

IHSH ImpactHubShanghai 2022-06-12

第三届 CSRtech 创新展现场

3rd CSRtech Innovation Demoday

12月3日| 法国电信 Orange、小米集团、阿里云创新中心(张江、临港)基地及阿里云创新中心-宝马初创车库(上海金桥)联合创新基地携手 Impact Hub Shanghai、中关村创业大街等机构共同举办 “第三届社会责任科技创新展”。本次创新展是新冠疫情后的首届 CSRtech 创新展,新冠疫情带来的全球危机让 “绿色复苏”、“可持续发展”成为当下最热门的话题。根据世界自然基金会的报告,以目前人类消耗资源的速度,到2050年人类需要三个地球,行动刻不容缓。在这样的背景下,作为其中重要的利益相关方,大企业和机构更有义务践行企业社会责任,推动商业活动及资本与 CSR 的结合,使发展与可持续并行。因此,本次 CSRtech 创新展邀请到国内外龙头企业、投融资机构、NGO、社会创新机构等共同探讨后疫情时代的企业社会责任,寻找应对可持续发展的创新方案及新的价值创造模式,用创新和科技改变现状、守护未来。

On December 3rd, Orange, Xiaomi Corporation, Alibaba Cloud Innovation Center (Zhangjiang, Lingang) and Alibaba Cloud Innovation Center - BMW Startup Garage (Shanghai Jinqiao) along with Impact Hub Shanghai, Beijing Innoway and other institutions jointly organized "3rd CSRtech Innovation Demoday". The Demoday is the first CSRtech event after the outbreak of COVID-19, which brings a global crisis underlining the significance of green recovery and sustainable development. According to the WWF report, at the current rate of consumption of resources, human beings will need three planets by 2050. This urgent situation demands immediate action. As important stakeholders, large companies and institutions have social responsibility to promote CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) to further sustainable development of the world. Therefore, this Demoday invited leading domestic and foreign companies, investment and financing institutions, NGOs, and social innovation institutions to discuss CSR in the post-COVID era, while seeks innovative solutions and new value-created business models, believing that innovation and technology will change the current, and impact the future.

上海现场 Shanghai Venue

北京现场 Beijing Venue

出席嘉宾| 本次 CSRtech 创新展在上海、北京两地同时举行,两个会场的嘉宾和企业通过线上会议实时交流互动,来自联合国全球契约组织、法国电信 Orange、小米集团、阿里云创新中心-宝马初创车库、宝马集团、亚洲开发银行 ADB Ventures、德国电信 Deutsche Telekom、法国电力 EDF、ENGIE、圣戈班、将门、巴黎大区投资促进局、GSMA、新电投资、法国商务投资署 Business France、中国电子工业标准化技术协会、信息无障碍研究会、Impact Hub Shanghai、YGT 青年环保创业计划、Plug and Play、企商在线等机构的嘉宾,围绕“企业社会责任助力可持续发展”、“科技在社会责任中的变革作用”以及“ICT 行业企业社会责任最佳实践”等展开讨论。

With Shanghai and Beijing dual venues seamlessly connected via online conference, guests from United Nations Global Compact, Orange, Xiaomi Corporation, Alibaba Cloud Innovation Center - BMW Startup Garage, BMW Group, ADB Ventures, Deutsche Telekom, EDF, ENGIE, Saint-Gobain, JVentures, Choose Paris Region, GSMA, Singtel Innov8, Business France, CESA-CSR, Accessibility Research Association, Impact Hub Shanghai, Young Green Tech, Plug and Play, Netnic, etc. discussed topics including "CSR for Sustainable Development", "Revolutionary Role of Technology in CSR" and " CSR Best Practices in ICT Industry".


