
循环经济知识港 Vol.2-2: The Circular Economy in Detail

EMF, IHSH ImpactHubShanghai 2022-06-08

在第二期线上课程的第二部分| 你将继续了解循环经济三个原则的具体细节以及循环经济的实践案例。

In Part II of this second online course, you will learn the details of the three basic principles of the circular economy, and its best practices.



Details Of The Circular Economy's Three Basic Principles 

  • 重新定义“拥有” | Meet the people rethinking ownership

原则一: 延长材料和商品的使用| 如果我们可以将经济发展建立在资源有效利用,而不是资源耗竭的基础上,这会带来怎样的不同结果?循环经济能够保证更多的能源、劳动力和原料在经济过程中不断循环往复利用。以此创造更多价值。这就意味着,在循环经济中,产品、部件和材料的利用率、持久度更高,再制造与回收再利用也更频繁。

KEEP PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS IN USE. What if we could build an economy that uses things rather than uses them up? A circular economy favours activities that preserve value in the form of energy, labour and materials. This means designing for durability, reuse, remanufacturing and recycling to keep products, components and materials circulating in the economy. Circular systems make effective use of bio-based materials by encouraging many different uses for them as they cycle between the economy and natural systems.

  • 从头思考消灭废弃物和浪费 | Meet the people designing out waste

原则二: 从设计之初避免浪费和污染| 如果废弃物和污染从最开始就不会产生,这会带来怎样不同的结果?经济活动可能会对人体健康和自然系统造成破坏,通常是因为温室气体和有毒物质排放,大气、土地和水源污染,以及类似交通堵塞的结构性问题。循环经济不仅认识到了上述问题,还强调在设计之初就着重解决这些问题。

DESIGN OUT WASTE AND POLLUTION. What if waste and pollution were never created in the first place? A circular economy reveals and designs out the negative impacts of economic activity that cause damage to human health and natural systems. This includes the release of greenhouse gases and hazardous substances, the pollution of air, land and water, as well as structural waste such as traffic congestion.

  • 找到废弃物的价值 | Meet the people balancing waste and business

原则三: 修复自然系统| 如果我们可以做到的不仅仅是保护生态环境,而是积极地修复提高环境质量,这会带来怎样不同的结果?循环经济倾向于使用可再生资源,并重视对可再生能源的保护与开发。比如:给土地提供营养,增加土壤再生能力,或者放弃化石燃料,使用可再生能源。

REGENERATE NATURAL SYSTEMS. What if we could not only protect, but actively improve the environment? A circular economy avoids the use of non-renewable resources and preserves or enhances renewable ones, for instance by returning valuable nutrients to the soil to support regeneration, or using renewable energy as opposed to relying on fossil fuels.



Best Practices of Circular Economy

案例一 | Case Study No. 1

挑战| 一次性使用的包装,通常包括发泡聚苯乙烯的保护包装,是每年排向海洋800万吨塑料垃圾的罪魁之一。

Issue: Single-use packaging, which includes expanded polystyrene (EPS) protective packaging, forms a significant portion of the eight million tonnes of plastic that enter our oceans every year.

  • 案例一:Ecovative Design: 遇见新“塑料” | Ecovative Design: the new polystyrene (https://ecovativedesign.com)

Ecovative Design| 生产可以完全降解的塑料包装制品,用来代替合成塑料。用蘑菇的根——菌丝和其他经济价值较低的农业副产品混合,菌丝以类似胶水的功能,使整个包装制品可以被制作成任何形状。这样的包装最终可以在家里被降解。

Ecovative Design is a company making fully compostable packaging products that are alternatives to synthetic materials. These packaging uses mycelium - "root structure of mushrooms" - to join together and combine with agricultural by-products with low economic value, acting thereby as a glue, and taking any shape needed. At the end of its use, the packaging can be composted at home.

  • 案例一:Evocative 的新材料 “MycoComposite" | Evocative's packaging material "MycoComposite"

循环解决方案| 生产过程中使用的原材料是农业给料中不能被利用或者喂养的部分,因为它的商业价值不高。他们在被清洗之后,会接种蘑菇疫苗。

Circular solution: Evocative uses agricultural feedstock as raw materials - parts of plants that cannot be used for food or feed, with low economic value. These are cleaned and inoculated with mushroom tissue. 

  • 案例一:新材料的生产制作过程 | The production process of Evocative's mushroom materials

菌菇材料| 通过消化农业作物,菌菇会在5-7天内成型。在使用完之后,这些材料可以安全的在家里降解。
The mycelium grows in 5-7 days by digesting the agricultural by-product and binding into the shape needed. At the end of use, the packaging can be safely composted at home.

  • 案例一:新材料的使用起来塑料别无二样 | The entirely new material performs a lot like plastic

客户收益| Ecovative 为发泡聚苯乙烯提出可一个替代方案。这种可以在家里被降解的解决方案提供了与以往塑料一样的保护性能,但是在成本上更有竞争性。

What they offer customers: Ecovative offer an alternative to expanded polystyrene packaging. Their home compostable solution offers the same protective capabilities as EPS and is able to compete on cost.

案例二 | Case Study No. 2

挑战| Wissington 是一家甜菜制糖厂,于1925年成立,同时也是英国制糖公司的一份子。通过从英格兰东部生产的甜菜中制取糖分,这家制糖厂提供42万吨的年产量,且产品丰富多样。为了保证这样大量的年产量,需要350万吨的原材料,然而许多原材料最终都被填埋处理。

Issue: Wissington is a beet sugar plant established in 1925, as part of British Sugar. The plant supplies 420,000 tonnes of sugar a year in various formats, extracting it from the sugar beet grown around the East of England. To produce all of that sugar requires 3.5 million tonnes of raw material much of which could be destined for landfill.

