirm SrCo2V2O8 with field applied along direction can also accommodate the TFIC universality with much weaker magnetic field . Furthermore, when the quantum critical point of the TFIC is perturbed by a longitudinal magnetic field, it was predicted that its massive excitations are precisely described by the exceptional E8 Lie algebra. Here we show an unambiguous experimental realization of the massive E8 phase in the material BaCo2V2O8, via nuclear magnetic resonance and inelastic neutron scattering measurements, and detailed theoretical analysis . The large separation between the masked 1D and 3D quantum critical points of the system allows us to identify, for the first time, the full 8 single-particle E8 excitations as well as various multi-E8-particle states in the spin excitation spectrum. Our results open new experimental and theoretical route for exploring the dynamics of quantum integrable systems and physics beyond integrability, and thus bridge key physics in condensed matter and statistical field theory.
图 | 吴建达
吴建达,李政道学者。长期致力于量子相变、量子临界热力学及动力学、贝特拟设及可积系统动力学等相关领域的研究工作。2004年及2007年于中国科学技术大学获得学士及硕士学位、2014年博士毕业于美国莱斯大学、2014-2017年在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校从事博士后工作、2017-2018年担任德国马普复杂系统物理所客座研究员。2018年至今就职于上海交通大学李政道研究所及物理与天文学院。2020年入选上海市科委浦江人才计划。迄今共发表论文二十余篇,包括1篇Nature、1篇Nature Physics、1篇Nature Communications、及7篇Physical Review Letters等。先后在国际学术会议、国内外科研机构及学术单位给特邀学术报告近四十次。
复旦理论物理报告会,每周五上午9:30举行,报告时间为一到两个小时。报告会旨在加强国内外理论物理前沿研究进展的互动,着重凝聚态物理、量子信息和原子分子光学等学科中重要的理论物理方面的最新进展和发展方向。通过加强交流,促进不同物理学科的交叉互通, 启发新的研究角度和新科学思想。提高研究生对前沿理论物理研究动向的敏感度和思考新物理问题尤其是交叉学科问题的积极性。