Global Spin Alignment in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions: A Progress Review
Aihong Tang (唐爱洪) 研究员,美国Brookhaven National Laboratory
Dr. Aihong Tang received his Ph. D in 2002 from Kent State University, since then he has worked at Brookhaven National Laboratory as a post-doc, assistant and associate scientist, and now, tenured scientist. Dr. Tang's main research interest is the study of the bulk property of the Quark Gluon Plasma created in relativistic heavy ion collisions. That includes a wide range of topics like anisotropic flow and fluctuations, global polarization and spin alignment, chiral magnetic effect, heavy flavor physics and antimatter/exotic search. He is recognized as one of the pioneers in studying correlation and fluctuations. Dr. Tang has been a driving force behind many important STAR publications, and his work has accumulated ~2000 citations for those publications alone that Dr. Tang is a principle author.
In relativistic heavy ion collisions, quarks can possess global spin polarization in a globally vortical system. Such process is initially induced by the spin-orbital coupling, and the evolution of polarized quarks and the subsequent formation of hadrons involves various interesting physics mechanisms. This phenomenon can be studied either by global spin polarization of hyperons or global spin alignment of vector mesons. Recently the STAR collaboration released interesting results of global spin alignment for phi- and K*-mesons. It is found that the large value of phi-meson global spin alignment cannot be explained by conventional mechanisms, but can be accommodated by a model invoking the strong force field. This is the first time that the strong force field is experimentally supported as a key mechanism that leads to global spin alignment. In this talk we will review the recent progress in the understanding of global spin alignment, and in particular we will discuss STAR's result and its implications.