  • 案例二:英国制糖厂: 来自垃圾的“甜”头 | British Sugar : The sweet taste of resource from waste (https://www.britishsugar.co.uk/about-sugar/our-factories)

循环解决方案| Wissington 的制糖厂一直不断致力于从运营中产生的废弃物中创造更多的价值。这使得制糖厂不仅仅制糖,同时生产12种其他可售产品。产品线包括化学制品、人类及动物的加工食品。譬如,在操作过程中被移除的土壤和石块并没有弃之不用,而是每年以15万吨的产量出售。
Circular solution: The team at Wissington have continually evaluated their operation to create value from previously wasted energy and materials. The result is a factory that doesn't just produce sugar, but 12 different saleable products, from valuable chemicals to food for animals and humans. For example, The soil and stone removed during processing isn't seen as waste, but is instead sold at a volume of 150,000 tonnes a year. 

  • 案例二:英国制糖厂致力于搭建一个多元化的商业体系 | British Sugar has been working towards a diverse business

Wissington| 同时也是英国第一个生物酒精燃料的家乡。英国制糖厂为此对产品的供给也做了相应的战略调整,用提取出来的甜菜糖浆生产6.4万吨/年的可再生燃料。
Wissington is also home to the UK's first bioethanol fuel plant, where British Sugar - reacting to the supply and demand of their core product - use some of the extracted beet sugar syrup to produce around 64,000 tonnes of renewable fuel each year.

  • 案例二:践行“从源头消灭垃圾与废弃物”的原则 | A great practice of "Design out waste"

现今| 已经有许多的创业公司,通过新进的技术来加速循环经济的发展。然而,有些最好的技术,不是因为它“新”,而是因为基于流程的优化,以及对于能源和资源流的精准把握。持续精进、合作以及系统性思维是核心。在位于英国 Norfolk 的英国制糖厂,是个最好的例子。

Currently, plenty of hot startups with new technology can accelerate the transition to a circular economy. Yet, some of the best examples don't rely on new tech, but instead on the gradual evolution of processes and a precise understanding of energy and resource flows. Continual improvement, collaboration and systems thinking is the name of the game. British Sugar’s factory in Norfolk exemplifies this.

案例三 | Case Study No. 3

挑战| 在全球范围内,每年我们丢弃1500万公斤的耳机。有时仅仅是因为一个非常小的零部件故障,或者是技术的革新,我们只能选择丢弃整个耳机。我们如何能重新挖掘出那些被丢弃损失掉的价值呢?

Issue: Globally, 15 million kilograms of headphones are thrown away every year either due to simple mechanical faults or technological advances. How can we capture the value that is being lost?

  • 案例三:爵禄街耳机:提供无限“循环”的音乐体验 | Gerrard Street: A “circular” music experience ( https://gerrardstreet.nl/)

爵禄街耳机| 是一家在荷兰起家的创业公司,他们的创业产品体现了循环经济的两大原则。产品的模块化设计,无胶水粘结,所以其耳机方便拆卸、修复、以及更新硬件。所用的标准化零部件都经久耐用,这样耳机85%的零部件可以循环往复利用。在商业模式上,与传统的零售方式不同,该公司向客户提供耳机的租赁服务。
Gerrard Street headphones is a startup based in the Netherlands who have embraced two key building blocks of the circular economy. The design of their products is modular and no glue is used so they are easy to disassemble, repair or add new hardware. The components are durable and standardised, so that up to 85% of can be looped into new models. The headphones are offered to customers as a subscription rather than a transactional purchase.

  • 案例三:模块化生产,易于拆卸、维修、升级、更新,是爵禄街耳机的卖点 | Gerrard Street headphones are modular and easily disassemblable to facilitate easy repair, refurbishment or upgrade

循环经济解决方案| 精美的设计,高品质音质,模块化生产,易于拆卸、维修、升级、更新,是爵禄街耳机的卖点。新的租赁模式也保证任何损坏的、有故障的耳机,其85%的零部件都可以重新的循环利用。

Circular solution: Gerrard Street has designed beautiful, high sound quality headphones that are modular and easily disassemblable to facilitate easy repair, refurbishment or upgrade. The use of a subscription business model allows them to recover headphones at the end of their use and 85% of components are ultimately reused.

  • 案例三:爵禄街耳机价格相对低廉 | Gerrard Street headphones offer customers a relatively cheap price

客户体验| 以相较低廉的价格,爵禄街耳机为其用户提供了高质量的产品(耳机)和贴心的服务(耳机租赁)。包括在每月租赁费之内,如果产品受损或者是新版耳机上市,客户可以轻松的退回原耳机,并且获得一个崭新的产品。

What they offer customers: affordable, high quality products as well as personalised service and support are available at Gerrard Street. Its monthly subscription fee comes with a guarantee that if the product is damaged or if an upgrade is available, customers get to return their old headphones and is sent a brand-new replacement.



11月27日周三| 网络课程3:循环设计。下周, 我们将探讨设计在循环经济里所扮演的重要角色。学习了解循环设计的四个原则,六大战略来设计更好的产品与服务。

Session 3:Circular Design (Nov. 27, Wed). Examine the role of design in creating a circular economy, the four-stage circular design process and six strategies for designing circular products and services.




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点击, 了解更多

循环经济知识港 Vol.1: What is the Circular Economy?

中欧循环设计挑战赛正式启动报名!Enter the EU-China Circular Design Challenge!

