为了加强我院青年学者与新加坡国立大学计算机系青年学者间的学术交流与合作,更好地推动我院计算机科学与技术学科的发展,同时加强与新加坡国立大学计算机学院之间的协同合作,华中科技大学计算机学院拟于2021年12月23日上午8:30-11:30在线上召开“2021华中科技大学计算机学院与新加坡国立大学计算机学院青年学者联合论坛暨‘TIME·青椒’沙龙第三期” (2021 Joint Symposium on Hot Topics On Computer System Research),本次活动由计算机学院青年教师联合会协办。
Bingsheng He(National University of Singapore,Dean’s Chair Associate Professor)
个人简介:Jialin Li, Assistant Professor, School of Computing, NUS. He finished his PhD at the University of Washington in 2019 and received his B.S.E in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan in 2012. As part of his dissertation work, he has built practical distributed systems that offer both strong semantics and high performance, by co-designing with new-generation programmable hardware. He is the recipient of best paper awards at OSDI and NSDI.
摘要:Software processing on CPUs has become the performance bottleneck of many large scale distributed systems deployed in data centers. In this talk, we will introduce a new approach to designing distributed systems in data centers that tackle the aforementioned challenge -- by co-designing distributed systems with the data center network. Specifically, my work has taken advantage of new-generation programmable switches in data centers to build novel network-level primitives with near-zero processing overhead. We then leverage these primitives to enable more efficient protocol and system designs. I will describe several systems we built that demonstrate the benefit of this approach and will end the talk with our most recent work on accelerating permissioned blockchain systems using this co-design approach.
个人简介:Liangfeng Cheng is now a Ph.D student in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) advised by Prof. Yuchong Hu. He received the B.Eng. degree in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2017. Then, he took a successive postgraduate and doctoral program in 2019. His research mainly focuses on computer architecture and cloud storage including erasure coding, in-memory key-value stores, data deduplication, etc.
报告摘要:In-memory key-value stores are often used to speed up Big Data workloads on modern HPC clusters. To maintain their high availability, erasure coding has been recently adopted as a low-cost redundancy scheme instead of replication. Existing erasure-coded update schemes, however, have either low performance or high memory overhead. In this paper, we propose a novel parity logging-based architecture, HybridPL, which creates a hybrid of in-place update (for data and XOR parity chunks) and log-based update (for the remaining parity chunks), so as to balance the update performance and memory cost, while maintaining efficient single-failure repairs. We realize HybridPL as an in-memory key-value store called LogECMem, and further design efficient repair schemes for multiple failures. We prototype LogECMem and conduct experiments on different workloads. We show that LogECMem achieves better update performance over existing erasure-coded update schemes with low memory overhead, while maintaining high basic I/O and repair performance.
主题:Accelerating Graph Convolutional Networks Using Crossbar-based Processing-In-Memory Architectures
个人简介:Yu Huang is a CS Ph.D. student at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, supervised by Prof. Xiaofei Liao and Long Zheng. His research interests focus on computer architecture and systems, especially processing-in-memory and graph processing. He received the BS degree from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2016.
报告摘要:Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) are promising to enable machine learning on graphs. GCNs exhibit mixed computational kernels, involving regular neural-network-like computing and irregular graph-analytics-like processing. Existing GCN accelerators follow a divide-and-conquer philosophy to architect two separate types of hardware to accelerate these two types of GCN kernels, respectively. This hybrid architecture improves intra-kernel efficiency but considers little inter-kernel interactions in a holistic view for improving overall efficiency. In this work, we present a new GCN accelerator, ReFlip, with three key innovations in terms of architecture design, algorithm mappings, and practical implementations. First, ReFlip leverages PIM-featured crossbar architectures to build a unified architecture for supporting the two types of GCN kernels simultaneously. Second, ReFlip adopts novel algorithm mappings that can maximize potential performance gains reaped from the unified architecture by exploiting the massive crossbar-structured parallelism. Third, ReFlip assembles software/hardware co-optimizations to process real-world graphs efficiently. Results show that ReFlip can significantly outperform the state-of-the-art CPU, GPU, and accelerator solutions in terms of both performance and energy efficiency.
个人简介:Yang Zhong is a Ph.D student in the School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. His research interests are data management and data science with a focus on developing novel algorithm for set/string similarity search. He develops adaptive algorithms for top-k set similarity joins and efficient algorithms for string similarity search under edit distance. He received his Master degree in Nanyang Technological University.
报告摘要:Set/String similarity search is one of the essential operating in data processing, it has a broad range of applications including data cleaning, near-duplicate object detection and data integration. The top-k set similarity join is a variant of the threshold-based set similarity join to avoid the problem of setting an appropriate threshold before-hand. The state-of-the-art solution for top-k set similarity join disregards the effect of the so-called step size, which is the number of elements accessed in each iteration of the algorithm. We propose an adaptive step size algorithm that is capable of automatically adjusting the step size, thus taking advantage of the benefits of large step sizes as well as reducing redundant computations. We also study the threshold string similarity search problem under edit distance. Previous proposals for the problem suffer from huge space consumption issue when achieving only an acceptable efficiency, especially for long strings. To eliminate the issue, we propose a simple and small index, called minIL. We first adopt a minhash family to capture pivot characters and to construct sketch representations for strings, and then develop a succinct multi-level inverted index to search the sketches with low space cost and high efficiency.