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文章于 2023年8月20日 被检测为删除。
Spin-orbit coupling plays an important role in condensed matter physics. It is conventionally viewed as a single-electron property inherited from the Dirac equation but not directly related to many-body interactions. In this talk, we propose a conceptually new mechanism for the spontaneous generation of spin-orbit coupling from unconventional type of magnetic phase transitions (e.g. p-wave) based on itinerant Fermi surface instabilities. The ordered phases are classified into two classes, dubbed the alpha and beta-phases by analogy to the superfluid He-3 A and B phases, respectively. The Fermi surfaces in the alpha phases exhibit spontaneous anisotropic distortions, which are the electronic nematic phases augmented by the spin degree of freedom. The beta-phases remain isotropic and develop nontrivial spin-texture configurations in momentum space – exhibiting various types of spin-orbit coupling. Possible directions for experimentally realizing these phases in transition metal oxides and rare earth compounds, and detections including neutron scattering and optical methods are discussed. We have also systematically developed Fermi liquid theory with spin-orbit coupled but inversion invariant systems, and applied it to Fermi systems characterized by magnetic dipolar interactions. An exotic propagating collective mode is identified as spin-orbit coupled Fermi surface oscillations.
编辑:黄琦为满足更多科研工作者的需求,蔻享平台开通了各科研领域的微信交流群。进群请添加微信18019902656(备注您的科研方向)小编拉您入群哟! 蔻享网站www.koushare.com已开通up主自主上传功能,期待您的分享!
联系人:李盼 18005575053(微信同号) 戳这里,观看精彩直播哟!
【直播】【ICQD月度论坛】西湖大学吴从军教授 学术报告
Unconventional Magnetism and Spontaneous Spin-orbit Ordering
2021年11月19日 15:30
吴从军 | 西湖大学
合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心、 国际功能材料量子设计中心(ICQD)
Spin-orbit coupling plays an important role in condensed matter physics. It is conventionally viewed as a single-electron property inherited from the Dirac equation but not directly related to many-body interactions. In this talk, we propose a conceptually new mechanism for the spontaneous generation of spin-orbit coupling from unconventional type of magnetic phase transitions (e.g. p-wave) based on itinerant Fermi surface instabilities. The ordered phases are classified into two classes, dubbed the alpha and beta-phases by analogy to the superfluid He-3 A and B phases, respectively. The Fermi surfaces in the alpha phases exhibit spontaneous anisotropic distortions, which are the electronic nematic phases augmented by the spin degree of freedom. The beta-phases remain isotropic and develop nontrivial spin-texture configurations in momentum space – exhibiting various types of spin-orbit coupling. Possible directions for experimentally realizing these phases in transition metal oxides and rare earth compounds, and detections including neutron scattering and optical methods are discussed. We have also systematically developed Fermi liquid theory with spin-orbit coupled but inversion invariant systems, and applied it to Fermi systems characterized by magnetic dipolar interactions. An exotic propagating collective mode is identified as spin-orbit coupled Fermi surface oscillations.