
【直播】2022材料科学与工程国际会议(CoMSE 2022)

KouShare 蔻享学术 2022-07-02



2022材料科学与工程国际会议(CoMSE 2022)


2022年3月20日 13:00






CoMSE 2022将围绕“材料科学与工程”的最新研究领域而展开,为研究人员,工程师和学者,以及行业专业人士提供一个平台并介绍他们的最新的研究成果以及今后开发的活动,为参会人员们交流新的思想和应用经验建立业务或研究关系。本次会议将于2022年3月19-21日在中国上海召开,在会议期间您将有机会聆听到前沿的学术报告,见证该领域的成果与进步。


(详细日程请查看直播间)3月19日   注册+接待  3月20日   开幕式+KN演讲+分会场报告  3月21日   分会场报告+实验室参观


  • 先进材料

  • 生物材料

  • 生物医学制造

  • 陶瓷和玻璃

  • 化学与物质的基本性质

  • 涂料、腐蚀与表面工程

  • 复合材料、纳米复合材料、聚合物复合材料

  • 计算机辅助设计、制造和工程

  • 计算材料

  • 电子材料

  • 能源材料-合成与应用

  • 环境可持续制造工艺

  • 绿色可再生材料

  • 功能材料

  • 激光制造

  • 机械加工

  • 磁性材料

  • 制造工艺规划与调度

  • 材料合成、制造、制造和加工


Dr. Matthias Bönisch

Department of Materials Engineering

Speech Title: Tailoring diffusive pathways and thermal expansion in Ti-alloys

Abstract: Ti-alloys are vital materials in aerospace and biomedical engineering. Central for the optimization of their mechanical and functional behavior is in-depth knowledge on the complex interplay between diffusive and displacive phase transformations. Recently, two intriguing discoveries in relation to orthorhombic α″ phases in β-stabilized Ti-alloys were made: (i) the diffusion-controlled formation of α″iso, α″lean and α″rich phases and ii) the giant and highly anisotropic thermal expansion of martensitic α″. Insight into both phenomena is limited, however key for the tailoring of (micro)structures across a wide spectrum of configurations. To address this challenge, I will demonstrate that the thermodynamic energy landscape reveals formation pathways for the diffusional forms of α″ and may lead to a stable β-phase miscibility gap in the binary Ti-Nb alloys. In this way, temperature-composition criteria for the occurrence of α″iso and resolve reaction sequences during thermal cycling are derived. Further, I will revisit the giant (linear) thermal expansion in Ti-Nb alloys and will discuss processing routes to obtain tailored linear thermal expansion in Ti-alloys. The presented concepts are expected to be transferable to other Ti-alloys and to catalyze new avenues for their tailoring and technological exploitation.

Biography: Prof. Matthias Bönisch received his Master-level degree in Physics (Functional and Nanostructured Materials) with distinction from University of Vienna (Austria) back in 2011 and his doctorate (Physical Metallurgy) from TU Dresden (Germany) in 2016. After a 1-year long postdoctoral stay at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), he joined the Department of Materials Engineering at KU Leuven (Belgium) in 2018. He currently holds a senior postdoctoral fellowship of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). His research encompasses various metallic materials and employs experimental as well as numerical methods, ranging from fundamental basic to industry-driven studies. Since 2011 he was actively involved in several research fields including the design and engineering of martensitic Ti-alloys, the development of multi-scale crystal plasticity simulations for bainitic steels, the characterization of deformation mechanisms in high-entropy-alloys, informing TRIP crystal plasticity models by in-situ microstructural observations. His works were published in reputed journals including Nature Communications, Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia.

PAO TER TEO, Ph.DFACULTY OF BIOENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYUNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN (UMK), JELI CAMPUS, 17600 JELI, KELANTAN, MALAYSIASpeech Title: From ‘Waste’ to ‘Wealth’: Recycling of Food, Agricultural, and Industrial Wastes as Pore Forming Agents for Sustainable Porous Ceramic Production

Abstract: Utilizing various wastes in ceramic production has been growing worldwide. This work provides an extensive literature review on the utilization of food, agricultural, and industrial wastes as pore-forming agents (PFAs) in sustainable porous ceramic production. The literature conducted since 2010 indicates that waste-based porous ceramics has versatile properties with excellent performances. Determination of waste material and clay properties as well as processing conditions such as material composition, sintering temperature, and compaction pressure, which influence pore formation in ceramics, has been comprehensively provided. These factors significantly influence the properties of the resulting porous ceramics, including physical, mechanical, and toxicity properties. Recycling food, agricultural, and industrial wastes for increased energy saving and green ceramic production can be realized as an economical and practical approach to sustainable waste management, which align well with achieving sustainability in a circular economy and the UNESCO’s Sustainability Development Goals (SDG). Achieving zero food, agricultural, and industrial wastes can eliminate environmental burdens and pave the way for closed-loop production. In overall, the waste-based porous ceramics can pave the way for sustainable environments, expanding the economic sector, particularly alternative building materials.

Biography: Pao Ter Teo received his Bachelor of Engineering (Materials Engineering) with 1st Class Honours and Doctor of Philosophy (Materials Engineering – Metals) from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) back in 2012 and 2017, respectively. Prior to pursuing Ph.D degree, he worked as a Research Engineer at Southern Steel Berhad, Penang Malaysia from year 2012 to 2013. After completed the Ph.D study, he joined Materials Technology Program, Faculty of Bioengineering and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) on December 2017 as Lecturer and subsequently was promoted to Senior Lecturer on May 2019. Since 2013, he has been actively involved in materials recycling technology related research field, encompassing re-processing, utilization and recycling of food, agricultural, municipal and industrial wastes as secondary greener and sustainable raw materials for development of new material products. Along with the academic and industry career path, he has secured several research grants as both Project Leader and Project Member such as Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, UMK Prototype Grant and UMK Short-term Research Grant (SGJP). His extensive research outputs have been successfully published in prestigious Web of Science (WoS) and high impact factor journals such as Waste Management (Elsevier; Q1; IF: 7.145), Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier; Q1; IF: 9.297), Metals (MDPI), Crystals (MDPI) and Journal of Ceramic Processing Research (International Organization for Ceramic Processing).




1.2022 CNCIC环球生物降解材料直播论坛-降解材料应用专场


3. “磁海甬动” 磁性材料应用技术成果发布系列活动 第十一场

4. 诺奖得主Wilczek科普专栏

5. 天文王善钦专栏