Roundtable: Revolutionary Role of Technology in CSR

圆桌讨论:ICT 行业企业社会责任最佳实践

Roundtable: CSR Best Practice in ICT Industry

初创企业| CSRtech 创新展当日,12家优秀初创企业亮相现场,围绕社会劳动、健康与安全、环境管理、可持续消费、碳中和、数字平等包容、商业道德、能力建设八大主题提供创新解决方案。它们是:唯链、碳阻迹、Safeware、一撕得、大地量子、碳中宝、Pirika、纵行科技、灵犀 AR、P.E.T.、Omniflow 和 SGC。其中既有深耕国内可持续发展的本土企业,也有国际背景的创业团队,还有来自 Orange Fab 全球加速器的法国、葡萄牙、日本、韩国团队。他们的解决方案涵盖用数字化管理平台帮助企业监控碳排放及碳中和、采用卫星遥感图像和人工智能算法进行生态监测和环境管理、以增强现实 AR 技术关爱协助障碍群体和特殊职业、回收再生材料制造日用品来倡导可持续消费等等。

12 outstanding startups present their projects, providing innovative solutions around eight themes – social labor, health and safety, environmental management, sustainable consumption, carbon neutrality, digital equality, business ethics, and capacity building. They are VeChain, Carbonstop, Safeware, Easite, TerraQuanta, Carbonbase, Pirika, ZiFiSense, Lingxi AR, P.E.T., Omniflow, and SGC, including local startups deeply engaged in sustainable development in China, entrepreneur teams with international backgrounds, and startups from France, Portugal, Japan, Korea recommended by Orange Fab. Examples of their innovation are digital platform to help companies monitor carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality, AI platform to analyze satellite images for ecological monitoring and environmental management, AR devices providing cares and assistance to the disabled and special occupations, daily necessities made from recycled and transformed material in favor of sustainable consumption, etc. 


Startups Pitching

法国电信 Orange| 作为本次 CSRtech 创新展的主办方之一,法国电信Orange 承诺在2040年前实现碳中和,并从提高能源的使用效率、转向可再生能源的使用、推进循环经济、推动消费者的环保行动和推动供应链的环保行为这五大方向努力。同时,创新也是 Orange 重点关注的方向,希望通过创新实践更多社会责任,本次 CSRtech 创新展就有4家初创企业来自 Orange Fab 全球加速器。

As one of the organizers, Orange has committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2040, through improving energy efficiency, shifting to renewable energy, promoting circular economy, promoting consumer actions and promoting eco-friendly actions in its supply chain. Meantime, Orange has a strategic focus on innovation, and hopes to create impact through innovation across its entire supply chain. Four startups from Orange global accelerator Orange Fab present their projects on the Demoday.

法国电信 Orange 集团采购与供应链资深副总汪晖博士致辞

Speech by Dr. Alex Wang, VP Global Procurement and Supply Chain of Orange

小米集团| 企业社会责任也一直是小米集团发展的重要基因之一。从成立之初,小米始终坚持做“感动人心、价格厚道”的产品,让全球每个人都能享受到创新科技带来的美好生活。2013年,小米开启了信息无障碍建设,无障碍也成为小米手机出厂标准。目前,小米电视和一系列小米 APP 中都采用和优化了相关功能。从2018年开始,小米开始为残障人士及视障人士提供工作机会,并始终坚持同工同酬。2019年,小米成为全球首个操作系统级接入地震预警的手机+消费者 AIoT 平台。当周边发生强震时,小米手机或者小米电视将会收到预警提示,并发出警报声,告知震中、预估烈度等信息,同时提供避险建议,帮助消费者及时判断是否需要采取避险措施。今年,小米更是第一时间为湖北疫情伸出了援手,为30多家医院提供关键医药物资。除此之外,小米也积极投入到全球抗疫工作当中,为全球30多个国家提供了口罩、防护衣、呼吸机等物资援助。未来,小米将与更多的合作伙伴共同推动可持续发展,将“不可能”变为“可能”。 

