【直播】【兰州大学兰州理论物理中心(筹)】英苏布里亚大学Giulio Casati教授学术报告
Onsager relations, nonequilibrium phase transitions and absolute negative mobility
Giulio Casati | 英苏布里亚大学
The understanding of the underlying dynamical mechanisms which determines the macroscopic laws of heat conduction is a long standing task of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. A better understanding of such mechanism may also lead to potentially interesting applications based on the possibility to control the heat flow, and to new theoretical results. In particular we discuss the possibility of absolute negative mobility (ANM) which is a highly counterintuitive phenomenon, where the sign of the induced current is opposite to the applied forces.
We also provide analytical and numerical evidence that Onsager reciprocal relations remain valid for systems with broken time-reversal symmetry as is typically the case when a generic magnetic field is present. Hence, the fundamental constraints that Onsager relations impose on heat to work conversion remain valid also with broken time-reversal symmetry. In particular, the possibility of an engine operating at the Carnot efficiency with finite power is ruled out on purely thermodynamic grounds.
Giulio Casati,意大利科莫湖高级研究学院院长,纳塔尔国际物理研究所特聘访问教授。长期致力于经典和量子混沌,非线性动力学和复杂系统,统计物理,理论物理研究。发现了量子动力学中的局域化现象,量子力学中混沌的相关性,单色场中氢原子混沌激发的量子限制等。