循环经济知识港 Vol. 1: What is the Circular Economy?
循环经济主题日论坛今年10月在上海杨浦滨江举行 (图源: 图凌)
Following the successful completion of "Circular Economy Day Forum" on Oct. 16, we are pleased to announce the launch of "EU-China Circular Design Challenge" and its website. Co-organised by Ellen MacArthur Foundation, China Association of Circular Economy, along with other supporting organisations, this competition aims to bring together corporate leaders, design talents and industry experts to come up with solutions for a more sustainable economy.
大赛网址: http://impacthubshanghai.net/circulardesign/
通过| 与国内外卖、快递行业内的大型企业、国内外顶尖高校的合作,打造出产学研一体的挑战赛,让重“塑”未来不只是一句口号,更成为打开绿色、可持续未来的钥匙。大赛流程涉及以下环节:
2019年10月16日 | 16 Oct, 2019
大赛启动 Challenge Launch
2019年11月13日-12月31日 | 13 Nov to 31 Dec, 2019
区域海选:学以致用 Learn & Gear Up
Exploring latest trends and circular economy thinking with a focus on plastic, the webinar sessions provide a wealth of learning opportunities.
Session 1
What is the circular economy?
Session 2
The circular economy in detail
Session 3
Circular Design
Session 4
AI and circular economy
Session 5
New Plastic Economy
Session 6
What can I do within my business?
2020年二月中旬 | Mid Feb, 2020
半决赛:小试牛刀(上海) Develop & Ideate (Shanghai)
60 名优秀学员参与为期两天的黑客马拉松,学生自行组队,选择挑战赛议题,并在企业合作伙伴现场指导下,提交解决方案。解决方案需要有符合循环设计原则,并具有创新性,商业价值,美学价值等。选拔6-7组队伍入围总决赛。
60 selected participants will join in a 2-day Hackathon and start to choose your own path (food delivery/e-commerce/single-use food and beverage packaging), and define your path as a circular economy practitioner. By utilising evolving knowledge, and with the support from our business mentors, participants will be able to ideate and shape their own circular solutions.
2020年三月底 | End March, 2020
总决赛:重“塑”未来(上海) Prototype & Implement (Shanghai)
Participants selected from the Hackathon would join a summer camp-like design sprint. Outstanding winners would be awarded an immersive workshop in London.
2020年6月 | June, 2020
伦敦游学 Finals & Award (London)
Delegates will be brought together for a circular design learning experience aimed at making circular economy a reality. A series of exploratory hands-on workshops around material research, circular solutions and design strategies would be offered by EMF and British Council together.
背景1:工业革命 | Backdrop 1: Walter Stahel - The Industrial Revolution
WHERE WE HAVE COME FROM. A transformation in our ability to make things changed society. We’ve been at a turning point before. In 1684 Thomas Savery invented the steam engine and it changed everything. This invention kick-started the industrial revolution, which transformed our ability to make things. Raw materials and energy were seemingly infinite, and labour was readily available. For the first time in history, goods were mass produced.
背景2:现状 | Backdrop 2: Martin Stuchtey - How Things Look Today
现状| 我们将资源转化成了大量丰富的产品。自从工业革命伊始,科技持续飞速发展。科技创新意味着人人都可以担负的起来自世界各地的物美价廉的商品,同时人们的生活质量也到达了一个前所未有的高度。
HOW IT LOOKS LIKE TODAY. We turn resources into an extraordinary number of products. Since the industrial revolution, the rapid pace of technological progress has continued. The resulting innovations mean that many now have access to products from all over the world at affordable prices. These products have brought many of us levels of material comfort unimaginable to previous generations.
背景3:人类每天都在产生巨大数量的塑料垃圾。我们生产制造的方式已经受到各种制约 | Backdrop 3: Great amount of plastic waste is created everyday. Our way of doing things is reaching its limits
OUR WAY OF DOING THINGS IS REACHING ITS LIMITS. Given projected growth in consumption, in a business-as-usual scenario, oceans are expected to contain more plastics than fish by 2050.
每一秒钟,一箱卡车的废旧衣服都被填满或者焚烧 | Every second, the equivalent of one garbage truck of textiles is landfilled or burned
我们正在摧毁赖以生存的家园| 现在的经济系统已经不能再实现商业,人类以及环境的和谐。我们从自然界中开采原材料,制造产品,使用一段时间。当我们不在需要这些产品的时候,就弃之而去。“获取—制造—废弃”——这是我们当下所处在的线性经济模式。
WE ARE DISRUPTING THE SYSTEM. The current system is no longer working for businesses, people or the environment. We take resources from the ground to make products, which we use, and, when we no longer want them, throw them away. Take-make-waste. We call this a linear economy.
The Circular Economy Concept And Its Three Basic Principles
循环经济的概念 | The concept of circular economy
新系统的三个基本原则,也是三大基石 | The foundations of a new system
THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY'S THREE BASIC PRINCIPLES. They are: design out waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use, and regenerate natural systems.
Benefits of the Circular Economy
循环经济转型带来了各种形式、不同方面的收益 | Shifting towards the circular economy brings various benefits.
THE BENEFITS OF A NEW SYSTEM ARE HUGE. In addition to the above, there will be CNY70 trillion savings for Chinese businesses and households by 2040.
循环经济 | The circular economy
11月20日周三| 网络课程2:深入解读循环经济。在第一期网课的基础上,我们将在这一期中深入的了解循环经济发展的历史,以及对商业,社会和环境的益处。
Session 2: The circular economy in detail (Nov. 20, Wed). Dive into the details of the concept of the circular economy to understand its history, its nuances and the benefits it offers to business, society, and the environment.
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