CSR is engraved in the DNA of Xiaomi Corporation. Since its establishment, Xiaomi has been continuously building amazing products with honest prices to let everyone in the world enjoy a better life through innovative technology. Back in 2013, Xiaomi started embedding accessibility features into its products and turning it into a standard procedure. Currently Xiaomi Mi TV and numerous Xiaomi apps are also implementing and optimizing these features. Xiaomi also opened numerous artificial intelligence job opportunities since 2018 to people with disabilities, including visually impared or physically disabled, and insists on equal pay for equal work. In September 2019, Xiaomi announced the world’s first integration of early earthquake warning system functions in MIUI, Xiaomi’s smartphone operating system. These functions allow alerts to be sent to smartphones and Mi TVs seconds before the earthquake waves arrive. This year, Xiaomi was among the first internet companies to react to the pandemic in Hubei province, donating and delivering critical medical supplies to more than 30 hospitals in the area. Besides combatting the pandemic in China, Xiaomi actively fought to help address the global emergency and made large donations of medical supplies, including masks, protective suits and ventilators, to more than 30 countries around the world. Moving forward, Xiaomi will continue to work with its partners to promote sustainable development and strive towards achieving the impossible. 


Speech by Chew Shou Zi, President of International Business, Xiaomi Corporation

阿里云创新中心| 阿里云创新中心(张江、临港)基地,作为阿里巴巴集团旗下的高科技“创新创业”孵化平台,及阿里云创新中心-宝马初创车库(上海金桥)联合创新基地,作为阿里云与宝马重磅打造的具有全球影响力且以“互联网+汽车”产业为垂直孵化领域的联合创新基地,一直以“创新创业”为核心,为在孵初创企业提供资源支持,提供全方位的赋能服务,助力企业发展与成长。

Alibaba Cloud Innovation Center (Zhangjiang, Lingang) , a high-tech innovation incubator under Alibaba Group, and Alibaba Cloud Innovation Center - BMW Startup Garage (Shanghai Jinqiao), an “Internet + Automobile” incubator co-built by Alibaba Cloud and BMW, has always been centered on innovation and incubation. They have provided resource and support to incubating startups with a wide range of services, to foster the development and growth of these companies.


Speech by Hanlin Li, Vice General Manager of Alibaba Cloud Innovation Center - BMW Startup Garage (Shanghai Jinqiao)

后续| 作为企业社会责任的践行者,法国电信 Orange、小米集团、阿里云创新中心(张江、临港)基地及阿里云创新中心-宝马初创车库(上海金桥)联合创新基地将与在场的合作伙伴继续助力12家初创企业的产业对接及应用落地,共同推动后疫情时代产业的可持续发展。

As CSR advocators, Orange, Xiaomi Corporation, Alibaba Cloud Innovation Center (Zhangjiang, Lingang) and Alibaba Cloud Innovation Center - BMW Startup Garage (Shanghai Jinqiao) will continue to support startups for business implementation with their partners, together to further the sustainable development of the industry in the post-COVID era.


3rd CSRtech Innovation Demoday Group Photos


Orange 是欧洲及非洲地区最大的电信运营商之一,也是国际领先的企业电信服务提供商。Orange 拥有超过17万名员工,致力于为全球超过2.6亿客户提供便捷的数字化生活。

Orange 坚信创新方面的开放协作将提升创造力,提高效率,并加强对社会领域的影响。Orange 集团设立的创新企业加速器项目“Orange Fab”目前已对近500家创新企业予以支持。Orange 中国开放创新中心也以服务集团开放创新战略为目标,促进Orange集团与中国开放创新生态的互动与合作。

小米目前是全球第四大智能手机品牌,同时建立起全球领先的消费级IoT物联网平台,连接约2.13亿台智能设备(不含智能手机及个人电脑)。目前小米集团已进入全球逾90个市场,并在诸多市场处于领先地位。2019年7月,小米首次打入美国《财富》杂志2019年「世界500强排行榜」 (Fortune Global 500) 位列468名,全球互联网企业中排名第七,是2019年财富世界500强中最年轻的企业。





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创业公司招募!12月3日 CSRtech 社会责任科技创新展

上海/北京双城:12月3日 CSRtech 社会责任科技创新展

