

胡怡 盛国平 蔻享学术 2022-11-18

图文摘要 | Graphical abstract

导读 | Introduction


Ciprofloxacin (CIP) is one of the most broadly used fluoroquinolones antibiotics, which widely used for the treatment of bacterial infections in human diseases, and incorporated into the World Health Organization (WHO) model list of essential medicines for a basic health-care system. Owing to the partial metabolism in human beings and wastewater treatment systems, CIP is widely detected in various aquatic matrices, soils or sediments. The extensive distribution of CIP in environments may induce the occurrence of antibiotic resistance, or directly result in negative impacts on terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Furthermore, CIP can be taken up and then accumulated in different crop plants, which is certain to be an intricate process and may be affected by plenty of factors, such as plant species and genotypes, and own physicochemical properties of CIP. Therefore, considering the pH-dependent speciation of CIP with zwitterionic groups of a piperazine moiety and a carboxyl group, we selected rice (Oryza sativa L.) as the model plant to investigate the effects of CIP chemical speciation on its phytotoxicity and uptake by plants.


Adsorption behavior of CIP on rice roots


The adsorption kinetics and isotherms of CIP with different chemical speciation onto rice roots were all well depicted by the pseudo-first order model and Langmuir adsorption model (Fig. 1). Moreover, the adsorption kinetic constant and adsorption capacity both decreased with the change of CIP chemical speciation from cation to zwitterion to anion. The findings indicate that chemical speciation of CIP could affect its adsorption on rice roots, and cationic CIP tended to be adsorbed by negatively charged plant roots. 

图1 植物根系对环丙沙星的吸附(pH 5.5:正离子;pH 7.5:两性离子;pH 8.5:负离子)

Fig. 1 Adsorption of CIP by rice roots (pH 5.5: cation; pH 7.5: zwitterion; pH 8.5: anion)


Uptake and metabolism of CIP by rice plants


The CIP dissipation percentages from solutions and concentrations in rice tissues decreased with CIP speciation changing from cation to anion (Fig.2). CIP majorly presented as cation due to the pH of apoplast ranging from 4 to 6, which led to be trapped in apoplast of roots and hardly transferred to the aboveground tissues owing to the ion exchange interaction with negatively charged plant cell walls. Besides, a total of 6 intermediates were detected in rice plants, and two possible transformation pathways were proposed, including hydroxyl/fluorine substitution and piperazine ring cleavage and further transformation. 

图2 环丙沙星在溶液中的消散和在植物组织中的迁移积累

Fig. 2 CIP dissipation from solutions and accumulation in plant tissues


Phytotoxicity of CIP on rice plants


The inhibitory effects of CIP on biomass growth and pigments contents gradually aggravated with the increase in CIP dosages and the changes of CIP speciation from cation to zwitterion to anion (Fig. 3). All these negative effects may occur due to the destruction of photosynthetic electron transport by CIP and the following oxidative damage caused by the formed reactive oxygen species.

图3 环丙沙星对水稻生物量和光合色素含量的影响

Fig. 3 Biomass and photosynthetic pigments contents of rice plants under different treatments

总结 | Conclusions


The chemical speciation of ciprofloxacin, a zwitterionic antibiotic, could affect its phytotoxicity and uptake by plants. High solution pH-driven changes of CIP chemical speciation aggravated plant growth inhibition and decreased photosynthetic pigments contents. Besides, the adsorption and uptake of CIP by rice roots and plants decreased with CIP changing from cation to zwitterion to anion. Therefore, considering the changed uptake and toxicity behaviors of CIP in different chemical species, more comprehensive investigations for pollutant-plant interactions should be conducted in the future.

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本文内容来自ELSEVIER旗舰期刊Sci Total Environ第711卷发表的论文:

Yi Hu, Nuzahat Habibul, Yan-Yun Hu, Fan-Li Meng, Guo-Ping Sheng, 2021. Chemical speciation of ciprofloxacin in aqueous solution regulates its phytotoxicity and uptake by rice (Oryza sativa L.). Sci Total Environ 771, 144787.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144787

第一作者:胡怡 博士

中国科学技术大学 环境科学与工程系

在中国科学技术大学获得博士学位,现为中国科学技术大学环境科学与工程系博士后研究员。主要研究方向为环境污染的植物修复及其强化技术。以第一作者或共同作者在Science of the Total Environment、Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research等国际期刊发表论文5篇。

通讯作者:盛国平 教授

中国科学技术大学 环境科学与工程系

中国科学技术大学教授、博士生导师,教育部青年长江学者、基金委杰出青年基金获得者;获全国优秀博士论文奖,获2014年国家自然科学二等奖,获2015年安徽省科技进步一等奖等奖项;目前担任Environment International副主编,Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances共同主编;主要研究方向为废水处理及回用、污染控制材料、环境污染分析等。



责任编辑:李菊英  史薇


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